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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WA > WATCHFUL (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 1:
1. By holiness in life, guard the precious Gem of Gems. Aum Tat Sat Aum! I am thou, thou art I - parts of the Divine Self. My Warriors! Life thunders - be watchful. Danger! The soul hearkens to its warning! The world is in turmoil - strive for salvation. I invoke blessings unto you. Salvation will be yours! Life nourishes the soul. Strive for the life glorified, and for the realization of purity. Put aside all prejudices - think freely. Be not downcast but full of hope. Flee not from life, but walk the path of salvation. You and We - here together in spirit. One Temple for all - for all, One God. Manifold worlds dwell in the Abode of the Almighty, And the Holy Spirit soars throughout. The Renovation of the World will come - the prophecies will be fulfilled. People will arise and build a New Temple.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 319:
Help to you, who are rushing into the path. Help to you, who have forgotten both time and body. Help to you, who have responded. A watchful Eye is over you. Eagles soar aloft as messengers. And turtles bring their gifts for shields. Miracle, miracle, miracle is wrought. And warriors will hear the Call.

Hierarchy (1931) - 154:
154. In the dark the watchful voice of the watcher directs one to the Tower where the Lord holds his vigil. He who watches cannot carry out his service if he does not feel the Lord. And the world cataclysm is only the result of transgression against Hierarchy. Transgression against Hierarchy means the shattering of all causality, all lawful effects.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 190:
190. Danger is a concentration of the vibrations of tension. A great number of perils surround people, but only a few of them are noticed. When the Leader says, "live in danger," he might well say instead, "observe the dangers and thus succeed." One cannot live outside of dangers, but it is beautiful to make out of dangers a carpet of achievement. The Leader knows that he bears a mission, and dangers are only propelling forces; therefore the Leader does not even think about dangers. The very thought of peril is harmful. Thinking about dangers, we strengthen their vibrations, and thus disturb our equilibrium. Conservation of forces must not be disrupted by fear and confusion. We are watchful and careful for the best execution of the commission. But dangers cannot overburden our attention. The Teacher should, first of all, insist upon the disciple's liberation from the phantom of perils. The disciple should always remember not to expend a drop of the higher energy uselessly. Thought of danger agitates many of our centers and in disorderly fashion consumes the precious energy. Thought of danger reflects even upon the pulse; but the heart is strengthened by the desire to carry out well the mission. Thus, let us act in the most efficient manner.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 1:
Even the most advanced aircraft cannot discover Our Abode. Hermits living in nearby caves are watchful guards. Travelers sometimes speak of having met a sadhu who persistently advised them to follow a specified path and warned them of the danger of proceeding into certain other areas. The sadhu himself had never gone farther, and had been instructed not to provide directions. The sadhus know about the Forbidden Place and know how to guard the secret. Sometimes they may be highwaymen, yet even highwaymen can be trusted guards of a sacred mystery. One should not doubt the existence of an inviolable Abode.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 302:
It is evident that during periods of extraordinary tension the events of life are accelerated, and an especially keen vigilance is needed during these times. How can people acquire such vigilance? It is not the bold and daring ones but the plodding thinkers who fail to recognize the need for caution based on vigilance. They will reproach Us, unmindful of the fact that it is within everyone's power to be watchful.


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