Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 374: 374. Why has the earth been laid waste? Why has the temple been overthrown? The father's wrath will pass. The morning bird is ready to sing out the dates. The prophecy of days is being fulfilled. And filled to the brim are the chalices of the Archangels. Hallowed be the Name of the Lord! People will rise up by the spirit. The essence of the miracle is simple: Love is the miracle, Beauty is the miracle. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18: Ages ago the Teacher Mohammed had to promise to the warriors of Islam raptures in Paradise. Will I have to promise the glitter of rubies? One must proceed without expectation; otherwise, deplorable is the waste of the time of eternal evolution. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.11: 3.6.11. It may be asked how the final Gates may be reached. We know the laws and signs; we waste no time; we remember to guard the Teaching; what shall we do if we find the Gates closed? For reply let us turn again to the Mysteries of ancient Egypt, as of course these Mysteries were scientific paths of life. New Era Community (1926) - 35: It is asked why We waste so much energy over the Earth. Not for the sake of Earth, but for rectifying the path. When a criminal rips up the rails, often the engineer takes much time to repair them. If We could immediately transfer from the Earth those who have consciousness of the Cosmos, could there possibly be any restraining Our wish to do so? Our striving is to hasten this process. I feel that perhaps soon cosmic conditions will permit the beginning of these labors for communication with the far-off worlds. In this, all considerations of beauty, and of impetuousness in personal sending, are needed. It is true, above so-called beauty there is the all-embracing concept of the betterment of the Cosmos. The rainbow ray can exceed the imagination. A silvery light marks the beginning of the rainbow. The rainbow viewed under earthly conditions resembles make-up at close range. Few can have a prescience of the supermundane rainbow. New Era Community (1926) - 92: I refer to the Blessed One. When He went into the mountains, He apportioned his time to facilitate the passage. By this is attained economy of energy. In truth, this is a unique economy, admissible and justified; otherwise chasms may be formed between the worlds, and who knows with what gas they may be filled? I can advise you to conserve energy, for each useless waste smites space at far distances as if by a wire. It is important to care for the Cosmos in each blade of grass, if we are ready to become citizens of the universe. New Era Community (1926) - 204: If a material bond is hardly noticeable, the cause must be sought in the discord of consciousness. If We do not hasten with some manifestation, it means We do not wish to injure anything by prematureness. We never waste a stroke amid lack of will. We never put in a word the meaning of which is not understood. We always abstain from mad expenditure of energy, for through experience We know how precious is an arrow of energy. Have no doubts that beyond the limits of ponderable matter we are submerged in the interaction of the subtlest energies, and the expenditure of a single grain of these precious treasures must be a rational one. For centuries We have been filling Our libraries, and it would be only reasonable to guard them against fire. On certain symbols there are two spirals, and as it is possible to ascend by the one, it is equally possible to descend by the other. Let those remember who do not hesitate to say "We have already achieved." But those who suspect Our Community of inaction simply are uninformed. Agni Yoga (1929) - 55: The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance. New banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, still filled with prejudices. But often in solitude beats a heart filled with the radiance of the New World. Thus, unwaveringly, before our eyes, the world divides itself. The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength. There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror. Agni Yoga (1929) - 77: St. Germain fell ill after fulfilling his mission because of the undisciplined thought of one of his co-workers. Guard against the harm of undisciplined thought. Think only in new ways. Consider as lost that day during which you did not contemplate the New World. Set yourself problems demanding concrete solutions to life's questions. Do not waste your breath with questions of cosmogony while attempting to scale the heights of Earth. Agni Yoga (1929) - 189: Can a yogi without penalty waste his time and energy? It must be remembered that at times the dissipation of strength and time is equivalent to suicide. Similarly, reading the Indications of Truth without applying them to life is regarded by Us as ignorance. The ray of realization of the tasks of evolution will inspire recognition of the best creations. Therefore weigh carefully the true quality of what has been revealed to you. Agni Yoga (1929) - 223: 223. Claws do not frighten you; roaring does not terrify you; animals wag their tails and stand ready to serve you. Thus precisely, the path of Yoga transforms dangers into fiery blossoms. When I advise you to preserve your earthly cumulations, I mean only the armor of your spiritual strength. We condemn waste. Each accumulation is a step toward freedom. But where shall we set the limits of permitted accumulations? By straight-knowledge and experience, the Teacher will confirm what is permissible. A yogi is able to do everything, but not all is permitted to him. Where then are the borders of limitation? A yogi's responsibility is to his spiritual accumulations, for they are his only treasure. The rest is nothing more than the arms of the warrior, returned to his commander after the battle. About this there can be no doubt. Agni Yoga (1929) - 318: 318. One must not be concerned with the barking of dogs. One may carry a staff, and remember that just one well-timed thrust will frighten the most vicious dog. Do not waste energy with a premature stroke. But aim well! Agni Yoga (1929) - 469: One may ask how to guard the Teaching, yet not respond to false accusations. The best defense is to strengthen one's labor in a non-hostile way. One can disarm hostile accusers by strengthening one's reserves. You know that We do not avoid enemies, but one should not waste one's strength on them. Agni Yoga (1929) - 474: 474. The culture of harmful micro-organisms is useful only for studying their nature, with the ultimate purpose being their destruction. Precisely, one must learn to destroy them. They harm the best secretions and may be considered the enemy of psychic energy. Just as rust slows the wheels, so does the waste product of physical processes obscure straight-knowledge. Agni Yoga (1929) - 538: 538. When all books are read and their words have been studied, then it remains to apply in life what has been learned. If books are read again and again, and their words carefully noted, their application can still remain outside of life, and not even the strongest signs will compel one to change one's habits. Yet one has to find a way to develop mobility of consciousness. The heart can sense the shame of an unworthy waste of time. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 15: 15. One must choose between the darkness of error and the grandeur of Truth. The spirit will determine the understanding affirmed by ages. It is unbefitting to traverse by way of a very low arch, starting from a point on a low plane and returning to the same plane. Why waste the energy, if we must knock again at the lowest gates? Prepare for your spirit a beautiful garden, not in the desert waste but on the summit of attainment. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 131: 131. The self-determination of that formation which is the Cosmic Magnet is called the affirming Will of Cosmos. The quality of self-determination is contained in each generative action. Creativeness propelled in pace with the course of the Cosmic Magnet asserts its will in the direction of evolution. Hence the great diversity of the strivings directed toward the course of evolution, as well as of those which oppose the Magnet. Self-determination leads to many inadmissible steps and imposes upon the Cosmic Magnet numerous combinations of universal problems. Avoiding unnecessary oppositions, the Cosmic Magnet can accumulate all needed combinations, but the waste of magnetism is so great! Hierarchy (1931) - 60: 60. The prayer of the heart is the expression of love and devotion. Let us fill our vessel of experiences, because inevitably we must come to it. Let us not waste precious time in demeaning and in dissolution. Each dissolution evokes unbridled elements, in other words, it opposes the manifested Cosmos. The growth of consciousness is verily Our festival. Hierarchy (1931) - 233: 233. It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity. Hierarchy (1931) - 428: 428. One must learn to address oneself to Hierarchy as the most immutable. What power the invocation of Hierarchy can give one, without waste and wavering! But these waverings, though swifter than a heartbeat, can sting the consciousness worse than a deadly viper. One must accustom oneself to constant communion with Hierarchy. Only thus is the nest of life built in the heart. Heart (1932) - 450: 450. A Rishi sent small pieces of linen or palm leaf or birch bark to the needy and sick. Those who received these ridiculed them and said, "Is it not ridiculous to waste one's forces in sending blank fragments?" They paid regard only to words. But those who were wise applied what had been sent to the affected part or the heart, receiving relief. They understood that the Rishi had placed his hand upon it and suffused what had been sent with his psychic energy. There are also known miraculously transmitted images or imprints of hands which become apparent under heat or light. Naturally, any physician will have faith in the crudest plaster or salve, but he will admit to no belief in the significance of the magnetism of objects. Perhaps one may even pacify the physician by pointing out to him the fatty precipitations, but in all higher matters a dog shows himself to be more understanding. Thus, it is unprecedentedly difficult to instill into the human brain all that uplifts man's dignity. Heart (1932) - 559: 559. He who said, "We see with the eyes of the heart," did not mean a symbol but a physical law. A deepened or liberated consciousness manifests a transformation of all feelings. The most vivid color becomes invisible; the loudest symphony inaudible; the most forceful touch unsensed; the hottest food unfelt; so real is the realm of feeling in the heart. One should not regard this characteristic as abstract. On the contrary, it contains another approach to the Subtle World. We make Our disciples exercise this transmutation of feelings as one of the best evidences of sensitization of the heart. By a very simple command of the heart one can force oneself not to hear or see. Thus, one can learn to pass by the very horrors of the lowest spheres. One must make this quality one's own, for otherwise much of the protective net will be unnecessarily destroyed. The preservation of the precious essence is also one of the tasks of the Yogi. One should not waste accumulations which affect many neighbors. The basis of cooperation lies primarily in mutual responsibility. Heart (1932) - 587: This parable can be told to many. The coils of the snake are so frequent! Having become like snakes, people cannot tolerate anything beyond their crawling state. They are ready to waste time and effort in order to discover something which in their opinion would be disparaging. The worm's dimensions correspond to such a tendency of thought. He who tries to assert that the Yogi's achievements do not exist is verily a cunning worm! But it is necessary to centralize all the details of Yoga through refinement of the heart - thus are the ancient achievements renewed in the rays of the New World. Why limit oneself to earthly achievements? Why rend oneself forcibly from karmic conditions? Through the Fiery Baptism one can also here attain the unity with the Subtle World. Thus one can strengthen oneself through the understanding of the heart and receive those beneficial currents which are sensed physically. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 472: 472. Poor is the master craftsman who does not make use of all the riches of nature. For the skillful carver, a bent tree is a precious treasure. A good weaver uses each spit for the embellishment of his carpet. The goldsmith rejoices at each unusual alloy of metals. Only the mediocre craftsman will deplore everything unusual. Only an impoverished imagination is satisfied with the limits set by others. The true master develops great acuteness and resourcefulness in himself. The blessed spell of his craft frees the master worker from discouragement. Even the night does not bring darkness for the master, but only a variety of forms of the one fire. No one can entice a master toward aimless speculations, because he knows the inexhaustibility of the essence of being. In the name of this unity, the master gathers each blossom and constructs an eternal harmony. He regrets the waste of any material. But people far from mastery lose the best treasures. They repeat the best prayers and invocations, but these broken and unrealized rhythms are carried away like dust. The fragments of knowledge are turned into the dust of a dead desert. The human heart knows about fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "He was consumed with wrath; he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire." In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. But these people are not master artisans, and are always ready thoughtlessly to scatter the pearls they themselves so need! One cannot understand the human prodigality which destroys the treasures of Light. People do not deny themselves a single opportunity for negation. They are ready to extinguish all fires around them, only to proclaim that there is no Fire within them. Yet to extinguish fires and admit the darkness is the horror of ignorance. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 630: 630. They will ask, "How can we best serve on Earth to effect the utmost benefit at present?" One must restore the health of Earth. By innumerable ways, one must carry out the world task of regeneration. One must bear in mind that people have destroyed the resources of Earth without mercy. They are ready to poison the earth and the air. They have laid waste the forests, these storehouses of prana. They have decimated animal life, forgetting that animal energy nourishes the earth. They believe that untried chemical compounds can take the place of prana and earthly emanations. They plunder the natural resources, unmindful that the balance must be maintained. They do not ponder over the cause of the catastrophe of Atlantis. They do not consider the fact that chemical ingredients must be tested over the course of a century, for a single generation cannot determine the symptoms of evolution or involution. People like to calculate races and sub-races, but the very simple idea of calculating the plundering of the planet never occurs to them. They think that by some act of mercy the weather will clear, and people will become prosperous! But the problem of restoring health does not enter their thoughts. Hence, let us love all creation! Brotherhood (1937) - 300: 300. If the planet were to arbitrarily slow down or accelerate its motion, one can easily imagine all the ruinous consequences. Hence it is so important to assimilate the significance of rhythm. Speaking of human labor, one should continually insist upon rhythm. Constant and rhythmic work produces the best results. The labor of the Brotherhood serves as an example of this. Rhythm is indispensable because it also affirms quality of work. He who is conscious of rhythm loves his work. But the magnet of love is not easily intensified. Without it reprobation and repulsion arise. Without it loss of quality and waste of time and materials result. It is needful to speak more often about the rhythm of labor, otherwise even gifted and capable workers will lose their aspiration. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7: People who bring discord are truly creators of chaos and the consequences of their malicious abuse are grievous. We are constantly forced to battle with them, and it is not surprising that this battle is often more difficult than a collision of spatial currents. Wherever one must deal with the free will of man a great waste of energy should be expected. The power of free will is great, equivalent to the most powerful energies, and in their malice, people can bring about the destruction of strata of the Subtle World. How much the efforts of experienced Physicians are needed to close these spatial wounds! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 29: People thrust upon Us their own ways of helping, but such forcing creates a refraction of the currents. A thrifty head of the household regrets all waste. Great joy will result if those who know about Hierarchy voluntarily bring their own lamps. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 52: We do not argue about names, and We do not waste energy discussing the many strata of the Subtle World. Variety seems to be needed for human imagination. If only this would develop humanity! Thus, We welcome a correct attitude toward the Subtle World. Its reflection will then be found all over the world. Our Abode will be nearer for those who are able to find a right attitude toward the manifestations of the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: Examples of communion with the Brotherhood can be given. A great measure of inspiration can be seen throughout the centuries. When the Brotherhood commissions someone for great sacrifice, could that person remain without inspiration? The degree of striving is determined by inspiration. We help such lofty achievements. Let waste and dust not obstruct the beautiful path, and doubt not obscure the details of the path, for even rapids can be crossed on a rainbow of Light. But the rainbow comes only after the storm. Thus let us understand the highest degrees of striving. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 148: Remember that We are ready to hurl portions of Our Aura to strike at and defeat darkness. We are ever ready to sacrifice, but it is sad to waste such power in opposing the dark forces. May this symphony resound as a symbol. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 156: 156. Urusvati knows that the Great Pilgrim could direct people to the Highest just by His glance. The Teacher used to say, "Friends, you find ample time for everything, but for the Highest you have only a few moments. If you had dedicated only the time you waste in the dining-hall to the Highest, you would have become teachers by now!" Thus, in practical terms, He taught the advantage of elevated thinking. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 260: The Thinker loved to say, "May we not waste our time." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 266: We deplore the fact that there are so many disagreements within families. Even the best warriors lose their strength due to such disharmony. Instead of goodness, blasphemy and evil talk defeat aspiration and cause waste of the precious panacea of psychic energy! People do not appreciate this gift, and it can be spilled as from a broken vessel. Wherever possible one must help families to maintain their balance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314: When knowledge is for a time suppressed, mass disbelief will follow, but one should always remember that the consciousness will once again search for the Truth. One should not waste time in doubt, for the highest understanding was given and assimilated long ago. A courageous understanding of the future life is wise. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 346: There are many books available that deal with psychic phenomena, and We will not waste Our time trying to convince the wilfully ignorant. At present, We only want to point out that psychic phenomena are increasing. One can also see that there is an unfortunate increase in fierce opposition. The forces of darkness are alarmed that the subtle energies are approaching the earthly plane. You must understand that the battle has reached its climax, and chaos is attempting to prevent evolutionary advance. But the New World approaches and nothing can stop the growth of consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 381: Unfortunately, there are too many of these lukewarm ones, producers of cosmic waste who obstruct evolutionary development by their inertia. They fail to benefit at all from their stay in the Subtle World, and We are unable to help them, for they produce no fiery emanations that could serve as a conductor for Our influence. So many benevolent arrows are blunted by the thick skin of indifference. It is easier to strike a spark in a negator than to break through a shield of indifference. Fire can be ignited only where there is inner friction. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 414: Many of today's psychological notions are inapplicable to life, and in the present state of the planet man cannot waste time with such theories. We must agree that everything that does not lead to the transformation of life should be regarded as useless, and in this there must be no difference of opinion. One can move forward or backward, but to go back among forgotten fossils would be unendurable. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 434: But let us turn to the Luminous Powers. We have already described how careful They are in the use of Primary Energy, and how They observe the laws of the Universe. They know that a lawless waste of energy affects the entire universe, and They labor to preserve the equilibrium. Can this Great Labor be compared to the petty attacks of evil? Who could say that a planet can exist without Light? Who will dare to compare the dull glow of evil beings to the radiance of the higher spheres? Let us not forget that people need these reminders.