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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WA > WASHING (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.1:
It is of great value to approach the highest ways without being a medium and without renouncing the earthly life. Where there is argument, where there is fear, where there is the germ of prejudice, there it is difficult for the white flowers. Simply, simply, simply, applying love, courage and readiness. This is no time for inflated bubbles; out of place is conceit, especially when compared with Christ's washing of the fishermen's feet.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 406:
Poor is the consciousness that has no control over passing emotions. Invulnerability is Our Shield. Each speck of fear is a target for an enemy's arrow. After washing away these shameful specks, we become as invulnerable as are the far-off worlds. The development of Agni Yoga becomes a shield of thought. The all-penetrating Fire, when realized, endows one with supremely pure strength and replenishes the source of renewal.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 558:
558. Knowing how to bring one's consciousness down to another's level is already compassion. Washing a wound is also not always pleasant. But it is still more insufferable to see treachery, yet even such an abomination can be contended with. Victory is so needed for the path. Victory in the spirit is already advancement.

AUM (1936) - 274:
274. If a man says, "I have done all within my power," do not believe him. He is excusing himself, while at the same time setting limitations. When a man imagines that all has been exhausted, precisely then he loses the key to the saving gateway. Often through ignorance or indolence people renounce the best solutions. How often have We spoken about the inexhaustibility of heart energy, but man himself can bury it and deprive himself of the best possibility. By its very nature a statement that all forces have been exhausted is conceited. Is it not self-pity that suggests giving up and washing one's hands of a situation? Often man pities himself and closes the access to Higher Forces.


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