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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > WA > WARRANT (2)

Hierarchy (1931) - 42:
Why, then, is each of your missions so vital? Because it carries in itself the warrant of Our cooperation. Thus We affirm Hierarchy upon the law of succession. Therefore, when the Cosmic Law is realized, the understanding of the Chain of Hierarchy is established. Thus, the best executor will be the closest to the Hierarch. The Hierarchy of Service is but the fulfillment of the Higher Will.

Hierarchy (1931) - 45:
45. The quality of thought is so powerful that the Fire of Space responds to the tension of thought. The cosmic affirmation can take place only when a corresponding harmony is established. Thus each correspondence brings its consequences. The warrant of the broadening of consciousness lies in the development of sensitiveness. Hence, the quality of striving is the truest indicator of the growth of the spirit; and consciousness is manifested as the affirmed power of creativeness.


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