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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VO > VOYAGE (7)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 50:
50. When will people understand the significance of thought and word? People still lend greater importance to the spilling of a sack of ordinary seeds than to the spilling of destructive words. Any rodent can pick up the seeds, but even an Arhat may not be able to clear away the consequences of thought and word. When people depart for a sea voyage they take with them only carefully chosen things; but in their speech they are unwilling to pay attention to its meaning, and to the consequences of their words. We do not threaten, but We do point out the first signs of smoke curling from under your shirt.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 257:
The future is constructed by lightning-bolts of realization. The power of these great sparks depends upon the strength of the counterforce. Clearly then, success will not come from embarking on a voyage in a tub across a stagnant pool.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 285:
One must live through difficult currents; even the ship in its voyage must face the obstacles of the elements.

Hierarchy (1931) - 70:
70. Aerolites are not sufficiently studied, and still less attention is accorded to the cosmic dust upon the eternal snows and glaciers. However, the Cosmic Ocean designs its rhythm on the summits. If we begin to think of Infinity, we should pay attention primarily to all that comes from beyond and links us materially with the far-off worlds. How, then, can one venture upon a distant voyage without paying attention to the guests from afar? Also, symptoms of life upon the eternal snows should be compared with those upon the plains. Perhaps the excessive growth of certain glands is caused by the use of water from the snows, which causes a disorder resulting from the action of the particles of cosmic dust. So many useful observations are diffused around us, one must only stretch out one's hand!

Heart (1932) - 406:
406. When you are asked how to pass an hour of difficulty, say, "Only in expectation; only in striving to the Teacher, or in labor." Say, "Verily, in all three measures." Thus, labor must be like the gathering of all values for the distant voyage. The quality of labor opens the gates of the heart.

Heart (1932) - 521:
My Counsels are analogous to a father's farewell to a departing son. The trunk for the voyage must contain objects for all conditions of life; but in the secret place is hidden the heart, and for a long time I shall still call after you, "Chiefly guard the secret place!"

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 80:
80. To those who cannot accept the concept of the Leader, let us say All your words presuppose the priority of something or someone. You yourself do not notice that each of your affirmations is based upon a discovery of something established by someone. There is no man who can get along without being taught. One must not become proud in one's own heart. The understanding of Hierarchy will help to establish the manifestation of the Leader, who in relation to the Higher Ones is not a leader but a follower. People, under the influence of ignorance, try sometimes to cut the ropes, but any sailor will tell you that masts are cut down when the elements overcome human strength. The same sailor knows that without masts and ropes the voyage is catastrophic. This means that the unavoidableness of Hierarchy throughout the Universe should be affirmed through education.


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