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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VO > VOCAL (2)

Heart (1932) - 35:
35. The most difficult thing for people is to coordinate the utmost rapture of spirit with inexhaustible action. For success, extreme tension of spirit is needed, but in each action a certain reserve must be preserved. An exhausted action loses its beauty and the magnetism of conviction. A singer who has exhausted the vocal reserve primarily arouses pity. The manifestation of extreme tension of spirit must not reflect itself in actions of desperation; for then the manifestation of inner energy will dissolve in an action foreign to the spirit. One must cognize this law firmly, in order not to turn into a windmill. I advise to gather all forces of the spirit in order not to atomize them by unbridled actions.

AUM (1936) - 33:
33. Correctly has it been observed that certain mantrams have lost their meaning and retain only their sound. Thus, we see how important is vibration. For this reason much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. Mere letters without sound produce no results. Moreover, the very quality of the voice has a special significance. A deep chest tone can give greater resonance than a high, flat, or nasal one. Thus, not only melody itself but quality of voice is important. I consider that at present the quality of voice is too little valued. Not volume, nor eloquence, but inner magnetism is important - the same is a fundamental requisite in singing. Many voices have been deprived of their natural qualities by methods of vocal training.


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