Agni Yoga (1929) - 159: 159. Why is the Yoga termed Fiery? Its power enhances the vividness of life and extinguishes all that is unworthy. The manifestation of fire brings light into matter. Properly speaking, where there is fire, there is clear evidence of progressive perfectment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 413: The element of Fire expresses with special vividness the principle of motion. Can you affirm that you are practicing Agni Yoga if you have not even realized the birth of the inner fire? Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 290: 290. The creativeness of the centers is strained by the cosmic fires. When a cosmic shifting occurs the fiery process can be manifested with especial vividness. When the fire of the spirit coalesces with the cosmic fires, it creates cosmically. Hence, Our flaming Mother of Agni Yoga must manifest Fire to humanity in the Epoch of Maitreya during the great period of shifting. Thus are We fulfilling a great ordainment. Hierarchy (1931) - 91: 91. If the clarity of the Image of the Teacher brings us into closest cooperation with him, then each clear and vivid conception of an object in our third eye makes it near and attainable. One of the conditions of ancient magic was to teach the vividness of objects evoked by our inner conception. If the object is called forth with all completeness of line and color, one can apply it for the most immediate reaction; one may, as it were, possess it. Without limitations of space, one can regulate and bring closer its possibilities; from the most customary objects to the far-off planets one can utilize this force. There is nothing of the supernatural in this; but the duplicate becomes seemingly the identical, and a vital unifying thread is drawn to it. One can gradually develop in oneself these abilities, upon habitual objects, noticing thereby that when a clear image is created, a peculiar tremulous vibration occurs, similar to a magnetic reaction. Thus, in studying the Infinite one can approach it by beginning with the most customary objects.