Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43: 43. Hail the triumph of the prophecy of the herald! The victory is proclaimed by fires and by psychic energy. Each century brings forth its pronouncements. He who has proclaimed the victory of Infinity is the carrier of Truth. Like stones on the path lie the derisions, and persecutions grow into impenetrable thickets. We will not destroy these thickets, but the conscious spirit will cover all manifestations of ignorance with its wings. To some, Infinity will seem an impossibility. To some, the thought of death will seem beautiful. To some, the evidence of labor will seem horrible. To some, labor itself will be a terror. To some, the rhythm of endless cosmic labor will seem like an old encumbrance. But the hand of wisdom points to where there is no end; there where all is incombustible, yet where all is both destructible and indestructible; where all is visibly formless yet where all great and beautiful forms dwell. Hierarchy (1931) - 10: 10. Vast is the field for the manifested approaching Tara. We, the Arhats, ascending to the Fire of Space, prostrate Ourselves before the entire Fiery Bosom of the Mother of the World. The Bosom of the Mother of the World finds all reflections upon Earth. One of them the most powerful and the most intense, is the advent of the coming Tara. The Mother of the World carries visibly and invisibly the manifestation of those ineffable threads - the affirmation of the world's threads. Hierarchy (1931) - 291: 291. Motion into the future is similar to the movement of a flame. It is amazing how the fire, at times visibly and at times invisibly, lives, while vibrating and preserving the balance of the world. Thus let us strive into the future, because sustained by the fiery element we shall not fail. But the fire can be invoked only by an action of the spirit. Thus, let us apply the higher laws to the earthly plan. One may even change karma, which means that one can change all earthly conditions by striving into the future. Apply My Command to life. The particles of precious energies adhere only to him who strives. Heart (1932) - 507: 507. An experienced ruler often lays his hand upon the shoulder or hand of him with whom he converses. Some do this consciously, but the majority do it unconsciously. But even those who do this consciously are not always aware of how to utilize this method. They regard the hand as being sufficient, that the palm of the hand already communicates the power of the thought; but very seldom do people realize that the tips of the fingers have stronger emanations. Hence, if a thought is being suggested, the fingers must be tightened, but if one desires to receive the reaction of one's companion, the tips of the fingers should be separated. Thus, considerable stirring of an entire group of centers is effected. So many possibilities are concealed in each act! It is only necessary to apply them consciously. Consciousness and unconsciousness may be compared to swimming with or without experience. Of course, someone may swim immediately, but this occurs very rarely. Thus, in everything it is necessary to observe Hierarchy, which pervades our consciousness visibly and invisibly. It would be sad if the consciousness represented something abstract and almost supernatural. Each heart beat fills us with a realization of existence, and with a true understanding of Be-ness. Mental fog results only from lack of respect for consciousness. These words should be inscribed in each school. Children may ask, "How is it possible to guard against deadening habits?" Then someone can point out the inscription concerning respect. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 75: Let us look at the life of a hero of the spirit. From early years the spirit knows the Highest Guide. The manifestation of a sacred Guardian is its life's destiny. Physical and spiritual preeminence do not cloud the consciousness. Self-education is a manifestation of the synthesis. The realization of one's own superiority has given the spirit firmness and tolerance toward society. All manifested talents have been displayed in inspiration, to the wealthy and the poor, to the seekers and the enlightened ones. The hero of the spirit has known a Higher Protector, therefore he has given strength to others. The Higher Law has directed him to the rudder, and visibly or invisibly he has become a fiery hero. Thus has proceeded the mighty "Lion of the Desert."