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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VIOLATORS (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 389:
389. Of course, imperil is the main destroyer of psychic energy. But one should not forget three other violators: fear, doubt, and self-pity. When it becomes possible to physically measure psychic energy, it will be instructive to see how these darkeners work to disrupt the flow of energy. But the flow of energy can be supported by countering efforts based upon self-sacrifice and achievement. These seemingly abstract concepts affirm the reality of the Life Principle, whose energy is cognizable and measurable.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 339:
339. The process of the creation of a pure atmosphere parallels the creation of a channel for the reception of fiery energies. Each manifestation of life is filled with poison created by human society. This poisoning is equal to the most terrible hotbed of diseases. Often people are amazed as to why there are so many difficulties; why so many misfortunes and miseries. The human mind does not grasp the fact that dissolution is far more powerful on the spiritual plane than on the physical. The physical world has its visible symptoms, but the infection on the spiritual plane is so strong that often it indicates how the processes of existing evil are maturing. Therefore, traitors and agitators and doers of dark deeds are most frightful violators of Cosmic Equilibrium. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us develop within ourselves discernment of faces, and let us strive for the establishment of Equilibrium.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181:
"The consequences of discord, like the consequences of a terrible disease, come gradually. Fools think that, as long as they awake in the morning, they have avoided any consequences. The violators of collaboration must be judged as detrimental to the public welfare and expulsion will become their lot."


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