Heart (1932) - 237: 237. The pledge shall become a shield, but let us distinguish between falling away and treason. Falling away may be due to some karmic cause or to physical peculiarities. But for treason there are no vindicating circumstances. I assert that the consequences of treason are the most inevitable ones. Nothing can free the traitor from being himself betrayed. The betrayal of the Teaching is regarded as the most heinous. Man cannot blaspheme the Highest Spirit. Studying the actions of the heart one can see what physical shocks are evoked by betrayal of the Highest. Disintegration because of treason acts not only within the boundaries of the personality but also incessantly over vast expanses. As the highest spheres sense each benevolent ascent, so does each treason thunder like a crumbling tower. Having accepted the analogy of the deodar, one may say that treason is like a hollow tree with a bat's nest.