Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 12: 12. Among the traducers of the Teaching one should notice a particular kind of people who assign for themselves the obligation of standing in custody of the Truth. But it is the prerogative of the fiery consciousness to manifest Truth. The self-appointed guardians of the Truth are at great pains to take for the Truth only that which is agreeable to them. Hence, there are so many vilifiers of the Teaching and of all enlightened beginnings. It is correct to point out the anathema and maledictions which are proclaimed by such guardians of Truth. How much of the Beautiful has been destroyed by these dark efforts! Why is it that these forces of darkness cannot stand Our Indications? Because Our Teaching is all-embracing, all-pervading, and of primal origin. Darkness contends especially with the Source which is close to the Hierarchy of Light. If We will trace all the false sources one will become convinced to what extent they are supported by human consciousness. The sowers of doubts and distortions continually voice interdiction of Truth and all Light. But the Fiery World also has its Fiery Guardians. Woe to the pseudo-guardians and woe to those who litter the space with pseudo-teachings. Woe to those who in an unworthy manner have given and are giving to the World a conception of Hierarchy which belittles the Luminous Images. Thus let us combat the distortions. Brotherhood (1937) - 175: Let us not link ourselves with the vilifiers of Plato and the persecutors of Confucius. They were oppressed by citizens who were considered the pride of the country. Thus has the world raised its hand against the great Servitors. Be assured that the Brotherhood formed by Pythagoras appeared dangerous in the eyes of the city guard. Paracelsus was a target for mockery and malignance. Thomas Vaughan seemed to be an outcast, and few wished to meet with him. Thus was the reign of darkness manifested. Of course darkness, too, has its own laws. The dark ones watch intently a "dangerous" Great Service.