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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VIGOROUS (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 34:
Each thought deposits its sediments upon the walls of the channels of the nervous system. The more perfect the striving the more phosphorescent the sediments. The only place sufficiently protected for that fuel is the solar plexus, which gradually imbibes the sediments from the auxiliary channels. Sometimes such an absorption can be so vigorous as to cause star-shaped painful sensations. Then the Teacher must apply a cooling ray, which aids in drawing the sediments from the extremities to the center. All this is a process of the expansion of consciousness. By triennial steps one can trace the sharpening of receptivity. Each stage requires preservation of the casket for the next praiseworthy expenditure.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 231:
The yogi knows how to transmit the words of the Teaching sparingly but wisely. To broadcast everything to everyone is to inflict calamity upon space itself. Let few but vigorous trees constitute the future forest. Weedy thickets choke one another and also harbor harmful beings.

Hierarchy (1931) - 394:
394. The intensification of energy between the disciple and Teacher is analogous to a steam engine - a continuous projection and restitution. Therefore We point out so persistently the necessity of concordance, for benevolence, striving, and gratitude. Only by those means can one develop the dynamics of concordance. A steam engine is provided with fuel, but We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. One should not think that the enumerated qualities are needed by Us; on the contrary they are needed by you. Otherwise how will you strengthen the bond with Us? The powerful rhythm of the dynamo of spirit can be affirmed, not by doubt, egoism or self-pity, but only by an indivisible, vigorous striving toward Us. These strivings must be introduced into life. It should be remembered that each physical law must remind of the stability of the laws of the spirit. With such a consciousness one can verily become a co-worker for the transformation of life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 129:
129. If we begin to speak about firespouts, many will altogether fail to grasp the meaning, and others will think we refer to coarse electrical manifestations. Yet, one should ponder deeply upon this subtle fiery action. You have just seen how a mere scratch has caused a fiery burning. Such a manifestation is not from a physical infection. A firespout touched the torn tissue. Similar manifestations can be observed which conform to external fiery tensions. The torn tissue, with all the nerve outlets, serves as a magnet, as it were, for the fiery waves. Indeed, those people who possess vigorous heart energy can more strongly attract the waves of tensed Fire. Therefore, in such cases I recommend water compresses, but no alcoholic preparations. During the tension of Fire alcohol must be avoided, for it concentrates the fiery waves. Many drunkards could give instructive testimony about the fiery waves that cause such sufferings! Of course, I am not speaking now about nerve conflagrations, which only a few have observed. Even so, the firespouts must not be forgotten in such a tense time.


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