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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VIEWS (8)

New Era Community (1926) - 94:
94. Often you talk about the imperfections in existing books. I say more the errors in the books fare equal to a grievous crime. Falsehood in books must be prosecuted as a grave calumny. The falsehood of an orator is prosecuted according to the number of his listeners. The falsehood of an author should be prosecuted according to the number of copies sold of his book. To fill the people's libraries with falsehood is a grave offense. It is necessary to perceive the true intent of the author in order to estimate the quality of his errors. Ignorance will be the worst basis. Fear and meanness occupy the next place. None of these qualities are befitting the community. To accomplish their removal in the new construction is a necessity. Prohibitory measures, as usual, are not suitable; but a discovered error must be removed from the book. The necessity of such removal, and the reprinting of the book, will bring the author to his senses. Every citizen has the right to prove an error. Indeed, one should not impede new views and structures; but incorrect data must not bring one into error, because knowledge is the armor of the community and the defense of knowledge is the duty of all the members.

New Era Community (1926) - 154:
A new interrogator "How to reconcile the Teaching with science?" If science teaches authentic knowledge, then the Teaching is science. What purpose can science achieve when it is swollen with prejudices? He who is perturbed by solemnity of affirmations views science from his den of vulgarity. He who thinks about the community is not harmed by crawling reptiles.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 547:
547. Thoughts sent into space attract kindred thinking. How should one act if one's broad views do not achieve their goal? One must expand them still further. Beyond the boundaries of hostility lies the field of friendship. The traveler must know the geography of this domain.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 499:
499. Spirituality is both an earned and natural quality. On the middle steps it can be cultivated, but it is necessary to begin such transformation from birth. One must provide a pure atmosphere, not darken the imagination with base views. Learn to rejoice at the truly highest and beautiful, eschew luxury and any form of filth. The spiritual man will not be a hypocrite, nor will he be liar nor coward. He will cognize labor as an indispensable means of perfectionment, but his heart prayer will be flamingly beautiful.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 556:
556. If, reading writings about the Fiery World, one remembers even the two words - Fiery World - that in itself is good. There could also be a dangerous trend of thought in which one would say - if the Fiery World exists. In this "if"" is already contained a great mistrust. No good words could cover such deadly doubt. It means that such a traveller must pass through a great deal before he views the Fiery Heavens. There are many such remarks about the Fiery World; even from people who consider themselves initiated or enlightened. It is of no value to shake the fingers or to whirl in the round-dance, when the heart is silent in coldness. Such a small number wish to prepare themselves for the distant journey.

Brotherhood (1937) - 426:
426. A subject must be introduced in schools - the synthesis of the sciences. From it students will perceive how closely connected are many branches of learning. They will see how great is the circle of science! They will apprehend that each scientist is in contact with an entire series of scientific provinces. If he cannot be fully conversant with them, at least he must understand their problems. Through acquaintance with synthesis, students will be able to more consciously select their own scientific activity. Let us not forget that up to the present such choice has been extremely fortuitous, often resting upon vague family traditions. Likewise, the student passed helplessly through disconnected school subjects without understanding precisely why these subjects were necessary. In the study of languages it has not usually been pointed out what are the advantages of each one. Therefore, a dull attitude toward learning has so often been noticed. This has not been laziness, but simply lack of knowledge of the meaning and aim of the subject. Assuming that each scientific subject should have an attractive introduction, the synthesis of science will enlighten even the smallest consciousness and lead it toward labor. It should not be thought that such synthesis can be absorbed only at an adult age. Actually, in their early studies it is especially easy for children to assimilate broad views. Of course, the exposition of this synthesis must be attractive.

Brotherhood (1937) - 468:
468. Always remember about the young co-workers. Remember that it is always possible to find them. Remember that they await you, even under diverse garments. Under a vague aspiration they are still ready to receive a word about new attainment. Through all the domains of science let a call be heard to the spacious truth. Let each one, though it be through physical culture, begin to think about culture of the spirit. Let biology remind one about unending life. If someone likes outlandish words, make no objections, for the paths are infinite. If someone is bewildered, encourage him, because not seldom is perplexity a sign of a secret thought. When someone views things with gloom is this not a sign of frustrated hope? One word about Infinity can bestow wings. When someone is silent, perhaps he is searching for the most expressive word - encourage him with a look. Many bridges can be enumerated by which young friends can cross over the stream. But the main thing remains that the readiness of young forces is great. This must be remembered by all who shake their heads in unbelief.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
Certain views of the caste system must likewise be reformed. In ancient times its restrictions were wisely applied, but evolution has since taken many turns. It is now wise to reevaluate the conditions of life, and we must not allow prejudiced thinking to be an obstacle.


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