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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VIEWED (6)

New Era Community (1926) - 35:
It is asked why We waste so much energy over the Earth. Not for the sake of Earth, but for rectifying the path. When a criminal rips up the rails, often the engineer takes much time to repair them. If We could immediately transfer from the Earth those who have consciousness of the Cosmos, could there possibly be any restraining Our wish to do so? Our striving is to hasten this process. I feel that perhaps soon cosmic conditions will permit the beginning of these labors for communication with the far-off worlds. In this, all considerations of beauty, and of impetuousness in personal sending, are needed. It is true, above so-called beauty there is the all-embracing concept of the betterment of the Cosmos. The rainbow ray can exceed the imagination. A silvery light marks the beginning of the rainbow. The rainbow viewed under earthly conditions resembles make-up at close range. Few can have a prescience of the supermundane rainbow.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 341:
Even the most ancient conception viewed the cosmic laws as being impelled by a two-tongued flame. The indication in ancient writings concerning the manifestation of the dual Origin is also based upon the knowledge of polarity in each energy. Cosmic creativeness can be manifested only through the dual Origin. Thus, in deposing the Great Mother, humanity robs itself of the privilege of conscious cooperation with Cosmos.

Heart (1932) - 311:
311. The Teacher affirms that complete victory can be expected if only there is unity in consciousness. One cannot expect success if there is the smallest suspicion of the Teacher. Thus, it is necessary to work together, knowing that everything that is within the laws of the Universe will be granted. Who, then, will regard this period as one of rest? No one, not even one who is not far-sighted will deny that the time is unprecedented, and one must even sleep as during an unrelieved watch. The Teacher understands that your hearts are also burdened. Each day the situation of the world becomes more complicated. Viewed from the angle of Armageddon this is entirely natural, but the consciousness to whom the idea of Armageddon is absurd raves, because it does not know its way.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 155:
155. During great fiery tension lesions of the skin should be avoided. A fiery conjunction of unnatural order causes a particular burning. This phenomenon can be of interest to physicians. And even scratches should be viewed from a spiritual angle. Psychic energy is at work, but one must take into consideration the special fiery tension. Each eruption of a volcano likewise takes place because of particular pressures. The manifestation of fiery tension occurs in many sides of life. Once again in the Pacific Ocean new islands have risen, like fiery abscesses.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 469:
469. The Silvery Lotus of the fiery heart is not often manifested, even to lofty spirits. But separate petals of the fiery Lotus can be seen, and in accordance with them let us assemble the entire flower. But if this fiery wonder is even once evoked, and viewed by the heart, then from that hour the heart's path leads upward, toward eternal attainment. Let the ascent be of extreme steepness - We prepare a hand-rope for those who have resolved to ascend.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 545:
545. It is true that mostly sick and so-called abnormal people are the ones who manifest a link with the Supermundane, and therein lies a great reproach to humanity. Indeed, the healthy people ought to sense the nearness of the Subtle World. But the distinction between the sick and the healthy has become confused. People have covered their reason with a crust which has given rise to prejudices. Behind this fence the Subtle World is not visible. So-called abnormal people are usually free from prejudices, and because of this they do not lose contact with the Subtle World. Indeed, so often during illnesses do people see through both past and future; some have viewed their past lives and recovered forgotten aptitudes. A new boundary must be laid between the state of torpor and true health. New discoveries are of no help. People must receive such shocks that they are rendered able, without any fever, to preserve the memory about the past and that which is ordained.


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