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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VI > VICTORY (204)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 48:
48. My thrice-called pupil! Through your art, carry My Word, bring joy to the hearts of the world. Hunter, walk in victory.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 57:
57. You battle ably - victory is yours. Be not hasty - even iron needs time for forging. Iron must be tempered in cold water before it can flash in the flame.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 74:
74. I rejoice in the smile undimmed by approaching fate. I shall grant the power to create good not with money but with spirit. Full of travail is your life, but vast are the depths of your happiness in the future victory of the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 87:
87. Understand the soul of your brother; Labor untiringly, show understanding, behold the power of My Shield. There are many wonders in this world, and a pure and ardent striving leads to victory.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 126:
Naught can deter the Hand of the Creator of the New World. I say unto you: My Shield has taken many arrows, but at the Spirit's Feast We will assemble, victorious. Strive for victory. For now, dismiss thoughts of peace and be vigilant, My warriors! I know My Daughter wishes to adorn with roses the path to My School, but these times are bitter and cold. All will be well.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 169:
169. M.'s Temple will summon the noblest among the builders. I shall strengthen the armor, and the enemies' arrows will be an adornment on the shield of victory. Be patient on your watch. M. may come even in the night hour. The faithful will discern the voice of the stranger. The morning sun is beheld only by those who arise early. But dark are those who miss the early light.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 299:
299. I perceive the enemies will be destroyed by miraculous fire. The time for action is but begun. Comprehend devotion, faith, and courage. I will safeguard you with a helmet of faith, an armor of devotion, and a shield of victory. And on the banner will be inscribed: Love, the Conqueror.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 333:
If you desire the gates to be opened to you, use My Sign. I said Beauty, in combat and victory. I said Beauty, and failure was covered by Beauty. Mountains blossomed with Beauty. And you must give entrance to the flowers of Beauty. Let the children approach. Bow before Him Who brought the Beauty of the great Universe.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 337:
Regard those who call. What beauty! Not only do they behold beauty but they would share it with you. To share is the pledge of victory. And the words that open the gates are simple. But few know how to apply them to the locked portals. We perceive the festival of labor. Into the flames of purification cast all prejudices, and all obstacles of the material life. What a great pyre upon the mountain lights the way!

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 340:
340. Learn to guard the Shield. Be resourceful in your attainments. The new is difficult, and the old unsuitable. The clouds must not conceal the mountains. No excuses or evasions will help. Only creative labor leads to victory. Understand labor broadly. The blizzard blinds the eye, but not the spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 353:
Knowing wherein is podvig, Knowing that power is sacrifice, Whilst affirming the victory you will say, "Lord, let this triumphal cup pass from me." Then will you attain the right to create, And your spirit will be unassailable.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 371:
371. Hearken! For I wish you to approach Me joyous and radiant in the time of the Great Darkness. It is true - I have confided much to you, I have given you dates and warnings, I have granted you the possibility of victory, And I have revealed to you the secrets of Our Decisions.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 429:
429. The victory of loyalty is assured. Looking afar, you will see the near at hand.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 437:
437. Seek light for a manifestation of darkness. The pure will display understanding of the Shield, for God is with Us! Through His eternal manifestations drops of the Sacred World penetrate. Consider that the treasure of the drops and the sparks of consciousness will connect Heaven and Earth as a new bridge. Being affirmed by the light of the sparks, Let us find a smile. But mastery is confirmed by realization of victory over self. Conquering self, the victor will rise. Therefore, sound the trumpet of victory far and wide; For God is with Us.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.1:
It is better to celebrate the victory after the first battle than to wander underground.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.1:
2.3.1. Merging into the summits of Cosmos, one must find coordination with Earth. Each moment We are ready to forsake everything of Earth and at the same time We love every blossom on it. Therein lies the wisdom as to what remembrance to cherish: whether about the crown or the fragrance of freezias, the shouts of victory or the songs of shepherds. That which is the most dear but least of all belonging to us is the best load to carry on the way. Song brings us health, and blossoms will heal wounds. Therefore, I say, happy are those who understand sound and color.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.19:
But at sunrise, facing the sun and receiving the ray into the solar plexus, one can feel the victory over the ocean, because through light one can touch the light of the spirit. Butthis consciousness is only in that spirit which can say: "I have renounced all in order to receive all." Thus, it is not a denial but an affirmation which has above it the Hand of Buddha.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.4:
2.10.4. Few are the workers. Man, in pursuit of the miraculous, has lost the Guiding Hand. Again We come into the world, Again We bring the testimony of spirit. Now We shall decide the victory in battle and in the laboratory of the scientist. Man will be in tremor when above him the sword will be raised and a voice will shout, "Awaken!" Austere is Our manifestation, and the barriers of the world will be destroyed. By fire will I manifest My envoys, because I Myself lead.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.9:
3.4.9. Unexpectedness is the sister of mobility. Mobility is the sister of achievement. Achievement is the brother of victory. For each achievement contains within itself a victory; perhaps an invisible one but one moving profound expanses.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.15:
John of the hundred-thousands, take your share! Soon, when endeavor turns into victory, the seed of the Common Good will give each one the power of the ray.

New Era Community (1926) - 16:
16. Among the mechanical attainments of modern civilization, the means of transportation deserve special attention. This devouring of space is already to a certain extent a victory over the supermundane spheres. But a circle of low materialism holds these conquests within the limits of low matter and the result is more harm than good. The chief danger in this haste of locomotion lies in a heightened feeling of irresponsibility. Passing beyond the limits of the ordinary, man becomes light, but because of the crudeness of feelings he loses the consciousness of responsibility.

New Era Community (1926) - 23:
23. There is no soulless justice, but only shining goal-fitness. Indeed, the glorious goal-fitness cannot tyrannize, but reveals the gates of beauty. And the call of goal-fitness fills the space with the rapture of victory. Events and creations constituting goal-fitness are not small outworn fragments but are the precious parts of the Cosmos.

New Era Community (1926) - 121:
A childish materialism proves to be a narcotic for people, but enlightened knowledge will be a ladder of victory.

New Era Community (1926) - 122:
The only key to preeminence in the domains of knowledge will be greater convincingness and attractiveness. If you wish to attract with your knowledge, make it attractive - so attractive that the books of yesterday appear as dried leaves. The victory of convincingness liberates from intolerable prohibitions.

New Era Community (1926) - 147:
We wish to see you steadfastly conquering. Each victory teaches prudence, but this restraint palpitates with flights. Be not afraid of bad definitions, but, setting forth for an achievement, see that you have food prepared for the morrow. He who moves toward achievement must proceed as if summoned by a work bell. For the striving one the thinnest surface is sufficient. Aspire!

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
149. Maintain a correlation between expansion and strengthening. Remember, not only the leap but also the retention of the new ground. Many examples may be cited wherein expansion resulted in no possibilities. Naturally, we must understand expansion in regard to the consciousness. If a victory of the consciousness be not consolidated technically, then instead of an even light the consciousness will become filled with sharp, painful sparks. As in all life, it is necessary to understand the moment of assimilation. Man, living fully, begins to notice, as it were, a pulsation of his experiences. This pulsation proceeds apart from the quantity of labors and apart from external impulses. It is necessary to safeguard this pulsation inwardly and not attribute it to overfatigue or to an accidental effect. In these moments the consciousness becomes accustomed to some new acquisition. Through inexperience people often begin to be alarmed by a temporary silence of the consciousness, but such a consolidation leads to the next leap. During such a period of assimilation of the consciousness do not disturb it with problems. The butterfly is making ready new multicolored wings - do not harm the cocoon.

New Era Community (1926) - 183:
Victory is only an obligation. Strengthening of forces is only a manifestation of anew vortex. Realization of power is only a test. Challenge is only light-mindedness. As an ocean wave does the Community advance. As the thunder of an earthquake resounds the Teaching of immutability.

New Era Community (1926) - 196:
Fetishism by its very nature is limited. But precisely matter manifests victory throughunderstanding of freedom. Realists must be free, as otherwise the light of realism sinks into the darkness of fetishism. Penetration into the nature of spirit-matter as the radiant crown of humanity creates the jewel of life.

New Era Community (1926) - 228:
Life has been divided according to periods and to styles, paying tribute to the measures of imperfect days. Who apportioned the constellations? Who apportioned the dialects? Has anyone called to mind the inheritances of all peoples? Style has determined the peculiarities of the age. The external notches of a design bear the prejudices and conventionalities of falsehood. It is time to divide inheritances only according to the inner potential. It is necessary to know the accruements of life. Coffin shapes must be left to the dead. True, one should sense the steps of culture, but disregard the zigzags of effeminateness. Faint-heartedness shut up in awkward armor did not lead to pan-human joy, but the retort of a modest alchemist has often been illumined by the Common Good. Without superstition must we examine the milestones of the growth of humanity under the sign of the community. We must examine how the victory of the community grew, in the kindling fires of knowledge and beauty. True knowledge and beauty contain in themselves the best community.

New Era Community (1926) - 256:
256. Roaring must be listened to without shuddering. It is necessary to understand where the source of the roaring is. The ear must distinguish the roar of the tiger from a cry of victory. It is necessary to appraise the outburst of cries by the intensified human consciousness, so as to pass over this noisy stream. The cost of the path amid hostile cries is much higher than that of the path of solitude.

New Era Community (1926) - 261:
I advise all associations not to let this psychological moment slip by, but opportunely to provide a new task. I see that it is possible to avoid complications through a pledge of victory by the most practical methods. The Teaching of reality must respond to the sweep of the intricate current of evolution. The process of new world structures must be securely shielded.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 11:
Victory to you, daring deeds! For the mighty-winged deeds outweigh all wrongdoing.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 72:
72. Have you finally learned to rejoice at obstacles? Can We be assured that what seems like an obstacle will multiply your resourcefulness tenfold? Can We accept you as conquering warriors? Can We send you the arrow of help, assured that you will catch it in flight? Can We pronounce the word of the New World in unison with you? Can We believe that for the sake of the beauty of creation you have burned your outworn garments? Can the Mother of the World entrust to your vigilance the texture of Light? Can the Lion hasten to your aid? Can the Light illumine your path? And finally, do you understand how to apply to yourself the given Teaching? Can We entrust to you the wearing of the given signs? Can We dispatch the ray of perfectment? Can We vouch for your vigilance? Can We construct a stronghold from your understanding of self? Can We rejoice at the steadfastness of your path? Can the Mother of the World call you just? Can the Lion become the protector of your dwelling? Can the Light bathe the new steps? Unbolt your doors! Victory is at the threshold!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 114:
Does the music of the spheres signify the victory of human presumptions? Or does it hail the purification of forgotten Truth? There is a prophecy that reminds us of the condemnation and then the purification of a sacred city.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 117:
By the sound of the trumpets, the warriors recognize the moment for advancing into the field of battle. Manifested warriors, what an untamed current, never repeatable and obscured to the eyes of the world, rages about your camp! What has impelled you to keep your swords sharpened and your shields at the ready? You will say "We know the marked dates of Earth and nothing can dim our sight. The Keeper of the dates has confided to us the combination of forces, and the decisions. Patience has turned to immutability. Yesterday we trembled with expectancy, but today we rejoice in the ardor of battle, knowing that the destined battle will lead to victory."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 128:
We are opposed to baseless fantasies, but We welcome each goal-fitting prognosis. If the best building-blocks for construction can be found, and if the will can join them, then one can be certain that one's plan is valid and will be accepted. The cause of unfitness or frailty of any structure lies within ourselves. The horror of destruction is caused by discord between consciousness and reason. The narrowness of human logic and reason can undermine the foundations, when the consciousness is already celebrating victory. If the logic of evidence finds its true role in the understanding of reality, then one's decisions are made firm. Think thus about the future, and in the midst of the desert erect walls of knowledge. You know that every stone put into these walls must be vital and needed. Their strength will resist all assaults of the enemies of knowledge. Treasure each hour devoted to constructing the future. The major forces of humanity are made possible by man's foresight. Whence comes courage? Whence striving? Whence the ability to overcome? From foresight.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 135:
135. One may rejoice when the dates of great events flow by. No destruction can impede understanding of the growth of new cosmic opportunities. Such opportunities fill one with joy. If one realizes them, it means one partakes in them. And even a partially conscious participation in the cosmic process is already a great victory of the spirit. Striving toward the far-off worlds is the natural tendency of the human spirit, which remembers its interplanetary experiences. It is essential to direct humanity toward the path to the far-off worlds. This direction can take us through the mockery of ignorance to true reality. The manifestation of the far-off worlds will transform life upon the planet's crust. Predestined realities will drive away the stagnation of petty thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 143:
The creation of the stronghold of knowledge is victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 160:
160. Can we think about battle only in terms of victory? What seems like failure is the root of strength. Success is like multicolored blossoms. But tap the roots, because in them is found the sap of power. I suggest that power be understood as being gained from the accumulations of experience. We are again in the garden of life, where experience assures attainment.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 223:
Whoever has seen his enemy at sword's length will know how to shoot the arrow of victory. But many warriors do not know which weapons are appropriate, and therefore fall before the enemy's stroke. He who has succumbed to the enemy's stroke through incaution merits no honors. This rule of battle applies to every yogi.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 299:
299. If a teacher says, "I have ten thousand pupils," ask, "Is it possible that everyone is given entrance?" Quantity precludes success. The size of an army was never the sole guarantee of victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
Essaying investigation into everything, we must agree on the methods of research. We will know the direction of our action, but will not put obstacles in our way by making premature decisions about enemies. Let us combine insight with real action. When any aspect of the unknown becomes familiar, that will be a conquest - without astonishment, without a shudder, and even without excessive enthusiasm. For each hour, even the most inactive, may bring us closer to the unknown. The Great Unknown may be thought of as a friend, but for the researcher it is more useful to think of it as an enemy. All features of the unknown correspond more closely to those of an enemy. We speak always of fearlessness, but this is not needed against a friend. The achievement of victory also presumes the existence of an enemy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
If I bid you be victors, that means I foresee a battle. The Great Unknown, like an enemy, lures one to victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 307:
The Fiery Host lives when the Fire of Space achieves victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 324:
324. I must advise you to banish fear for the future. One who is bound by fear does not create a suitable atmosphere for action. We need those who strive for victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 424:
424. The measure of success is the degree of necessity. You may be sure that one would not leap across an abyss without absolute necessity. The more unavoidable the necessity, the nearer is the step of victory. Let the most dire necessity arise!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 471:
The degree of refinement of energy can be seen in one's radiations. The ability to perceive these radiations will be a token of the victory of consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 538:
We do not want to seem severe in Our judgment. We would prefer to see the joy of attainment, but for centuries it was necessary that the sword be held ready, for fear has always dominated people. Victory over fear will be the threshold of the new consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 546:
546. Fundamental and irreplaceable is the element of fire. Similarly without substitute is psychic energy. The most self-sufficient, the most refined, the most upthrusting energy is the true Daughter of Fire! Not without reason do We call you to the Fiery Conqueress. Every manifestation of enthusiasm precipitates a particle of the treasure. Each exaltation before nature and Beauty gathers the seeds of light and creates a ray of victory. Long ago I said, "Through Beauty thou hast Light." Is it possible that We say this only to give pleasure? Each Indication has undeniable and urgent importance. Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way to the accumulation of psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 580:
We always underline the concept of refinement, for it is bound up with the growth of spirit. You saw the slowness of accumulations of the spirit; similarly, refinement cannot be developed at once. The process of improvement of any machine shows how slowly perfection is gained. But realizing refinement of thought, we all must command ourselves to move with evolution; then every day becomes a day of victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 587:
587. If I say that everything is good, it will be untrue. If I say that everything is bad, it will also be untrue. It would be better to say, "Battle, and victory." But how can one be taught the joy of battle?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
Affirm that the refining of consciousness is the magnet that attracts all beneficial energies. The consciousness, an inexhaustible treasure, will lead to the summits, where victory is found. Is it worthy of man to let his consciousness be overgrown with weeds? It is essential to consider whither one wishes to propel oneself. The fire of consciousness will illumine the way.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 616:
616. Attain and conquer. You do not conquer for yourself; your victory is important for the General Good.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
The power of authority is not demonstrated by a flow of instructions that are pleasing to both the one who gives them and those who receive. The Teacher must be sure that the actions taken lead in the right direction - though they may take manifold forms. Just as a courageous captain can save his ship by jettisoning the cargo, or by cutting down the masts, so does the Teacher with full power of authority lead his disciples to victory.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 650:
Is it possible to avoid the burdensome currents? Of course it is better to face them head-on in battle than to zigzag to evade them. But the decision to engage in battle is the responsibility of the leader. The joy of battle is known to those who are aware of its purpose, to those who know the necessity of victory.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 43:
43. Hail the triumph of the prophecy of the herald! The victory is proclaimed by fires and by psychic energy. Each century brings forth its pronouncements. He who has proclaimed the victory of Infinity is the carrier of Truth. Like stones on the path lie the derisions, and persecutions grow into impenetrable thickets. We will not destroy these thickets, but the conscious spirit will cover all manifestations of ignorance with its wings. To some, Infinity will seem an impossibility. To some, the thought of death will seem beautiful. To some, the evidence of labor will seem horrible. To some, labor itself will be a terror. To some, the rhythm of endless cosmic labor will seem like an old encumbrance. But the hand of wisdom points to where there is no end; there where all is incombustible, yet where all is both destructible and indestructible; where all is visibly formless yet where all great and beautiful forms dwell.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 65:
It is difficult to see any victory in the restriction of consciousness; but let us learn to discern psycho-spiritually, and then the planet will be seen as a bearer of Spatial Fire.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 130:
Thought attracts a corresponding action. A benevolent inception attracts a corresponding solution. And the awaited victory is destined for the spirit which strives to the current of cosmic magnetism.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 384:
384. Attraction to the center of the generating fire imparts consciousness to the energies. Each attraction and emission of the fire, to and from the center, leads to conscious expression. The center is the core comprising in itself the entire potential. In life these centers are manifested in everything. The Teacher is the core embracing all your strivings. All that exists in Cosmos and aspires to progress is intensified by the center which is the fire impulse. All that lives in the seed of the spirit and aspires toward Light is propelled by the Teacher to that center which is the Magnet. The Teacher directs all issue of the seed to the center. Space is permeated with these centers. All energies strive to the center of spirit, and the center of spirit can dissipate all assaults against the purity of striving. All efforts against the seed of the spirit may be transmuted by the manifestation of fire. A well of pure might imbues each action which, by the power of the seed of the spirit, casts out the human thoughts that creep in. The conflict of energies either confirms victory of the spirit or engulfs weak strivings.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 391:
391. When a new mission is confirmed, bristling needles are always apparent. However, these needles of antagonism become but blunted intentions. Those who battle under Our Shield walk courageously and, having accepted the rhythm of the course of the Cosmic Magnet, can verily know victory. True, voices will rise against the great Truth of Agni Yoga. The zealots of the church and the servants of darkness will not prevail against the sparks of Fohat. Certainly, the affirmation of Agni Yoga smites the encumbrances under which people nest. Therefore, Agni Yoga challenges all servants of darkness. Thus true evolution is created. Verily, it is difficult for the quivering Mother of Agni Yoga. Verily, it is difficult for the warrior, the Agni Yogi, but the ascent affords an increase of all forces. Thus, those who turn the rudder of the Cosmic Magnet affirm the point of attraction. Those who walk united in heart assuredly conquer.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 55:
55. You are correct in speaking of humanity's lack of insight. When we approach the ominous hour, all forces must be strained for the mighty step. It has already been told that the Epoch of Maitreya is approaching, and the signs are strewn as fiery seeds; hence, the ominous hour will be one of Light for those who are in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, the ominous hour will be as a future Light for those who battle for the significance of the Epoch of Maitreya. Hence, cooperation with Us brings the predestined victory. Therefore, the co-workers who walk in self-denial will be victors. Proceeding in step with the Cosmic Magnet, you affirm victory! Yes, yes, yes!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 100:
100. Much is affirmed by Us, and tension will bring the predestined. Those who have dedicated themselves to the cosmic tension must conquer. Hence, Our world-wide victory is irrevocable. Therefore, when that which is predestined by the Brotherhood is to be fulfilled, joy resounds. Therefore, I have said it - I vouch for it! I see victory! Yes, yes, yes! During ascent the difficult hours transform failure into success. Thus, let us remember - Victory and Joy! Thus, the new step is predestined by the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 156:
156. When the cosmic creativeness is tensed, the idea of reorganization is asserted. Hence, each creative effort encounters a pressure. Therefore, each striving has its opposition. Thus, Our tasks are in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Our Covenants build the future. Therefore We say, "Maitreya creates through the Cosmic Magnet." Thus, all opposition leads to victory. Verily, when My Spirit manifests a magnet identical to Earth's, victory can be affirmed. Let us remember the doubled magnet!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 162:
162. The reorganization of the world strains all forces of the dark ones. Each wave of evolution strains the forces of stagnant intent. When the world is divided into Light and dark forces, is it possible that the affirmed resultants will not be born? The cosmic creativeness is intensified through battle, and the battle proceeds upon all planes. Therefore, the manifestations which are closest to Us show themselves first of all as forces which stimulate opposition. Therefore I say, "The predestined will be fulfilled, the preordained will be fulfilled." One should preserve the joy of the future; one should affirm victory!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 164:
164. The impulse of the departing forces calls up innumerable identical currents from space. The manifestation of the approaching change greatly strains all the lower strata. For the affirmation of the predestined, a striving spiral must be created. Therefore, the New Race is assemble under the sign of victory. The step of manifested consummation is strained by the approach of the appointed date.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 191:
191. The fiery torrent penetrates all spheres. The fiery spirit penetrates all spheres. Therefore, when at the head of an undertaking there stands a fiery spirit, victory is assured. Each ordinance of Fire is transmitted by the fiery spirit. Therefore, the fiery path knows the affirmation of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 236:
236. Only when the spirit adheres to the creativity of the Cosmic Magnet is it capable of aspiration toward creation; only then are possibilities drawn to it. Only when a straining spirit bears an affirmed world task does it create intensively. Constructive striving always evokes opposition; hence, there are such battles under Our Shield. But victory is inscribed upon Our Shield.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 262:
262. Only the attraction of Our towers affirms victory. Only the command of the cosmic Magnet carries affirmation. Therefore, the departing forces so greatly fear Us. Verily, the manifested battle is great and all cosmic energies are in tension. Thus, We create fierily.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 268:
268. Every universal thought impels the consciousness to creativity. Like fire, it reaches the consciousness of many; therefore, each such thought of Our co-workers directs the Spatial Fire into the shifting. Only in tension is victory attained. Therefore, all forces are strained and multifold mighty levers are acting.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 316:
316. Our principle of Fire is so intense that creativeness is precipitated toward the Source of Fire; and the Mother of the World directs Her rays into Our spheres. Only Our approaches will grant evolution to the planet and will determine the construction. Therefore, the evolutionary battle will resolve in Our victory, and every stone brought by the enemy will provide a step for the victory. Thus, We truly utilize each obstacle. Verily, a great creativeness! The Tara of Fire will impart a new science to humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 326:
326. The law of striving carries all affirmations. Striving toward Good avails itself of all higher paths, but wrath, which is in opposition to the Cosmic Magnet, adopts the basest ways. Hence, the dark forces in Cosmos are intensified by the lower spheres. At the moment of decisive shifting, the creativeness of nations is vividly expressed, and Cosmos strains the forces of Light for victory. Thus, the streams of Light conquer in limitless cosmic action.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 439:
439. The pull of the fiery threads can saturate all spheres. The correlation between the spheres gives to Cosmos an impellent force manifested by Fire. Only the pull of cosmic threads can assert the properties of the spatial fires. Each sphere is consolidated by its properties. Thus, spiritual progress is permeated with the quality of conscious striving. Every fiery striving has its source in the properties of attraction. Therefore, when the cosmic shifting is determined the spiritual levers come into action. How, then, can a spirit be drawn to the seed of Spatial Fire? Only through the stimulus of correlation. Hence, the development of the cosmic fires induces striving. Thus, a surging fiery transport carries the spirit toward victory.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 482:
482. Only in the name of Truth should the very combative impulses be heightened. Only in the name of Truth can the most saturated fires be heightened. Certainly, each energy issuing from the cognizance of the Great Cosmic Plan attracts cosmic fires. Each conscious thought is attracted into the orbit of the Cosmic Plan. Therefore, every effort in the name of Truth will be crowned with victory. Thus is Infinity built.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 495:
495. When the tension of the Carriers of Fires is revealed as a shifting power, the tension of the opposing forces increases. Therefore, all the measures taken by the enemies are in proportion to the growth of tension. Every wall erected by the enemy must crumble under the cyclone of his own errors. Thus, the enemies are saturated with their own poisons. Our Carriers of Fires are tensed cosmically, and victory is inevitable. Thus, the world will know all the obstacles encountered by the Carriers of Fires. The fire of spirit imbues the space.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 505:
505. When a spirit strives to inscribe a better page in the Book of Life his acceptance of the service for the Common Good opens to him all gates. Hence, when the thought of the flaming Agni Yogi imbues the space, then verily the spirit creates with Cosmos. Thus is the higher concordance established. Therefore, in this battle Our enemies fear greatly the higher concordance, but Our victory will be the more powerful.

Hierarchy (1931) - 39:
39. The creativeness of Cosmos is always built through the tension of all energies. For all achievements the quality of energies should be affirmed. Therefore, the higher the tension, the more powerful is the manifestation of victory. Our creativeness is saturated with the quality of power. Therefore, having gathered all energies, we can rely upon success. Only the quality of energies gives the needed standard of labor. Therefore it is so important to have an expanded consciousness and to embrace all that is needed for constructiveness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 114:
114. When the cosmic tension is so great, one should gather all strength for the defense of Light, because each uncertainty in Light gives access to darkness. Therefore, each foundation should be protected. When the forces are collected around Light, how can one not adhere to the Leading One? Only in this lies strength and victory. When the Cosmic Magnet is being shifted, certainly the course of Light must be followed, because only upon this crest of the wave can one swim over the manifested torrent. Thus the thought of Light will be like the Image of the Lord.

Hierarchy (1931) - 120:
120. Hence, when the highest striving toward the Lord is offered, the manifested orbit and focus should be guarded. Therefore, all Our Abutments should be protected, because clouds are all around. Victory is predestined, but all foundations should be protected, and the highest striving can bring all possibilities. The time is severe but wondrous. It is a time of consummation and construction. It is a time of highest tension and of earthly battle. It is a time which inscribes a great page and which is building a great future. Therefore the enemies rage, for the Highest Law enters into life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 136:
136. Only by the tension of all strength will you conquer. This must be remembered and applied. We have decided on complete success, it depends upon you to accept it. The entire garden of doubts, suspicions, fears, offenses, condemnations must be cast aside. If you desire to accept victory, every treason must be avoided, because the consequences of doubts and lack of respect for Hierarchy will disrupt all threads. When the ship is holding by only one anchor during the tempest, it is stupid to begin to change the chain. Guard the foundation, and ascend only through its growth. I shall be tireless in repeating about Hierarchy until you realize it. It is not enough to nod your head, it is time to think and to apply. I have reasons for repeating this.

Hierarchy (1931) - 137:
Let no one take lightly My warning; when victory is weighed and defined, there can be no excuses or haphazardness. Remember, there is one Anchor, there is one Light! And when the greatest battle takes place, it is unforgivable to disturb the formation. I shall be very severe, because the time is at hand, and already some successes have been postponed. The burden is caused only by you. Guard the foundation! Many fires are introduced into action. Remember, the purple star indicates the highest tension.

Hierarchy (1931) - 142:
142. You often hear about the battle waged by the powers of darkness. Now you are in its very midst. Truly the Hierarchs themselves participate in the combat. The more glorious will be the victory. But hold My Hand as an anchor. I would not speak of the terrible danger without reason. Therefore, let us not lose the moment to unite, and, rejecting the past, let us strive into the future and hold fast in battle. It should be remembered that great is the honor of confronting the giants of evil. I know your tension, but accept it as a sacred ascent. Drive away all that is evil and dark. Invoke Me often whenever the manifestations of Light are threatened. Remember Hierarchy!

Hierarchy (1931) - 147:
147. When the fate of the planet is being determined, the forces are distributed along the poles of Light and darkness; therefore, each spirit must guard itself from faint-heartedness. To side with Light means to walk with Us under the Banner of Hierarchy; to side with darkness means to walk under the yoke of the black banner. Thus, in time of battle one should fierily realize Our Might and build a lawful affirmation of life. Only thus can the challenge of the dark ones be accepted; for when the spirit is immune to faint-heartedness and treason, victory is manifested. Thus, let us be affirmed upon Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 148:
148. Certainly, when the battle proceeds, the creativeness of the forces is strained, and each loyal action adds a strong link to the chain of defense. Each heart manifesting devotion to Hierarchy serves as a smiting flame against the enemy. Therefore, only a pure striving to Hierarchy assures a right decision. Thus We conquer. True, when the battle is tense, there are many desiring to harm. Yet the plan is invulnerable, and only the evidence of complete striving to Hierarchy gives victory.

Hierarchy (1931) - 152:
152. Thus the might of the Spiritual focus is manifested by Us. Thus immutable are the laws of Hierarchy, and those who adhere to that affirmed might will find the right path. Hence it is so important to approach Us in the sole striving to fulfill the predestined. Thus victory is affirmed by Us. Therefore, one should gather all the best strivings to adhere to the Spiritual Focus.

Hierarchy (1931) - 201:
201. When the world is convulsed, the sign of Maitreya is given as an antidote. When the foundation of Our Works was laid, the forces of the spirit were strengthened. Thus the sign of Maitreya has been affirmed. And in Our Day, when the manifestation is affirmed, one can repeat, How vitally the power of the spirit has entered into life and how greatly this new power has been affirmed in consciousness. Hence, the consciousness must be applied to a mighty understanding of Hierarchy, which holds the chain of all strivings. Thus, each manifestation of beauty placed by Us in the foundation of Our Works must be acknowledged as a vital action. Thus the power of the foundation consists in beauty, and striving to the fulfillment of the Higher Will, will lead to the predestined victory. Thus Our Towers should be built, verily, in beauty!

Hierarchy (1931) - 233:
233. It is necessary to become as accustomed to battle as to daily labor. One should understand a battle not only as a test of excelling in strength but also as a source for the accumulation of energy. We cannot think of mastering the elements without a battle. And how ready must we be at a call, for otherwise we may waste the action of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean the steadfastness of repose, but steadfastness in the midst of battle. Can something else be substituted for battle, when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy? If it is difficult for some to accept Hierarchy through love, let them accept it as a fundamental necessity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 242:
242. Certainly the dark force fears most of all the affirmation of Light. All servitors of darkness intensify their forces when the servitor of Light imbues space with the Decree of the Lords. Humanity knows great examples of such battle and victory of Light. Certainly each one receives a Teacher in accordance with his own consciousness. It is the same with the chain of the dark ones, who are filled with the consciousness of evil, setting up their decision against Light. Thus, the forces are strained in Cosmos by diverse affirmations. Therefore one may affirm that Light conquers darkness. Thus the life of Infinity is built.

Hierarchy (1931) - 276:
276. How many unnecessary manifestations people create for themselves! How many superfluous karmic impediments they create for themselves! And all this only because of unwillingness to admit the Hierarchy to their hearts. Thus, all affirmations can enter into life only when the consciousness can accept the Hierarchy. Each evil in the world is generated because of resistance to the great principle of Hierarchy. Each victory is gained only by the principle of Hierarchy. Therefore, one must be so strongly based upon the affirmed Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 289:
289. The principles of the affirmation of cosmic laws are enrooted in the spirit. Striving toward Service always opens the revealed Gates. Thus, Our victory is always brought into life by the law of striving and invincibility of the spirit. Thus the predestined will be fulfilled. So I affirm! Thus, when the focus affirmed by Us shall be verily guarded, the Magnet will act.

Hierarchy (1931) - 310:
310. When the Forces of Light and darkness are strained, health must be guarded, because the Fire of Space is raging and darkness is tense. But in all Our manifestations one should perceive victory. When everything crumbles that is old and not applicable for evolution and for the Epoch of Fire, one anchor remains, which will save humanity - the anchor of Hierarchy, which will unite the entire chain and give the entire power. Thus, one should become limitlessly affirmed in Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 314:
314. Amidst the concepts of courage, the most invincible is the courage of the flaming heart, when, with full decisiveness, with full realization of achievement, the warrior knows only the path of advance. To this achievement of courage only the extreme degree of the courage of desperation is comparable. With the same speed with which the courage of the flaming heart overcomes the future, desperation flees from the past. Thus, where the courage of the flaming heart is lacking, let there be the courage of desperation. Only thus can the warrior gain victory when the offensive is great. All other aspects of courage are of no significance, because in them will be half-wayness. This quality, next to cowardice and treason, must be avoided.

Hierarchy (1931) - 320:
320. What undertakings enter into life without great tension? Each creative step is the affirmation of great battles. Each battle has its predestination, and each design its significance. Thus, those who walk along with the Powers of Light must know that without a tense battle there is no victory. Thus, when the step of great victory is being affirmed, the disciples of Light must feel entire invincibility of the spirit and entire steadfastness of actions. When the affirmation of great foundations was given to humanity, each tension was accepted as a further impulse for new structures. Thus, in evolution each banner has been affirmed by the greatness of the steadfastness manifested. Verily, only thus can one conquer!

Hierarchy (1931) - 328:
328. How difficult it is for people to realize what determines their own welfare. They think that they create; they think that they labor; they think that nothing will take place without them. They think that in them lies the foundation. Woe to those who take credit for that which does not issue from themselves, for these servitors of darkness are verily the destroyers of luminous inceptions. Certainly the attempts of these dark ones only determine their own destruction, for Light is unconquerable. Thus self-destruction occurs where there is disobedience to the Hierarchy of Light. Thus, the attributing of creativeness to themselves by the dark ones has a reason, because verily the jinns have affirmed themselves as co-workers of Light. Each evil intention is the affirmation of victory.

Hierarchy (1931) - 348:
348. Leave all the past to Us and think only of the future. Let us not take anything useless from the past; let us not burden our consciousness by anything. I, Myself, will put away and will remember all that is valuable! Events propel one into the future. Therefore Hierarchy must be understood as a life belt; so, also, the sign of the Mother of the World may be understood. Do not be disturbed, for I will turn all to usefulness. We shall shout into the ears of the faint-hearted-Hierarchy!!! The Teaching is given at the imperative hour, and one must have the ears of an ass not to hear the thunder. It is useful to rejoice before the victory. Let us rejoice, and thus unite ourselves with the joy of the Lord.

Hierarchy (1931) - 388:
388. When a victory was announced to the emperor known to you, he accepted this message in complete calm. The courtiers whispered, "Is it indifference?" But the sovereign said, "Not indifference, but knowledge. For me this victory is already passed, and at present I am thinking of a great difficulty."

Hierarchy (1931) - 445:
445. The approach is endless; so, too, are defeats. Few will discern where is victory and where defeat. One must know the relation of spiritual growth to the victory over darkness. Darkness can display the Maya of well-being, whereas Light can attest to violent commotions. Each one strives along the shortest path, but who is capable of imagining the best achievements? Only the link with Hierarchy can reveal the uniqueness of the best path. Our decision is to consider achievement as the shortest path. The dark ones consider fearlessness as a bad sign. We have determined not to avoid the steep path. For them, each ascent is an unnecessary dissipation of strength. With Us, the Ray of Light is a bridge of granulations, but they dream of a void. We understand each daring leap; for them, it is but recklessness. Thus, between the daring of wisdom and the recklessness of treason stands only the heart. It will safeguard and open the Gates of Hierarchy. He will err less who follows the silver thread stretched from his heart to the heart of the Teacher.

Hierarchy (1931) - 446:
One must accustom oneself to the thought of victory. Otherwise, how many defeats are but the consequences of indifference. Indifference is already defeat; as in the present, so in the future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 453:
453. How easy it is to ameliorate life only by striving to a manifest victory of the spirit! Is it possible that all the discoveries of science have not broadened human thinking?

Hierarchy (1931) - 455:
455. The power of Guidance imbues humanity with all strivings. Each attainment directed to progress is affirmed by the Higher Will. The guaranty is manifested only by affirmation of the correlation between the Higher Will and assimilation. Thus is revealed to humanity a direct bond between the Hierarchy and the disciple. Thus, verily, the great Might underlies the silver thread that links all the best inceptions. Truly, it can be affirmed that victory underlies the bond with the Higher Will.

Heart (1932) - 71:
71. True solemnity is built in the highest tension. Solemnity is not rest, not satisfaction, not the end, but precisely the beginning, precisely determination and progress on the way to Light. Hardships are inevitable, as the wheels of striving. Terrible pressures are inevitable, otherwise the explosion is weak. But can joy come through levity? There, there is only lust, but joy is in the victory of spirit. The victory of spirit is in the assertion of unalterable principles. When the Banner of Peace is being unfurled one can be filled with solemnity.

Heart (1932) - 103:
103. How can one safeguard people if they themselves do not wish to hold to the saving thread? Keeping a correct direction is already a victory. Our help is ready to pour forth, but it must be for someone and into something. Who, then, can aid Us with straight and simple striving? The heart will help find this current and also the true path.

Heart (1932) - 121:
121. When I call to strive toward Me, it means that amidst the battle a dangerous moment has arisen, and the unification of hearts is needed. It is impossible for one to imagine a complete victory in Infinity, but for the same reason defeat is equally impossible. Often a physician carries the pain over to another part in order to demonstrate its relativity, but cooperation does not need such examples. When the builders of a great plan are called, there can be no relativity. When the hour is dangerous, the heart aches. One may think of many causes, but the basis of anguish and alarm is one, namely, the austere part of the battle. It would be impossible to imagine a battle as an advance without obstacles. Thus, We are on guard and We call the co-workers to stand solidly.

Heart (1932) - 171:
171. The heart may hear the call of victory even while the battle is raging. Such a heart is worth acquiring, and the labor of refining one's consciousness will be the most beneficial action.

Heart (1932) - 182:
182. The red-golden light that fills the inner substance indicates the armor of the heart. As the outer rims of the aura from purple become ruby, so the silvery Lotus of the heart flashes with an outburst of red-gold when the spirit clothes itself in the ultimate armor. Thus is attained the inner condition that permits participation in the hardest battles without harm or danger of severe wounding of the subtle body. The consequence of such an armor of the heart was already evident when the warrioress confronted the dark forces and despite their preponderant numbers made them tremble, and they were left with their threats. Yet an impotent threat of the enemy is already a victory. But, of course, the red-golden light is not reached easily and demands a lengthy achievement.

Heart (1932) - 208:
208. The happiness of the world is hung upon the cross. The future of humanity is redeemed through poison. The phoenix is resurrected only out of its own ashes. The pelican nurtures its young with the blood of its own heart. Thus is transmuted the highest energy, which lies at the base of the birth of the worlds. Thus, when I spoke to you of an excessive load, I meant the highest energy, which is created only in tension. When I spoke of the redeeming courage of despair, I indicated the shortest path. Thus, let us realize the redeeming energy, for only by this path shall we avoid all the malignant threats. Who, then, would prefer a slow decay to radiant flight? Only by a broad flight can one reach the shore of Light! But he who thinks that peril is demanded is unwise. The ultimate degree of tension is needed only for a distant flight. Hence, We speak of victory, not of destruction.

Heart (1932) - 209:
209. Yet an understanding of the beneficence of tension propels the heart to the highest worlds. Only on this path does the blue flame glow. Parts may be consumed, but the essence will radiate. Do not be frightened when the great days come. When you examine the armor, you know that victory is accorded only by trust and by the heart. Where the forces are assembled one can find true victories for oneself.

Heart (1932) - 218:
218. What I indicated about obsession and Satanists, you yourselves now observe daily. Without complaint and sternly on guard you will attain victory. Let sternness be like a sharp sword. Thus, all who blaspheme must be punished.

Heart (1932) - 311:
311. The Teacher affirms that complete victory can be expected if only there is unity in consciousness. One cannot expect success if there is the smallest suspicion of the Teacher. Thus, it is necessary to work together, knowing that everything that is within the laws of the Universe will be granted. Who, then, will regard this period as one of rest? No one, not even one who is not far-sighted will deny that the time is unprecedented, and one must even sleep as during an unrelieved watch. The Teacher understands that your hearts are also burdened. Each day the situation of the world becomes more complicated. Viewed from the angle of Armageddon this is entirely natural, but the consciousness to whom the idea of Armageddon is absurd raves, because it does not know its way.

Heart (1932) - 353:
353. The heart thinks, the heart affirms, the heart unifies. One can always remember the significance of the heart, clouded for so long by the brain. The heart will be first to thrill, the heart will be first to quiver, the heart will be first to discern much, before the judgment of the brain dares to reflect. Without undermining the tortuous path of the brain, can we disregard in silence the most direct attainment of the heart, the arrow-like ray to which the miracle-heart is equal? Thus, one can be united with the heart and bulwark oneself against all attacks of evil. Only through the heart can one sense the brown gas and arrest the asphyxiation in time. So, also, will the victory upon the field of Armageddon remain with the heart. Hence, I counsel to preserve the heart as the smiting sword against all evil.

Heart (1932) - 494:
494. You want salvation and success, but for this there must be unity in action. It is necessary to understand how destructive is each interception of the rhythm. For a decade I have prepared for this hour of battle. Tell the disobedient that a violation of the thread is analogous to falling away from the Lord. Now especially, let us remember it with finality. It is now necessary speedily to cross many bridges, and the treasure must not be squandered! We demand, at least at this time, that the present should be realized as unprecedented, otherwise, instead of the brilliant victory, one may be hurled to ruin. We guide you to victory and no one has the right to impede Us! The dark ones will now act through unworthy pettiness, but solemnity can easily be tempered precisely upon them.

Heart (1932) - 536:
536. Among the fires of the heart the most vivid is the flame of self-sacrifice. Precisely this armor diverts the hostile arrows and creates the renowned invulnerability. The fire of courage is only a part of the flame of self-sacrifice. Of course, self-sacrifice does not mean necessarily to offer oneself as a victim, but it corresponds to the readiness to conquer for the work of the Highest World. One can also notice a decline of the fires upon the slightest deviation from Hierarchy. As a whirlwind extinguishes the torches, the deviation into the abyss of Chaos destroys the fires of the heart. Is it not strange to see at one table the deviating ones and those who walk to victory? They seemingly share together equally the earthly food, but their spirits are already in opposite regions. The purified heart senses these contrasts. Often the heart hesitates to decide by the outward appearance, but the substance is clear to it.

Heart (1932) - 556:
556. You will not be astonished at My confirmation that black magic is increasing greatly. Of course, this is one of the weapons used by the opponents of Light. They gather conscious and unconscious co-workers. Conjurations, incantations, and also all the accumulations of the dark ones, are broadly utilized. In addition to the dark centers previously indicated to you many small circles are arising, often based on the most primitive rituals. But general harm is great. Of course, white magic possesses the most powerful formula - but above all formulas stands the energy of the heart. All formulas and conjurations presuppose mechanical apparatuses, remaining within the confines of the lowest teachings. But now, when the forces of darkness are so aroused, the forces of the heart are set against them in opposition. It can be noticed how gradually the rituals of white magic were carried to the highest concepts of Fire and the heart. The dark ones do not possess these strongholds. Only the pure heart can act. Only the link with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle the inextinguishable fires. Thus, the opposition of the heart to all dark forces will be the sign of victory. I affirm the might of the heart and from your experience you know how close and powerful is this weapon of Light. The fiery sphere cannot be approached without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure heart.

Heart (1932) - 571:
571. It is useful to observe traces of discipline wherever they are. In the matter of collective conscious discipline one should pay attention to the Japanese Zen monasteries. It is rare that Hierarchy and cooperation are preserved without coercion. Discipline should be regarded as an organized voluntary cooperation. Among the methods of educating the heart the voluntary organization of cooperation has great significance. But so long as compulsion is concealed somewhere there cannot be any conscious cooperation or the desired results. And let us hasten to understand cooperation. It is impossible to hope for flowering and victory where there is disunity. Let us accept this truth as a Command.

Heart (1932) - 599:
599. A legend of the Uighurs speaks of the giant who captured the Black Dragon and chained him with many fetters. The giant left his sister to guard the dragon and himself hastened to the end of Earth to announce his victory. But when the giant reached the distant lands he heard his sister's call, and understood that the dragon was rending the chains. The giant hastened back, but when he saw the seas, he realized that he would be late if he continued by this way. Hence the giant determined to go from one mountain to another, avoiding the seas, the forests, and the marshes; only thus did the giant arrive in time. And as the dragon was cleaving through his last chain the giant again chained the Black Dragon.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 72:
72. Before you is another manifestation of a high degree - the Kundalini bestirs itself from its base to the very highest joint. The pharyngeal glands are highly inflamed, but this physical aspect is indispensable for the fiery reaction. In this condition the Kundalini acts at the furthest distances. You realize how necessary just now is this reaction of Urusvati. Without this fiery action, there could have been no victory. But the battle is difficult indeed, and the waves of attacks are increasing. Therefore, let us be very cautious. Let us be attentive, benevolent, and very careful.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 99:
99. During every illness one can apply thought as a means of healing or relief, but such thought should eject the sickness from the organism with full force, without hesitancy or delay. However, if such force be lacking it is generally better not to think about the sickness at all, but to leave to the lower Manas the carrying on of the inner battle. It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness. In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition. When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness, they themselves bring it closer. The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought. Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness. Even the healing of wounds depends upon psychic energy. Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought. All treatments by rays, thermal action, and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences, which are weak in comparison with the power of thought. Hence , the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 146:
146. Also, one should learn not to expend labor unproductively. Mental confusion compels people to neglect primary considerations. See how lacking in the essential are the two letters received by you; I do not blame the writers so much as those who confused them. Such a disregard for the principal issue is an already irreparable harm. The person who disconcerts the consciousness of his fellow man is a corrupter. He brings no joy to himself; on the contrary, his life will be darkened, for his consciousness has digressed from the main issue. To discern the principal issue and to remain on the path to it means to proceed to victory. But to begin by plunging into an abyss of uncertainty, does it not mean being a stone on the neck of one's fellow?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 377:
377. The tensions are many, and one can learn to rejoice at achievement. Achievement is impossible in a state of depression. Depression is death, like a purse full of holes! Through depression the most precious spills out, and it is therefore correct to call depression "death." As a man arises from sleep for labor, so does he open the door to achievement. We must light the fires with special brightness when we walk toward victory. Remember this especially in the days of oppression. It is nothing other than the bowstring for the arrow.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 519:
519. It is truly amazing when a mechanical giant attempts to strike the fiery heart, but instead carries the stones for his own tomb. This example is often repeated, but on each occasion one should rejoice over the victory of Agni. People plead for a miracle, but numberless miracles are all around them. They have merely to cleanse their eyes of irritation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 640:
640. One may wonder at times why and how people can meet again after many incarnations. There are many reasons for this, but the principal one is the Cosmic Magnet. One may notice that people are attracted precisely through a sense of karma; nothing can hold back the debtor. But earthly concepts make it difficult to coordinate Infinity with the manifestation of karma. How great must be the attraction in order to hold such divergent energies in conformity! Moreover, one side will always try to escape, but the law will lead it to the immutable realization of inevitability. In this one can observe a psychic attraction that only proves the oneness of the basic law. People also find it difficult to accept the fact that incarnations vary according to psychic principles and not according to earthly distinctions. Not many will understand that a king may find himself a laborer, and a shoemaker may become a senator. But the concept of Agni solves the riddle of change. The change of existence is assigned according to Agni. The fiery energy conveys to us the superterrestrial actions. We do not value earthly revolts in the form of murders - enlightenment alone is the real victory of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 650:
650. In all Teachings the dark forces are represented as shooting their fiery arrows at the Illumined One. This battle is depicted in beautiful symbols. No less beautifully is it indicated that the malevolent arrows do not reach their target but form a protective net. Let us not regard this heedlessly; this symbol is entirely realistic, even from the viewpoint of modern science. The malevolent flame encounters the great fire of the heart and becomes subservient, only augmenting the Agni of the Great Spirit. Thus, the heart which manifests all its power is invincible. In case of retreat, search nearby. Has the heart maintained all its force? Has not some transitory earthly circumstance interfered? Has not self-pity arisen? Did not a quiver of fear overcast the heart? And did not doubt allow clouds to set in? Verily, where the Agni of the heart is not overcast, there can be no defeat. Often it seems to a man that he has reached his limit, but he is deceived by faulty vision, and a large expanse still lies before him, precisely where victory may come. Prematurity leads to misfortune.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 651:
651. How many unalterable truths have been rejected! They say eternal life does not exist. Yet it exists. They say the Subtle World does not exist. Yet it exists. They say no intercourse between the worlds exists. Yet it exists. They say no Higher Guidance exists. Yet it exists. Thus dark deniers would screen the light from the heart. But no lock exists which can debar the heart from achievement. One should not only discuss and read, one should also sense the warmth of the heart. This warmth of the heart can be measured; this means it is accessible to simple apparatuses. Agni will point the way to that land where the victory of the heart is preordained. The Fiery World summons to victory.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
13. One should observe not only Ours but also the Black Brotherhood. It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. Ur. fearlessly visited the dark ones. She saw many of different grades, and in her valor she addressed them. Verily, there exists such a degree of courage that even the power of darkness is silenced. True, it is impossible to ever convince the dark ones, but one may paralyze them and considerably weaken them. Therefore, it is so important to oppose darkness actively. Out of dead dust - only dust is born. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. And when one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 13:
But those who think that visions and dreams are caused by indigestion, can easily sleep through the most valuable signs of reality. Only those who know the strength of their adversaries can hope for victory. What discipline and unity one must manifest to overcome such powerful gatherings! One must gather all spiritual courage to remove and put an end to petty things.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 245:
245. Our assistance is extended in the essential directions. It would be erroneous to think that the most petty details could attract Our energy. True, We always safeguard, but it would be absurd to think that every sneeze occurs by Our Command. One must distinguish where are the most essential currents of life; only thus is it possible to learn to respect the fundamentals of Communion. Precisely likewise do We regard the Highest Ones. Evaluation of and respect for the energy will be a sign of understanding of Infinity. Reflect upon this deeply, as precisely at present fiery labor requires understanding of Our fundamentals. Is it sensible to turn away one's weapon before the blow is struck? Is it possible to turn aside the directed telescope without spoiling the observation? So too, when We bring cooperation near, especial solicitude is needed. Observe how I gradually deepen the conditions of Our joint labor. No repetition is ill-advised. We require what is reasonable to be required. Gradually We enter into dangerous spheres, and only thus may one expect victory.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 357:
357. Constructiveness, striving for victory, is already a bond with the rhythm of Higher Worlds. Victory is inherent in each seed. The seed in its essence is eternal. It is transposed from one form into another, but it preserves an ineradicable essence. Guard and honor greatly each grain, each seed of life; in it is contained the highest fiery energy. Even in the finest scientific investigations people will not discover it. It is measurable by fiery measures, and only the fiery heart can sometimes grasp the pulse of the seed of life. But speaking about the impossibility of discovering the seed of life by means of earthly measures, let us not, for all that, distress the scientists; for they still can observe much. The science of the seed can give great benefit. Also one should be reconciled by the fact that the discovery of the seed of life in dense form would lead to the destruction of the World. Correlations of equilibrium would be violated, and no earthly forces could restore them. But when people will apprehend the Subtle World and assimilate the Teaching about the Fiery World, they will advance many steps toward victory over the flesh.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 359:
359. Verily, Hiero-inspiration says - the somnolence of a conqueror is an aspect of most frightful destruction. To resound in rhythm and not to affirm it will be a violation of the law. Victory must bring a harmonious, lawful structure. Victory is not an outburst but construction in all lawfulness. Observe the equilibrium bestowed by true victory. Danger is the friend of victory. If you do not understand it today, you will not apprehend it tomorrow. The fiery heart is reinforced by dangers. Thus let us understand the victory of good in all its magnitude.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 364:
364. Militant darkness is familiar to all peoples under different designations. In the last analysis, darkness remains the most frightful aspect of Avidya. But it is very dangerous when it begins to act. One must courageously meet its attacks in action sustained up to the point of its destruction. It has been said - darkness is as a carpet to the Fiery World. But in order to pass more quickly over the dark terrain, one should become kindled in heart. Thus the Fiery World will be the goal of victory over darkness. If darkness is perilous, then the goal must be great.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 413:
413. There is a manifestation of new tensions. The enemies invent new tricks; but let us be as a rock and we shall arrive at victory. One may rejoice that each attack brings new friends. Such friends are inconspicuous, but they can be likened to the cement of a building.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 470:
470. Rejoicing is a pledge of joy. We know how precious is each particle of joy, in it is a step of victory - Vidzhaya!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 187:
187. Resounding on the cosmic note can be transmitted spatially to the spirit which perceives the subtle currents. Among the subtle manifestations of such reverberations of the spirit must be especially noticed those which are audible to the fiery spirit. How vital it is to harken to that apparently inaudible tone which can transmit to the spirit spatial joy or anguish. The manifestation of inexplicable anguish can derive from the sounding of a spatial tone. The subtle organism of this bearer of Fires shudders from these notes of space. The physical ear cannot hear it, but the subtle hearing detects that which is inaudible to the ear and receives it in the heart. Therefore, the striving spirit is a creator in unison with the Cosmos, and knows the cosmic soundings which intensify space. In them is contained summons or call; in them is victory or battle; in them is sorrow or joy. Verily, he who knows these soundings and experiences the joy and anguish of communion with space, may be called a great fire-bearer. To this the fiery heart of the Mother of Agni Yoga bears witness. Thus let us remember the great unified Heart.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 199:
199. In the Cosmos Cycles have their definite significance. One may trace how in substance each is affirmed by certain energies which preordain entire epochs. One can observe how each Cycle particularly manifests and expresses the essence of cosmic strivings. But above all Cycles is the one Cosmic Right, which is intensified by all the energies of the World. Thus, the entire structure of the Cosmos leads to that principle which has been established in Existence. Let us affirm the Cycle of Cycles, and the predestined will take place. In the Cosmic Battle is being forged the crowning completion. In the Cosmic Battle is being tempered each law, but the great Fiery Right is being saturated with cosmic tension. Thus the Cycle of Cycles is manifested as the victory of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 313:
313. For affirmation of actions and of progress it is indispensable to be imbued with the essence of the acting manifestation. When action premises a great goal, each step must conform to the destination. One cannot mix the great with the insignificant. One cannot mix treachery with the higher destination, or a lower impulse with a higher goal. Such a confusion inevitably causes a sharp reaction. Each higher destination is in need of fiery saturation and non-resistance to spatial designations. Besides higher vigilance, a conscious discernment of the forces of Light and darkness is indispensable. Only steadfastness and conscious fearlessness will bring victory.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 320:
320. In the consciousness are contained both power and all the weapons of victory. The directed consciousness can move huge masses, but the consciousness must surmount all obstacles, as only the fiery paths lead to Us. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World it is so important to be conscious of the goal and its attainment. The attraction of the spirit toward the goal creates the shortest path, and can reveal every possibility for attainment. Indeed, creativeness of the spirit leads to the destination of fiery achievement. Let us accept each affirmation of the great Hierarchy of good. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember that achievement is the cornerstone upon which is being constructed the great future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 324:
324. The transformation of the World always evokes tension of all the energies of the Cosmos; and spiritual possibilities appear as saturated impulses of the new paths. Regeneration of the planet inevitably evokes all creative aspirations on all planes. Contact with the currents of space is intensified and becomes very painful; for all strata are permeated by gasses from the dissolute actions of mankind. Be not astonished when you sense this spatial load. Regeneration of the World has roused all energies. And the transmutation produces its consequences. On the path to the Fiery World, understanding of the spatial conflict is indispensable; thus let us be affirmed in the victory of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 329:
329. The World is experiencing a most tense time, and the layers close to the planet are saturated with energies which strive for transmutation of the supermundane strata. The condition of the planet is so acute that every supermundane affirmation is intensified in creative efforts, for it is needful to create a powerful counterbalance to darkness. Spirits which are found on the earthly plane in ignorance of the fiery transmutation taking place, may be burnt in the Great Battle, because the mighty conflict requires evidence of one's belonging to the element of Fire. Impetuousness of choice affirms for the spirit a place in the Cosmic Battle and in the Cosmic Victory. Knowledge of the paths to the Light is a task ordained in the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 350:
350. The planet is completing a cycle which leads everything to summation. The time is coming when each principle must manifest its entire potential. These rings are looked upon in history as downfall or renascence. But these rhythms must be regarded as the triumph of Light or darkness. The time has come when the planet is drawing near to such a circle of summation, and only the most saturated tension of the potential will result in victory. The circle of summation awakens all energies, for in the final battle all the forces of Light and darkness will take part, from the very Highest down to the dregs. Sensitive spirits know why there is being manifested so much of the Higher, side by side with the guilty and the inert. In the conflict, before the circle of summation there will be contentions of all spatial, earthly and supermundane Forces. On the path to the Fiery World the co-workers must remember the Ordinance of the Cosmos.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 352:
352. The World is living through those stages by which have been signalized all the decisive moments in the history of mankind. Stages of destruction precede construction. Creativeness, having been tensed, calls all energies to life. That epoch into which humanity has entered will inevitably manifest all the potentials of forces, for this epoch is a decisive one, and a turning point in history is approaching. Surely, the condition of the planet has not come about by accident, and each tension bears witness to that current which is engulfing all spheres. If the conflict is inexorable, so will the victory be decisive. For all forces and spheres participate in this Cosmic Battle. On the path to the Fiery World one must take up the Sword of Light for building the New Epoch.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 362:
362. One may picture how the Cosmic Scales are fluctuating when there are placed on one of the cups of the Scales all the historical events which have preceded the present time. And if the future World be gazed upon, one may see how the battle is growing. One may be convinced as to how spatial fires are spreading. One may observe how the Heavenly Forces are being equipped with fiery armor, and how earthly forces condense each spatial manifestation. It is important to think about this, because Fiery Reconstruction must meet with the conscious manifesting understanding of what is taking place. The fiery fluctuation of the Scales creates vortexes which are a danger to unstable ones but which uplift to the Higher Worlds those who are flamingly aspirant. Amidst the oscillations of the Cosmic Scales humanity cannot choose a middle path, for only Light or darkness will be contending for the victory. On the path to the Fiery World let us keep in mind the Cosmic Scales.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 412:
412. It is indeed impossible to build with faint-heartedness, for it brings dissolution everywhere. An intensified constructiveness requires an act of highest striving - there is either brimful victory or worthless faint-heartedness. If it could be made clear to the human mind how harmful are half-way measures and compromises, the process of construction would proceed differently. But humanity is ailing with these horrible ulcers and We are obliged to exhude bloody sweat in corrective measures. This is the state of tension in which the Hierarchy of Light works. Verily, bloody sweat covers Our brow.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 427:
427. Victory in the spirit predetermines the outcome. Therefore it is so important to find the basic approach which is right. So much strength and time can be saved, and so much so-called grief avoided.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 456:
456. The Hierarchic bond is one of the manifestations of the Fiery World. Actually only fiery hearts are able to understand the significance of such a bond; only they can perceive the web of the bond, which maintains the regular order of the World. Chaos does not weary of making attempts against these bonds. In addition to dissolute chaos, the forces of evil also attempt to break in and tear the threads apart. Such battles should be accepted as inevitable. Only understanding of the conflict can bestow true courage. Victory is then when one knows what precisely must be saved. Yet the Hierarchic bond is already the greatest Victory. It is necessary not only to submit to this bond but also to grow to love it as the only Shield.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 485:
485. Let us rejoice at the manifestation of victory. People will still not see it for some time, but it is already here. Wait, impatient ones, not the eye but the heart determines victory. When a fiery structure is already realized in the Subtle World, then may the hearts of the builders rejoice. Those who sleep do not feel it if they are carried out of the house, but space is already singing.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 507:
507. A certain king sent his army into battle and awaited on a hill the outcome. There he saw horsemen hastening away and exclaimed, "Victory, the enemy is fleeing!" But those near him said, "Alas, that is our own beaten army." The king smiled, "My warriors carry spears, but these horsemen have neither spears nor banners." But his advisors whispered. "They have already thrown away their weapons." Thus the defeated king for a long time imagined himself victor. Likewise it may happen that the victor erroneously thinks himself beaten for a considerable length of time. The dates of sowing and of harvest are not the same. But the fiery heart may have a premonition for which there is no supporting evidence. The Fiery World is reality.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 537:
537. The dark ones should not vouch for their victory. They should not boast of their seizure. Already the axe has been revealed and the tree will not withstand the hand of justice.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 558:
558. Knowing how to bring one's consciousness down to another's level is already compassion. Washing a wound is also not always pleasant. But it is still more insufferable to see treachery, yet even such an abomination can be contended with. Victory is so needed for the path. Victory in the spirit is already advancement.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 578:
578. A certain warrior came under the protection of a revered hermit. After a victory he came to the hermit and expressed his gratitude for two marvelous rescues. But the hermit said "Ungrateful warrior, you were saved not two but twelve times. You did not recognize the most important rescues." Usually people notice the lesser rather than the greater.

AUM (1936) - 52:
52. Unity and victory are the best mantram. The strength of the dark ones is shattered against such a rock. One should also remember not to burden the Teacher purposelessly. Let love and devotion always live in the heart.

AUM (1936) - 124:
124. In the face of danger human forces are multiplied in tension, likewise the state of ecstasy produces an influx of superearthly forces. If such a tension has been established, it is then possible to prolong this moment, in other words, man may receive a continuous increase of forces. It is only necessary that the Source of Forces become constant and near for him. Thus, the question of realization of the Higher World becomes urgent, and science itself will approach it as the impelling force of evolution. One may not only dream about such a bond of closeness but it is also possible to approach the Higher World by earthly measures. Each rapprochement of the worlds is already a victory over the flesh.

AUM (1936) - 154:
154. People can refine earthly conditions. The way lies not through riches nor power, but through the tremor of solemnity that is within reach of those chosen sensitive ones. Each such higher tremor is in itself a victory over the flesh.

AUM (1936) - 162:
162. Darkness is finite, but Light is manifested infinitely. Each one who knows this simplest of truths is already invincible. Any admission that Light is weak and the darkness great makes victory impossible. No matter what is given to the one of little faith, he drowns all in the ocean of darkness. Thus let us take up the weapon of Light as the surest.

AUM (1936) - 204:
It is necessary that one be prepared to listen not only to the majestic music of the spheres but also to the cry of animal terror. It is impermissible to know only one side of existence. Only cognition of the whole Universe will give the affirmation of victory. The unwise are afraid of every darkness, but for him who realizes, even darkness is a contrasting background for Light. He who knows about the world of Light is not afraid of darkness.

AUM (1936) - 322:
322. The rhythm of labor is the adornment of the world. Labor may be regarded as a victory over everyday routine. Each hard-working man is a benefactor of humanity. To imagine Earth without workers is to see a reversion to chaos. Invincible tenacity is forged by labor; precisely everyday work is the accumulation of the treasure. The true toiler loves his labor and understands the significance of tension.

AUM (1936) - 359:
359. People are unwilling to see the essential nature of what is taking place. But the essence is not changed by personal willingness or denial. No one can say that Armageddon does not lead to a predestined victory. It is amazing to see how long people have failed to understand what has been ordained. It is thus during a fire in a house, when the inhabitants do not wish to believe that such a thing has already happened. The evidence itself is of no help when a man has blindfolded himself.

AUM (1936) - 445:
445. Earthly victors, where is your being, and where is your phantom? Who will define - is it victory or the reflection of distant events? Where is the boundary of reality? Though all figures be amassed, the ciphers of solutions will not be found. Only the subtlest energy can distinguish between life and catalepsy.

AUM (1936) - 512:
512. One must feel how great is the tension. One must acknowledge that there has never been such a time. Ordinary thoughts should not exist in an extraordinary time. To assimilate this is an approach to the front line of the battle. The manifestation of tension is already great, and it will be no less in the future. One also needs to preserve the consciousness of victory as a strong shield. One has to fill space with victorious thoughts, for in them is ozone and protection.

AUM (1936) - 593:
593. Think of yourselves not as inhabitants of Earth, but of the Universe. In this way you will assume a greater responsibility. Likewise, you will apprehend how strenuous is the battle for each victory in the realm of Infinity. Do not think that by placing upon yourselves a great responsibility you fall into arrogance. The quality of arrogance befits ignorance. Responsibility is a duty to oneself and to the Highest. Thought about duty will in itself be constructive striving, but for such a path one must cultivate oneself each hour.

Brotherhood (1937) - 71:
By means of suggestion it is possible not only to forestall pain, but even to give an entirely different direction to the illness. Rarely is the latter admitted, for up to the present time people have not believed much in the influence of thought. From the same source, from unbelief, comes stagnation of consciousness. People poison themselves by unbelief. The wisdom of ages has recorded many examples of great trust and also of destruction through mistrust. When We speak about cooperation and even about Brotherhood, We must repeat about trust - without it no rhythm is created, without it success is not invoked, without it there can be no advance. Do not think that I am reiterating something too generally known; on the contrary, as in an hour of danger I am repeating about the salutary expedient. There is no other way to awaken the psychic energy. There is no other path on which the heart can glow with victory. It is difficult not to weary if there be darkness in the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 529:
529. Habit is second nature - a wise proverb indicating to what an extent habit dominates man. Precisely, habits render a man immobile and unreceptive. One can suppress habits, but it is not easy to eradicate them. People are continually encountered who boast of their victory over habits. But observe the daily routine of such victors, and you will find them slaves of habit. They have become so imbued with habits that they do not even feel the weight of such a yoke. It is especially tragic when a man is convinced that he is free, whereas he is really shackled in the fetters of his habits. It is most difficult to cure a sick man who denies his illness. Each one can name such incurable ones among people known to him. Yet in order to assimilate the concept of Brotherhood, mastery of existing habits is indispensable. Under habits We have in mind not the service for good, but the petty habits of selfhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 565:
565. The Silvery Tear - thus We call the lofty degree of readiness for tests. The first word recalls the silver thread, the second - the chalice of patience. One should constantly keep in mind that the concept of the supermundane lives side by side with the earthly concept. This consciousness is very hard to maintain, for even good consciousnesses think only along one line in the hour of testing. We should not console ourselves with the thought that the silver thread is sturdy; let us rather safeguard it as if it were something fragile. Moreover, let us not forget that the chalice of patience is easily filled to overflowing, even in everyday life. It is not difficult to pass judgment on another's circumstances. Tests of equilibrium should be carried out upon oneself. Each such victory will be in itself a true success. Life provides many an opportunity for such victories. Preserve in memory each such conflict, instructive processes of thinking take place in it. The symbol of the tear for the chalice of patience is not accidental. It is difficult to restrain one's indignation when one observes a senseless destruction. A complaint about the brutalities of people often runs along the silver thread. The Teacher will often send a ray of Light so that one can look into the distance. Only the telescope of the spirit can cover the judgment.

Brotherhood (1937) - 578:
578. With what can one block the path of evil? Only with labor on Earth. Thought and work directed to the Common good will be a strong weapon against evil. People frequently begin to verbally curse evil, but the disparagement is so ugly that it is impossible to fight it also by means of ugliness. Such weapons are worthless. Work and lofty thought will be the arms of victory - such is the path of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
We are always on guard. Not an hour passes without the need to stop somewhere the vicious attacks of the dark ones. Do not think that they attack only Our followers. They try to destroy all constructive work, and because of the law of vibrations, they are able to find the seed of good so hated by them. One should not ascribe omniscience to them, but they do sense their opposites. Our Work is made difficult by the expenditure of energy needed to counter the attacks of the dark ones. They know that ultimately they cannot overcome Us, but they absorb the energy that is being sent into space. When We ask for unity and trust We are calling for help for a speedy victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 61:
The endlessness of the battle will confuse the ignorant ones, and it is better not to speak of eternal battle to the unprepared. Let them keep the hope of a victory that they can understand. Of course, in thinking about such a victory, the phantom of defeat will hang over them. In the battle throughout Infinity We do not know defeat.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
70. Urusvati is right to be indignant at all the falsehoods that are written about Us. Truly, if all the idle stories were gathered into one book, an unusual collection of falsehoods would result. Symbolic expressions, created over centuries, have been transformed into unbelievable fairy tales about treasures that are guarded by the Lords of Shambhala. In the elaborate Tibetan narratives it is hard to understand how the more fanciful exaggerations have accumulated. Through these exaggerations the Tibetan nation wished to enhance its position as a world focus. For example, it is written that the warriors of Shambhala are innumerable and invincible, and their leader defeats all evil and affirms the Kingdom of Good. Such is the belief in the East, which cherishes in its heart the legend about the victory of Light. For the East, each veiled word written for the glory of Light is justified, but the West thinks the opposite and wishes to unveil everything, even to the point of belittlement.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 78:
78. Urusvati has seen explosions of black projectiles. What does this mean? Should it be understood as something symbolic, or as a vision of real projectiles? We must acknowledge, with great sorrow, the real existence of such dangerous projectiles even in the Subtle World. They spread a poisonous gas that reinforces the brown gas that contaminates the planet. The dark forces utilize the most destructive means to pierce the earthly atmosphere and project the deadly peril. They defy the laws of the Universe, and hope to attain their victory through confusion. They are not only dangerous adversaries, but also unwise ones, for they have no thought for the planetary balance. One who has seen the terrible explosions of these black projectiles can understand what extreme countermeasures are taken to dissipate their harmful effects.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117:
117. Urusvati is aware of the concept of victory. When We start creative work that is protected by the battle, We affirm victory. May the tautened string of victory resound! May the signs of forward motion become visible, for there is no defeat in Infinity. May Our Call be accepted as living advice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117:
Urusvati knows well the communications link with the Brotherhood; only by means of this link can one know the varied states of existence. Our Brotherhood is like a laboratory of all branches of life. The new Teaching is now being spread throughout the whole world, introducing a new knowledge of the subtle energies. Our victory too, is subject to subtle conditions. Sometimes years are required to make the right path, already outlined by Us, visible to earthly eyes. Later, people will remark on how specifically events were foreseen, and some will then appreciate Our sense of co-measurement in revealing the truth. Thus, learn from Our patience. May the adamant aspiration of the Brotherhood be an example for you in all your actions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117:
Our Inner Life contains a subtle reflection of earthly ways in all their multiplicity, therefore We advise that a keen and agile mind be developed. The ancients taught the possibility of all impossibilities, and in so doing taught how to broaden the consciousness. They often repeated the parable about an inept general, who, standing on a hilltop, was so concerned about the defeat of one part of his army that he failed to turn in time to see the other part of his army win a major victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
121. Urusvati knows how persistently We try to impress predestined discoveries upon the human mind. Let us take aviation as an example. One might think that after the flying ships of Atlantis, thought about victory over the air would have been abandoned for a long time to come, but thought about flight was destined to survive. People began to dream about airships, iron birds, and flying carpets. Solomon used a flying apparatus, and, finally, Our beloved Leonardo laid the foundation for scientific aeronautics. Thus one can trace in many fields of knowledge how ideas expressed in poetic legends gradually grew into scientific achievements.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 136:
If a conscious attitude can add potency to a weapon, then pure, enlightened striving can certainly attract help. This is not a moral admonition, but scientific fact. Selfless flight is already an act of faith and straight-knowledge. Urusvati voluntarily aspires to join the battle. Her motto is, "Be strong for victory." One can participate many times in the battle, and We value each effort for the sake of Truth and Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 163:
The power of thought that was manifested in these cases was such that an ordinary man can only imagine it. Such influence cannot be called suggestion, but rather the victory of mind over matter. And now, when people begin to study the power of thought, they must pay homage to these remarkable victories of the mind. If a sense of co-measurement is a guiding principle, the energy will always accelerate through the shortest channels.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 188:
The Thinker also said, "Learn to revere the Muses, who help you to become heroes. The Muses lead you to achievement, they accompany you in battle and in labor, and greet you with garlands of victory. The Muses transform your sufferings into beauty. The Muses will find you in the gardens that are adorned with the trees of knowledge. The Muses will not abandon those who revere them. Know how to serve the Muses, the Gatekeepers of the Beautiful."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259:
The Thinker wisely encouraged His disciples, and prophesied the victory of the Forces of Light.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 330:
The Thinker taught, "We can be useful in all states of being. Such readiness in itself is victory."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 371:
Another angrily complains, "You remain in complete safety, yet all you offer us is continual danger." We shall answer, "Ignoramus, what makes you think that We are safe? Our dangers may be invisible to you, but there is no such thing as life without danger. You must realize that one of the greatest joys comes from the awareness and understanding of danger. Through vigilance and awareness man becomes victorious, and this victory is joy!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394:
It is said about a Warrior that he is unchanged in joy and in sorrow, in victory and in defeat. It is not about indifference that We speak, but about a degree of intensity that, by its velocity of motion, prevents perception of extremes. I often speak about a bad experience and at the same time refer to joy. In the speed of his movement the pilgrim passes quickly over both mountain and abyss. He is so absorbed in his mission that his striving carries him over all obstacles upon the wings of success. Likewise, We are in such tension that Our striving carries Us through, with new measures of time and events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
More than once I have told you about wonderful, dynamic people who gave all their strength in selfless service. They suffered much, but their lightning-like discharges of energy were healing for all of space. They could not know where the salutary results would occur, and only later, when in the Subtle World, were they able to witness their victory.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
Great is the feeling of joyous readiness! Such a radiant feeling is without limit; it illumines the entire aura and multiplies the physical strength. The mother who saves her child is imbued with strength. Equally strong is the one who is ready to repel all attacks, and in such full readiness is manifested the unification of his various energies. We are speaking specifically about extraordinary combinations of energy, but people ignore signs of extreme danger. If the feeling of constant readiness is cultivated in childhood, it will provide victory over egoism.


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