Heart (1932) - 108: 108. It is necessary to learn to contain forty ways of alien expression. Each expression of ours puzzles the antagonist, but his own habitual expression enters at once into his consciousness as his own thinking. Thus, one can accustom one's consciousness to flexibility of expression. We call that the translator of the heart. And in other communications of the heart it is necessary chiefly to avoid egoism, which may be termed a dark eye. It is necessary that the foundations of the Teachings be applied in life not as the caprice of one day, but as a continued exercise, without any irritation and vexation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 163: 163. One should not be distressed in carrying out the Indications of Hierarchy. Many fruits become bitter from vexation. In many things it is necessary to draw close to higher understanding. For example, one should conquer the feeling of distance. Certainly it does not exist for the spirit, and if we shift our consciousness into the spiritual sphere then our feeling also will shift correspondingly. In other words, it will become broadened. And in addition, communion with Hierarchy gives, as it were, a new musical key to all our actions. Thus let us be closer, still closer, so that no viper may creep in. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 164: 164. Observe how people are to be distinguished in thought and in action. People should be judged by their works, but it must be borne in mind that only conformity of thinking, word and action is of assistance at the approach to the Fiery World. One must penetrate thither through all the poisonous gases. So many consciousnesses must be brought together in order to avoid deviation from the path. Many voices will call and many forbiddings will resound, but one should not look back. One should know one direction, and know not to change the destined. Thus, let us apply the same law throughout life. Whoever thinks it possible to act differently is mistaken; both in the great and the small there is one law, one rhythm. Thus let us proceed, without vexation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 165: 165. Vexation is the plague of the World. It reacts upon the liver, and engenders certain bacilli which spread in a highly contagious action. The Emperor Akbar, upon sensing vexation in someone, would summon musicians so that a new rhythm would break up the infection. This action, even though physical, brought beneficial results.