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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VE > VERTICAL (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.10:
For the Third, select in your workroom the longest vertical line and call it the dimensional scale of the Plan. Apply mentally all discontents, irritations and fatigues to the scale of the World Plan, and, upon comparing, you will not find even the smallest place for illusory moods.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.7:
You like scientific construction - so do We. If you have heard the theory of vertical rings, the theory of waves, of magnetism, of attraction and repulsion, then you must realize that there exist on the Earth places of very diverse significance. Even dull-witted heads have pondered over the strange fate of many cities. The combination of a physicist, an astrochemist, a biologist, and an astrologer would yield the best answer without any mysticism. The construction of large cities ought to be cautiously planned. Least significant of all is contemporary politics, because this concept lacks scientific basis and beauty.

New Era Community (1926) - 61:
61. My Hand sends the solution amid the crags of the world. Regard the plank roof as more solid than iron. Regard a fixed moment longer than an hour. The lengthened path is shorter than the vertical precipice. You will ask "Why enigmas, why esotericism?" The ball of events is full of many-colored threads. Each ladle is dipped from a well of a different color. Among events are many rushing ones; these distant friends, unconnected externally, fill our basket, and the ultimate light triumphs.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 302:
302. One should observe certain precautions in Agni Yoga. Beyond a certain level one may notice pains in one's back. One should then take care not to bend down, because the pillar of energy is rising like quicksilver in a thermometer. Therefore an upright position of the spine is advised. Similarly undesirable is work that requires a tension to one side, such as tree cutting. The flame is vertical in its structure, and thus does each fire act. The taking of slight precautions will not separate people from life. One can quite unnoticeably introduce into life ways of action that are not harmful.


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