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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VE > VERMIN (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.11:
I understand how difficult it is to catch the fleas of thinking. That is why I repeat: to ventilate the convolutions of your brain so that the tiny jumpers will have no chance to settle their progeny there. Chaotic thinking begets small insects and cuts off the best paths. Vermin of the body cause a man to be shunned. How much more repellent must be the vermin of spirit!

Heart (1932) - 495:
495. At times people are ready to admit the power of thought, but they do not apply this admission to themselves. They dream of great thoughts but will not discipline the small ones. They will ask how to transmute thought into action. One must begin by disciplining the smallest thoughts and then, only, create a thought that moves mountains. The advice about disciplining small thoughts is the inception of bringing health to the heart. Do not rely upon a variety of outer pranayamas. The path of Agni Yoga is through the heart, but the heart must be aided by disciplining thoughts. Disorderly thoughts are like vermin, they injure the subtle substance. Often they carry deadly poison. Precisely the smallest thoughts are like madness, and they form the chief obstacle to the rapport of the subtle and dense worlds. How to persuade friends that they should undelayingly accept and execute that which is said about small thoughts? After all, this demands only slight attention and the realization of responsibility.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 465:
465. One should abstain from derision as from the most noisome vermin. No mockery fails to turn back upon us. The most inexorable boomerang is the humiliation of one's neighbor. It can be said that Fire is covered by a veil of dust when in the proximity of mockery. One should take serious account of the meaning of abuse and mockery. Mockery causes stoning to death, and the mother of mockery is meanness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 520:
520. The vulnerability resulting from injury to the aura is terrible. One can imagine how one breach in the aura leads to the mutilation of its entire structure. Drowsiness, which can be noted when the aura is rent, originates from the consistently increased activity of the fiery energy when directed toward external radiations. During the process of restoration, the organism, and especially the heart action, is in a state of depression. For this reason I deem caution necessary in one's actions as well as during the counterblows. During the battle why should one burden the hearts of friends? One could perform numerous experiments revealing how the violation of the radiations has actually been reflected upon the heart. People accept with reluctance advice about observing caution in regard to their own radiations; but even prior to their being photographed, science is already aware of the existence of these radiations from every object. One should have full respect for the human organism and understand that each shock harms the astral body primarily. Besides, if organisms have worked together for a long time in unity, they can injure each other even more severely. And such injury will be not only of each other, but also will be reflected upon others near to them. One should therefore most assiduously eliminate all conflicts. One can visualize a dark legion which makes an onslaught upon each break in the aura. It is dreadful to feed such vermin with the inner layers of radiations. The protective net alone blocks the attack of the dark forces. Each breach in the aura also threatens one with obsession. Let us therefore be even more cautious.


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