Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 47: 47. If it were possible to convey the concept of Infinity in the entire essence of cosmic understanding, humanity could attain great heights. But this achievement is possible only through broadening of consciousness. The spirit of one will be repelled from Infinity by fear; the spirit of another will be repelled because of ignorance; the wiseacre of contemporary science will remark dryly, "What have we to do with this problem? Where is our textbook? Let us verify this proclaimed Infinity." The bearer of Our Word will say, "All is being borne into the cosmic expanse and everything comes from the cosmic expanse. The threads of our lives are stretched from the depths of Infinity to the heights of Infinity. The power of Cosmos, which is invincible, is one and the same essence as our own. And just as the element of fire is unconquerable, so also is our spirit." Hierarchy (1931) - 158: 158. Without the bond with the Teacher one may give access to a dark dweller even by one pinprick of denial. Levity does not dwell far from betrayal. Thus one may imagine the consequences of the disciple's severing himself from the Teacher. It is time to pay attention to insane asylums and to verify the causes and conditions of such illnesses, especially now when this scourge is more dangerous than the plague. Hierarchy (1931) - 217: 217. One of the mighty qualities of spirit is steadfastness. How can one develop and expand one's consciousness when steadfastness is lacking? How else can one verify intentions and actions if there exists no such mighty impulse as steadfastness? For each one on the path there is but one immutable Might - Hierarchy. Upon this sacred Principle one may construct; from this sacred Summit one may contemplate the world; upon this Stronghold the spirit becomes winged; upon this Summit can be built a mighty evolution. Therefore, when the spirit tries to create an illusory world of selfhood, it is certainly difficult to advance. Thus, in limitless creativeness there is the beacon fire - Hierarchy. Thus, by steadfastness in Service one can broaden one's consciousness and encompass the law of Fiery Hierarchy. Heart (1932) - 371: 371. I already have spoken of the significance of rays and currents that pierce space. Such considerations would not be difficult to verify scientifically, it would seem. Why not examine the atmosphere transpierced by every possible ray and forced saturation? It could be proved that a condition of oversaturation of the atmosphere is possible. Of course, this forced oversaturation of the atmosphere must produce abnormal results. Man cannot be subjected to constant strokes of lightning or a constant downpour of arsenic or any other poison. Aside from medical considerations, one should think of the crossing of waves. Even the simple rotation of an object produces strong disturbances. To what a degree, then, must the refraction of waves react upon the human heart! But apparently people do not think of anything beyond their own stature. Heart (1932) - 493: 493. Is it not a wondrous experience to apply the heart's energy at great distances and to help the great cause? One can verify the dates and witness absolute precision. Therefore it is so imperative to write down the most important manifestations and sensations. Thus one can counteract absurdities which assert that there are only accidents and coincidences everywhere. For those who do not consciously apply the most important energies the outcome is harmful, not only for themselves but also for others. There is nothing worse than chaotic thinking and the rending of the currents of energy. Everyone is annoyed when his torch is extinguished beneath his nose; but precisely the interception of the heart energy can be termed the extinction of the torch. Do not tire of repeating this. During strong outflows of energy it is very dangerous to intercept the rhythm by very earthly irritations. You never know for what your energy was required, therefore solemnity will be the safest guard against breaks and jagged edges. During Armageddon the usual methods must be especially eschewed. I affirm the great time to which only solemnity can correspond. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 350: 350. Hygiene of thought must be applied on both the spiritual and earthly planes. One must carry out experiments, strengthened by fiery medicines, upon the processes of thinking. One should pay attention to the action of phosphorus or the evaporation of eucalyptus upon thinking. One should verify the extent to which thinking is improved by musk. One should gather all data in regard to various resinous oils. Finally, one must remember all the combinations that are closest to the activity of Fire. These experiments should be carried out with persons of strong fiery thinking. Such experiments will remind one not only about vitamins but also about Agni. The efforts of physicians to concentrate not only upon internal remedies but also on the reactions of the sense of smell will produce the needed results. People are gravely sick. The dark forces endeavor to seduce with all kinds of narcotics, but the narrow boundaries of life are not broadened by stupefying the intellect. Just now spiritual vigilance is needed. One must grow to love this vigilance as a state fitting to man. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 426: 426. The ability to draw a circle around the area covered by the dark and crawling ones can help in affirming one's dauntless outlook. One can stave off the approach of the dark ones by repeating My Name as a Mantram. Thus, we can understand why humanity is responsible for uttered words. If the utterance of a benign concept results in a calm state, the opposite will irritate, worry, and demean that which exists. People saturate the world with the most malicious words; will not rivers of evil flow from them? One must have lost respect for human dignity not to acknowledge that the consequences of evil speech are terrible. It is said continuously that malevolence bears fruit after a century. The historian can verify the harvest from such black seeds. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) : People usually have absolutely no idea how to use the given Teaching. When they hear some formula which seems familiar, they haughtily exclaim, "Again the same thing, known to everyone!" They do not attempt to verify the extent to which this familiar formula has been realized and applied by them. They do not stop to think that the useful Teaching is given not for the sake of novelty but for the upbuilding of a worthy life. AUM (1936) - 362: 362. The significance of certain moral concepts must be examined not only from the spiritual standpoint but also from the scientific. I take for examination the concept of trust - even among primitive peoples the concept of trust was regarded as the basis of communion. In antiquity people already understood that such a concept had a special significance. Only later, through development of hypocrisy, did people begin to assume a false mask, thinking that it is possible to deceive the inner consciousness. But through the development of scientific methods it is possible to verify the value of true trust. AUM (1936) - 549: It is possible to verify the sum total of all the thoughts simultaneously flying through the world. It is instructive to learn what humanity is thinking of each minute. The result will be utterly unexpected. It is possible to divide thoughts into a few categories; only a very small number appear to be directed to the Common Good. Such calculations result in the most frightening conclusions. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3: Let the ignorant deride the repositories of the Brotherhood. Let the egoism of ignorance regard Our repositories as the treasures of misers. In truth, each object is for Us a useful apparatus, and can be used for important observations. It is especially valuable to observe the relationship of ancient auras to later emanations. Sometimes a total opposition between objects, or a mutual sympathy between them, can be observed. In Our many experiments with ancient objects, We observe not only with spiritual vision but also verify by the use of Our apparatuses. This is not so-called psychometry, but a science of radiations. Just as you can observe the usefulness of fruits and plants, We can study the language of objects by their radiations. One can thus observe that few religious artifacts have beautiful radiations, for they were too often created with self-interest, and then fell into even more mercenary hands. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406: Let us cite the example of cultural change. The appearance of new culture seems to depend upon the destruction of former achievements. But after careful study one can verify that the repeated efforts of human labor have not been in vain, and in time begin to reappear in a transformed way. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436: Keep in mind that during the epidemic of which We speak there may be an accelerated development of symptoms, and one should be able to recognize them. Strong vibrations should not be used by insufficiently experienced people. Each new method should be tested on mild illnesses rather than dangerous ones, and one should verify which of the three aids is necessary, for their application and the reactions to them will vary with the individual.