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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VE > VERBALLY (6)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 385:
385. During transmission of thought at a distance a very indicative manifestation is observed. Thought is sent in one language and received in another. Does not this prove that psychic energy acts not verbally, by means of cerebral processes, but precisely by the fiery energy of the heart? Furthermore, it must be observed that not only is thought given utterance in another tongue, but also the expressions issuing from the consciousness are found to be the most customary ones. Such a difference of words may often impede recognition of thought transmission on the part of inexperienced observers. But notice that the passage of thoughts acts in accordance with the meaning, not the words.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 553:
553. Many times have the words been spoken about the necessity for expelling any fear - it is paralyzing. But especially should one free oneself from fear before the Subtle and the Fiery Worlds. For fear before the Supermundane Spheres is the most harmful. One must transform it into joy. Only a few will apprehend this joy. Even though they agree verbally, nevertheless an inner tremor will chill the warmth of rapture. Precisely warmth and light are needed for an easy entrance into the fine garden. Above this fine garden will shine the Fiery Heavens in all their glory. Equally fearlessly should one meet new neighbors. In fact, luminous courage saves one from disagreeable entities. On the earthly plane people try to hide their fear, but out there it cannot be concealed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 193:
193. Harmony is not always attainable, even if it is proclaimed verbally. It is a common error to think that harmony can be established by reason. Few realize that only the heart is the abode of harmony. People reiterate about unity, but their hearts are full of stinging arrows. People repeat many sayings from various ages about the power of unity, but they do not try to apply this truth to life. They reproach the whole world for dissensions and at the same time they themselves are sowing disunity. Verily, it is impossible to live without the heart. Heartlessness cannot find a harmonious abode. Not only do the sowers of disunity harm themselves but they also infect space; and who can foresee how far such poison may penetrate?

Brotherhood (1937) - 578:
578. With what can one block the path of evil? Only with labor on Earth. Thought and work directed to the Common good will be a strong weapon against evil. People frequently begin to verbally curse evil, but the disparagement is so ugly that it is impossible to fight it also by means of ugliness. Such weapons are worthless. Work and lofty thought will be the arms of victory - such is the path of Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
So many blasphemies are uttered in the world, yet people think that their slanders can go unpunished. Every one of you can remember times when the highest concepts were slandered in your presence. Not only verbally, but also mentally, the salutary bonds are severed, and each explosion results in the destruction of good emanations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 229:
229. Urusvati knows about the action of the Law of Karma. One can observe that karma overtakes not only the one who commits a crime, but also those who participate in it indirectly. There is truth in the saying that for one person's crime a whole nation suffers. It is not only the motive that unites participants in crime, but aspects of their nature also bring them together. Who can tell the degree of affinity of blood relationships, or judge the degree of participation? Some may have encouraged the criminal verbally, others mentally. Who can define this, or determine the main cause?


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