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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VE > VENOM (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 118:
Fear not the spear, nor dread the scorpion; no venom will penetrate your bodies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.8:
To a skillful scribe there came an honorable man who commissioned him to copy, upon an ample parchment the man supplied, an appeal to the Lord. Immediately afterward a man came with a request to copy a letter full of threats; and he also provided a parchment, urging that the work be finished quickly. In order to give this letter priority, the copyist changed the sequence and hurried with the second order, taking up the parchment of the first man in his haste. He of the threats was very pleased, and rushed away to pour out his venom.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 53:
53. We must also turn our attention again to the serpentine venom of doubt. Doubt is of two kinds: one coils in its lair, in darkness, immobile and barbed. The other is ever crawling, sliding, and whirling. Usually the first is characteristic of youth; the second, of old age. The basis is not so much fear as deceitfulness in the nature of people. People distort their current judgments by these traits, influenced by their own past deceits. Though man is not inclined to self-examination, he is always ready to judge others, using himself as a standard.

Heart (1932) - 497:
497. You will be confronted with the question - Why does the manifested help appear precisely upon the brink of the abyss? There are many causes for this, among them karma and the desire for self-perfectment, yet from another angle, the cause lies in the tensity of heart energy. For cooperation with the Highest Forces tensity of the heart is needed, but it usually begins only when the tension reaches its extreme limit. This means that if the heart energy were manifested as it should be, cooperation would be achieved earlier. Thus we arrive again at the education of the heart energy. Let us remember that this education should begin with the minutest sensations and the most usual actions. This circumstance complicates the situation, because people usually like to say, "Let me fight a giant, but spare me from catching fleas." Yet giants are rare, whereas fleas are innumerable. One must pass through these dark swarms. The house has to be protected from them. The venom carried by the giant is less than that of the flea. Furthermore, the appearance of the giant evokes unusual courage; yet courage is also necessary against flies and fleas, and usually people suffer from flies rather than from giants.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 381:
381. Among the minor narcotics beware especially of bromine. It is an extinguisher of the fires, yet is very often used in various compounds. Valerian, on the other hand, kindles the fires. Treatment with narcotics is like curing by use of snake venom. The Atlanteans used snake venom, but one can imagine of course how often such treatment was fatal. For public health one must take care that foods should not be contaminated. Over-fermented cheese and other foodstuffs filled with the poison of decomposition must not be used. Fire requires pure fuel.


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