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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VE > VEILED (13)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 130:
130. The Bliss manifested on the Heavenly Heights will bestow courage upon the legion of warriors for Truth. Truth is veiled in symbols, but The mind cannot comprehend their relevance to life, and their meaning must be revealed by everyday events. People need familiar images, and by these images is the spirit uplifted to its True Dwelling.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 298:
298. Why does the eye become far-sighted towards the end of life? Experience directs the eye into the distance and the near is veiled. Thus do you receive knowledge of the future. Traverse the present without sinking in the slough of the swamps. Action before aught else! Verily, verily, a bird in its flight is sometimes more useful than a benumbed man.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
One may have at one's disposal powers not for demonstration but for progressive actions. When the essence is invisible to the crowd and arouses no attention, being veiled by the result, such essence will penetrate into the consciousness of the people, accustoming them to the fact of achievement through human hands. Thus, actions will be achieved by human hands as a result of the highest spirit-creativeness. It behooves the spirit to dwell in spirit. Let the hand manifest the earthly direction; creation by human hands does not arouse hatred.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.11:
On Sinai Her Voice rang out. She assumed the image of Kali. She was at the basis of the cult of Isis and Ishtar. After Atlantis, when a blow was inflicted upon the cult of the spirit, the Mother of the World began to weave a new thread, which will now begin to radiate. After Atlantis the Mother of the World veiled Her Face and forbade the pronouncement of Her Name until the hour of the constellations should strike. She has manifested Herself only partly; never has She manifested Herself on a planetary scale.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 19:
19. Of all creative energies, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought; but it would be more correct to say that legend is the crown of thought. In legend is expressed the essence of creative energy. In a legend's short formula are defined both hope and achievement. It is a mistake to believe that legends are fantasies of antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun through all the days of the Universe. Each great achievement of a nation, each great leader, each important discovery, each cataclysm, each podvig is veiled in winged legend. Therefore, let us not disdain the legends of truth; let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is expressed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend that was false. The spiritual striving of the powerful collective spirit imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of a symbol is a sign for the world, a part of a world language, which is inevitable in evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 64:
64. Our Brothers may sometimes be seen by you with Their faces not clearly visible. If the face is somewhat misty, you may be assured that that Person is immersed in a lengthy experiment that requires a fixation of the gaze in one direction. If a woman's figure is seen with a veiled face, this manifestation relates to the Mother of the World.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 125:
"Teacher, I have succeeded in withstanding the stabs of heat and the horror of cold. My bodily strength has left me, but my ear remains open. And my body of light is ready to tremble at Your call. And my arms are ready to carry the heaviest stones for the Temple. Three Names are known to me. Known to me is the Name of the One Who Veiled Her Face. My power grows."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 594:
594. The fundamental mystery of Hermes was contained in the approach of the astral world to our Earth. One can see these sparks in the Hermetic Teachings, although they are carefully veiled. But now We will from time to time recall them.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 38:
Thou who hast indicated achievement and who hast veiled thy Image!

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 361:
361. The reconstruction of the world is accompanied by currents which overspread the old manifestations. Each shifting of the Magnet intensifies all human actions. The Spatial Fire which permeates each strained spiral gives confirmation to each new striving. Therefore, when a powerful country is temporarily veiled with sands, then a driving current is manifested for ascent - because there is no unsteadiness where the creative Hand of Cosmos does the shifting.

AUM (1936) - 497:
We give much in a veiled form and gradually bring realization nearer to people. Let man not be afraid, but draw near until he assimilates the rhythm of the entire mosaic.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70:
70. Urusvati is right to be indignant at all the falsehoods that are written about Us. Truly, if all the idle stories were gathered into one book, an unusual collection of falsehoods would result. Symbolic expressions, created over centuries, have been transformed into unbelievable fairy tales about treasures that are guarded by the Lords of Shambhala. In the elaborate Tibetan narratives it is hard to understand how the more fanciful exaggerations have accumulated. Through these exaggerations the Tibetan nation wished to enhance its position as a world focus. For example, it is written that the warriors of Shambhala are innumerable and invincible, and their leader defeats all evil and affirms the Kingdom of Good. Such is the belief in the East, which cherishes in its heart the legend about the victory of Light. For the East, each veiled word written for the glory of Light is justified, but the West thinks the opposite and wishes to unveil everything, even to the point of belittlement.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 73:
73. Urusvati knows how to discern the veils of Maya. When We speak about veils, it is because there is something being veiled, and that is Primal Energy. Wise is the one who can perceive in different manifestations where the eternal, indestructible foundation lies. Without this discernment everything will be Maya, a baseless mirage. It is impossible to live among such phantoms. The very foundation of eternal life requires a realization of where to find that steadfastness upon which the tired traveler can lean. Inevitably man will come to seek the eternal foundation. Thought about immutability can inspire man to action, and this striving to action is a healthy sign. We may be asked what conditions are required for Us to be able to help people better: of course, the answer is in action. We can say to those who ask for help, "Act!" for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since We can then add Our energy to the energy shown by you. It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When We wish to apply Our energy, We look for its most useful application. We send Our energy not just to awaken, but also to increase the power of those who strive. A person suddenly awakened can perform the most foolish actions. The sleeping one should not be disturbed unexpectedly, but when one is on a conscious vigil, We can help.


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