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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VA > VARIABLE (3)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 195:
195. A new tradition about the significance of the heart must be moulded when people are caring least of all about it. Institutions for the study of the heart must be founded, with a knowledge of all that has been written about this center of being. All the ancient cults in which a place was allotted to the knowledge of the heart, must be studied; and here external remedies alone are of no assistance. Let us not forget that in antiquity suggestion was applied for reanimation of the stopped heart. There are many traditions about the bringing back to life which are based on this action. True, a great and disciplined will is required, and time is needed for the establishing of the new heart action. It must be determined how many minutes must elapse before the heart activity can be again established. But this will be extremely variable, for the actual departure of the subtle body occurs quite individually. There are many reasons for this, including the physical state and the quality of the subtle body. The physician should understand this diversity of conditions.

AUM (1936) - 95:
95. The law of Cosmos is adamant, but at the same time we see apparent fluctuations of it. If we take karma, affirmation of karma too can be changed, just as the span between returns to carnate life may vary in different cases - from an instant to millennia. Those who do not know will be perplexed as to how such steadfastness can be at the same time so variable. Such ignorance will merely prove the lack of understanding of containment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
Urusvati has sensed Our vibrations many times. She knows how varied they are, and that the time for their application is also variable. The vibrations can be pleasant, but may at times be difficult. And when there is full trust, their intensity can be increased.


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