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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > VA > VANISH (10)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.10:
Let the things of everyday life vanish, but let the country of the future be embodied in thought. And what cleanses the spirit more thoroughly than the thoughts about the welfare of others? And what tempers the armor of steadfastness better than the wish to lead others to Light? And what weaves a better smile than a desire to see the very last child laughing? I urge you to think thus about the future, to place daily a pearl into the necklace of the Mother of the World.. And so, concisely and simply think how to adorn the Hearth of the World.

New Era Community (1926) - 156:
Here he, the lonely one, crossed, swam, flew through the prescribed spaces, and he already communicates and transmits his message. Who has received him? First, distrust - does the Community exist? Second - can the Community be active and take part in distant matters? Third - is not the appearance of the messenger and the need for the indicated action simply a coincidence? I recall that one such messenger, indignant at the mediocrity of the last remark, replied "You who talk about coincidence, do not forget that you yourselves are a coincidence of particles of matter. But if your coincidence has been unsuccessful, the laws of matter provide a reason for it." However, when monetary matters are turned to, and those dealing with the transmission of objects, thoughts begin to coincide propitiously. Facts and warnings are listened to attentively. The city dweller is not averse to squeezing out a useful information, even though it be from the Community. Thus, outside of a few co-workers, the messenger encounters about him an abyss of greed. Give money, give advice for the morrow, do away with the enemy - then vanish quickly and do not disturb our digestion with thoughts about world fellowship.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 370:
370. Tell to Oriole, to the golden birdling: "When you fly to the High Tower, remember the past. Remember how you destroyed treasures and how afterward you strove toward the creations of the spirit, but by then could not find the way to them. Yet striving does not vanish; it is transmuted into life. You have accumulated the treasures of the spirit. How many others have their path so well defined? The one who has overcome all obstacles will more easily conquer space. Wings are given to birds only for flight." Thus, remember!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 501:
The most valuable experiment that one can conduct is an experiment upon oneself. It is both centrifugal and centripetal. These simple truths must be repeated. It is precisely in the offering of one's own spirit for the sake of humanity that both sacrifice and acquisition are contained. Unconnected opposites will not form a circle, and without the circle there can be no rotation. Each turn of a spiral, seen from above or below, will appear as a circle. All complexities in the picture will vanish for us if we strive into the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 142:
142. A demon decided to place a holy hermit in a helpless position. For this the demon stole some of the most sacred objects and offered them to the anchorite with the words, "Wilt thou accept these from me?" The demon hoped that the hermit would not accept the gifts, and thus would betray the holy objects; if, however, he did accept them, he would be entering into cooperation with the demon. When this horrible visitor had voiced his proposal, the hermit did neither one nor the other. He rose up in indignation and with all the force of his spirit commanded the demon to leave the objects on the ground, saying, "Dark spirit, thou wilt not retain these objects, thou wilt vanish, annihilated, for my command has been manifested from Above!" Thus must one rout the dark ones, and when one's confidence is fortified by Hierarchy, no dark force is able to keep back the flame of the spirit. Let us not consider these legends unnecessary. The demons are of many forms and each toiler of Light undergoes attacks.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 409:
409. Record all unusual events. Only by such records can one preserve many remarkable manifestations; otherwise they vanish in the dusk of indifference. What if your most precious biographies had not been set down? Now you would not know them, and many inspirations would not have been kindled in your hearts. Thus, do not be ashamed to write down, however briefly, that which seems to you of special significance. Do not weigh whether it is small or big, but judge it by its unusualness. Indeed, unusualness will yield many observations of the Fiery World. Each spark of it is in itself significant.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 36:
36. In the community one should remember about the sacredness of feelings. One should especially remember that it is inadmissible to evoke forcibly the subtle feeling in a fellow worker. One should not develop subtle vibrations in the heart by outside demands. Only an inner, merited action gives birth to a conformable vibration. Rarely is this life of spirit found amidst choking earthly vibrations. Yet this manifestation - when spirit resounds in harmony with spirit - is so beautiful! First of all, in the development of the consciousness of the community one should affirm the understanding of cooperation. In this understanding the community can become strengthened, and the worm of self-pity will vanish. Thus do We administer advice to the disciples, affirming the joy of labor without encroachment upon the heart of another. Long since was it said "One cannot be dear by force!" This is also a cosmic formula. But one can greatly purify the path of concerted labor. Thus let the disciples remember the manifestation of cooperation as an important step in the daily life of the community.

Brotherhood (1937) - 292:
292. Treatment by means of music is already being applied, but the effects are not always perceptible. The reason is that it is not customary to develop perception of music. From childhood one should be accustomed to assimilating the beauty of sound. Musical faculties are in need of education. It is true that in each man has been implanted an inclination for sound but without cultivation it remains asleep. Man ought to hear beautiful music and song. Sometimes a single harmony will awaken forever a sense of the beautiful. Yet great is ignorance when the best panaceas are forgotten in the family. Especially , when the world is quaking from hatred, it is indispensable to make haste in opening the ears of the young generation. Without realization of the significance of music it is also impossible to understand the sounding of nature; and, of course, it is impossible to think about the music of the spheres - only noise will be accessible to the spirit of the ignorant. The song of waterfall or river or ocean will be only a roar; the wind will not bring melody and will not resound in the trees as a solemn hymn. The best harmonies vanish for the unopened ear. Can people accomplish their ascent without song? Can Brotherhood stand without song?

Brotherhood (1937) - 580:
580. "The stronger the light, the denser the darkness" - and this saying is also not understood, whereas one must accept it simply. It should not be thought that darkness increases from the light. Light reveals the darkness and then disperses it. The bearer of light also sees the dark shadows, which vanish at the approach of light. The timid assume that darkness will fall upon them; thus thinks timorousness, and the light trembles in its hands, and because of this tremor of fear the shadows come to life and play antics. In everything fear is a poor counselor.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 250:
Such messages can deal with the loftiest concepts. But they are often misinterpreted, the subtlety of their meaning is distorted, and they usually vanish without a trace. We are often the source of these messages, which We send out for the general good of humanity without knowing who the recipients will be. Thus thoughts are engendered in various parts of the world. But it is lamentable that so many of these glorious guests are rejected by the human mind.


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