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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UT > UTTERANCE (6)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 426:
426. The ability to draw a circle around the area covered by the dark and crawling ones can help in affirming one's dauntless outlook. One can stave off the approach of the dark ones by repeating My Name as a Mantram. Thus, we can understand why humanity is responsible for uttered words. If the utterance of a benign concept results in a calm state, the opposite will irritate, worry, and demean that which exists. People saturate the world with the most malicious words; will not rivers of evil flow from them? One must have lost respect for human dignity not to acknowledge that the consequences of evil speech are terrible. It is said continuously that malevolence bears fruit after a century. The historian can verify the harvest from such black seeds.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 385:
385. During transmission of thought at a distance a very indicative manifestation is observed. Thought is sent in one language and received in another. Does not this prove that psychic energy acts not verbally, by means of cerebral processes, but precisely by the fiery energy of the heart? Furthermore, it must be observed that not only is thought given utterance in another tongue, but also the expressions issuing from the consciousness are found to be the most customary ones. Such a difference of words may often impede recognition of thought transmission on the part of inexperienced observers. But notice that the passage of thoughts acts in accordance with the meaning, not the words.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 335:
335. The consciousness of humanity is so distorted that for construction one is obliged to make use of even such stones as contain barely a spark of aspiration. In the Laboratory of Nature one is obliged to extract one substance from a mass of substances and discard all else. The laboratory work of the human structure reminds one of this reworking. In view of the existing human terrors can it be expected that the direction of the Cosmic Magnet will be taken? If this seemingly harmonious existence were to be exposed, every spirit would be terrified at the disintegration of the fundamentals. A harvest of hatred has taken root in the consciousness and must be eradicated. We cannot name even one religion which, while praising the Lord, does not give utterance to blasphemy. Distortion of the Teachings has produced an ever-living terror. Precisely, the Teachings have been reduced to the human level, and the temples of man are not temples of the Lord. And the word of the Lords is not affirmed by humanity, because the Teaching of Light has been lost in the obscurity of the human consciousness. Only the heart tempered in battle and knowing the complexity of life can understand all the darkness of humanity. One can say that the World will be saved by regenerating the consciousness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 581:
581. Often people talk about contradictions, putting in this category many cases not understood by them. On a hot day people may see a traveler dressed in warm clothing and laugh at the inconsistency. But they do not think about the cold night. Contradictions are usually due to meager thinking. A great number of misfortunes have resulted from unwillingness to think. Not contradictions, but the empty utterance of thoughtless words clutters life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 26:
Some light-minded people think that a ritual utterance of the Highest Names will protect them immediately from dark assaults. However, it is not ritual but the pure fire of the heart that creates a firm shield.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 218:
218. Urusvati knows the magnetic power of names. Every sound corresponds to a specific cosmic ray, and also is linked to powerful signs of astrological significance. You know that sometimes We do not forbid the utterance of Our Names, while at other times We have advised you not to utter them, even in thought. This is because while sometimes the combinations of sounds do not generate powerful magnetic currents, at other times a Name sounds in space like the blow of a hammer. At such times, for the safeguarding of equilibrium, Our names should not be uttered. But this is also true about personal names, and even the names of places.


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