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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > US > USELESS (63)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 172:
Useless is the leader who is not wise in battle. Directing your steps toward the heights, I am arming you for life's struggles. In giving you a Teaching for tomorrow, I prepare you for a new life. Avoid the dead in spirit - helpers come in growing numbers. Not a miracle but a tempered blade is your life. On the way to the Temple you must endure much dust and dirt on the path.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 174:
We learn to smile at errors. Books, like man's passing thoughts, must be chosen with care. Many easy things are revealed as useless when you gain instruction from Me. When berries are gathered in the woods, only the best are chosen.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 193:
193. The character of the people will be illumined by the beauty of spirit. Weep not where tears are useless; arrows are needed to transfix the dark spirit.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 311:
311. You already know that neither kindness nor intellect alone can lead to Us. But spirituality is needed. This quality comes the moment the spirit is ready. Naught can hasten the affirmation of the path. Even calling to people is useless. Therefore, seek not for followers. But attentively welcome those who knock. It is shameful to miss in sleep the knocking of even one heart. Better to meet with failure than to ignore the winged desire.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452:
Useless are false oaths and wrestlings of the spirit; Sacredly canst thou utter the vow of Truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.18:
Truly, the mineral soil provides a seeming foothold on life; but this is only a pedal, which is useless without strings. And so, My pharmacy will be directed toward the essence which is common to mankind. It will affirm vitality without any slaughter, because the plants pass easily into the next state.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.13:
One must exert one's aura; it cannot grow otherwise. It should be clearly understood how useless the heavenly rays are if they are not met by the emanations from the nerve centers. I have already spoken about numbness of the tongue and broken arms as the result of heavenly action without earthly response.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9:
A special harm can be found in "phenomena," because the discharge of the forcibly disturbed matter produces a repelling atmosphere of tossing electrons. Nothing harms an organism so much as useless phenomena.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.2:
The lower spirits rend the Ray like monkeys, tearing the precious fabric without any benefit to themselves, because the atoms of matter are useless for restless shells.

New Era Community (1926) - 43:
Three Arhats importunately besought Buddha to permit them to try a miracle. Buddha placed each one in a dark room, and locked them in. After a long time the Blessed One called to them and asked what they had seen. Each one told about different visions. But Buddha said "Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you did not perceive the main miracle. For, you could have sensed an existence beyond the visible, and this sensation could have directed you beyond the limits of Earth. But you continued to be conscious of yourselves as seated on the Earth and your thoughts attracted to the Earth waves of the elements. The swelling of the Elements evoked agitations in various countries. You caused rocks to fall and destroyed ships with a hurricane. You saw a red beast with a flaming crown, but the fire attracted by you from out of the abyss burned the houses of defenseless ones - go and bring help! You saw a dragon with the face of a maiden, simultaneously causing waves to wash away fishing boats - hasten with assistance! You saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane destroyed the harvest of toilers - go and bring amends! Where then is your usefulness, O Arhats? An owl in the hollow of a tree has passed the time more usefully. Either toil on the Earth in the sweat of your brow, or in a moment of solitude lift yourselves above the Earth. But let not the useless commotion of the elements be the occupation of the wise."

New Era Community (1926) - 92:
I refer to the Blessed One. When He went into the mountains, He apportioned his time to facilitate the passage. By this is attained economy of energy. In truth, this is a unique economy, admissible and justified; otherwise chasms may be formed between the worlds, and who knows with what gas they may be filled? I can advise you to conserve energy, for each useless waste smites space at far distances as if by a wire. It is important to care for the Cosmos in each blade of grass, if we are ready to become citizens of the universe.

New Era Community (1926) - 251:
251. Contemporary industry and the entire production of objects has become so unbalanced, in quantity and quality, that for the time being they preclude the possibility of a proper distribution of things. Forcible and indiscriminate distribution engenders craftiness and lies. Can one expect new possibilities in inaction or should one deepen the consciousness in its essence? You remember the words of Buddha about the disciple surrounded with things yet consciously renouncing personal ownership. It is useless to try to take away objects forcibly and thus create a passion for trash. The most important thing is to carry out rationally an educational program on the debasing significance of possession. It is not important that someone remain in his own armchair, but it is important that youth realize the absurdity of having its own chair. It is necessary that this consciousness be manifested not as a denial but as a free conquest. When, liberated from craftiness, people will learn of the impracticality of personal ownership, then a collective of co-workers will grow up.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 55:
The old world and the New World are distinguished through consciousness, not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance. New banners are often raised by the hands of the old world, still filled with prejudices. But often in solitude beats a heart filled with the radiance of the New World. Thus, unwaveringly, before our eyes, the world divides itself. The new consciousness grows, unskilled, but full of daring. Despite its experience the old thinking loses strength. There is no power that could hold back the tide of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We welcome with a smile the daring of those who realize their right to expand new achievements. Each mistake, if committed for the cause of the New World, becomes a flower of valor. No matter how skillful the effort to embalm the old world, it remains a skeleton of horror.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
You know by now that what is said here is not abstract symbolism. All the usual names given to these pains are useless, so long as science does not hasten to understand the significance of psychic energy or spirituality. The farther people are from an understanding of the dangers of Yoga, the farther they are from unity with the Highest Consciousness. Random flights of consciousness are of no value. What is needed is an incessant song of soaring. The vina may not always be sounding, but its tuning is kept harmonious.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 225:
225. It is a mistake to think that the ascent of consciousness can be accomplished by attainment of supernatural exaltation. As below, so above: labor and experience everywhere. Consciousness nurtures the growth of the subtle body. Even the slightest sensation contributes to the texture of the subtle body. It is precisely this that is usually overlooked by people. They think that one great action can compensate for a succession of small, petty deeds. But who can say what is great and what is small? All actions of a yogi take into account the most detailed considerations. One can see keen observation and precision in every act of a yogi. In his actions, no prejudice, no useless habit is permitted. He walks like a lion. He strikes unhesitatingly, but does not crush what is unworthy of notice, or too weak to threaten. Thus, one must evaluate the true meaning of one's every action.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 249:
Put a question about the purpose of life and you will receive only senseless answers. While space itself cries out for energy and decisiveness, the crowd continues to remodel its old caftans. For example, treaties have brought humanity to its present disasters; and still new treaties are being written on the basis of these worthless texts. New garments continue to be fashioned out of useless remnants.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
One should observe the different chemical natures of human transmissions of thought. Customary experiments in thought transmission are useless. In these the sender mentally repeats, "I am sending," and the recipient, by thinking, "I am receiving," actually obscures his consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 11:
Builders for today, realize that you build for the whirlwind of destruction! How huge are your undertakings! How useless your castles! How vast your expenditures! How revealing is your inability to advance into the chain of actions! But let us look upon those who walk straight, who affirm the beauty of Infinity. Instead of faint-heartedness, which denies the reactions of Space, we shall see the keenness of attainment, the beauty of striving, and the grandeur of achievement. Therefore, let us say, "Limitless are the cosmic manifestations!"

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 92:
92. Innovations in all domains of science and in the schools are indispensable. One cannot go far in the future world with the old science. On one hand, one must eliminate all the useless accumulations; on the other hand, one must penetrate more deeply into all manifestations, augmenting contemporary achievements. At present, too many years elapse before the achievements of laboratories, researches and discoveries reach the schools and the people. It will be necessary to establish information departments in schools, with popular presentation of the latest discoveries. A greater speed in communicating these informations is indispensable, because newspapers fail to give some of the most important information.

Hierarchy (1931) - 348:
348. Leave all the past to Us and think only of the future. Let us not take anything useless from the past; let us not burden our consciousness by anything. I, Myself, will put away and will remember all that is valuable! Events propel one into the future. Therefore Hierarchy must be understood as a life belt; so, also, the sign of the Mother of the World may be understood. Do not be disturbed, for I will turn all to usefulness. We shall shout into the ears of the faint-hearted-Hierarchy!!! The Teaching is given at the imperative hour, and one must have the ears of an ass not to hear the thunder. It is useful to rejoice before the victory. Let us rejoice, and thus unite ourselves with the joy of the Lord.

Heart (1932) - 67:
The word regarding the cognizance of the heart is not abstract. How can one who does not understand this refinement reach the highest strata of the Subtle World? How can the pilgrim without this realization enter and assimilate the subtle Ether which nourishes the higher body? It is useless to perceive specters that conceal decomposition with their veils. Thus, test the world through the heart.

Heart (1932) - 338:
338. A vast amount of courage is needed in order to build up the forces of the heart in the midst of destruction. Were one not aware of the need of these metamorphoses for all worlds, one would believe the heart's attainments to be useless. But fortunately this is needed for all that exists. Therefore, even in the dust of destructions one should build the strongholds of the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 295:
295. You know that during suggestion one should not wave the arms or stare at the patient. In general, it is not necessary even to look into the patient's eyes, but one should project the will from heart to heart. Only afterwards should one proceed in applying one's will from the center, in the needed direction. It is absolutely useless for the patient under suggestion to know what is taking place. In fact, the preparations for suggestion often set up an undesirable counteraction. Besides, although the patient may believe that he is ready to submit to the treatment, his Manas will resist the intrusion. The longer both consciousnesses are mutually balanced, the more potent the suggestion will be. However, the experiment should not be announced in advance; each treatment should take place unexpectedly. But physical conditions must be favorable. The temperature should be average, moderate, without the irritation induced by heat or cold. The air must be pure, and it is advisable to have a light aroma of roses or eucalyptus. One should arrange inconspicuously that the patient be comfortably reclining in an armchair. A bed is less suitable. Everything sudden or noisy should be shunned in order to avoid the possibility of a shock. It must not be forgotten that during suggestion the subtle body is in a state of great tension and attempts to leave the body. Therefore, one should with all possible caution forbid its leaving the body. Naturally, all commands should be mental and not oral. Western hypnotists scoff at the idea of a mental command; they think that words and fingers can dominate the will. But let us leave them to their occidental blunders. In certain primitive tribes the patient was smitten on the forehead with a club. Such an act also subjugated the will. But where there is the Teaching of the Heart and of Fire the methods must be different.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 307:
307. Can one imagine people as thinking only of that which is useful? Of course one can; harmful and undisciplined thoughts are primarily useless. One can accustom oneself to useful thoughts, and such an exercise will be the best preparation for the Fiery World. The habit of thoughts for Good is not attained quickly; still, it leads to fiery realization. Thus, not in the manifestation of a special world, but through the quality of daily labor do we approach the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 382:
382. I do not hide the fact that the pressure is great. One may remain silent about it, but it is better for the already tempered spirit to be aware and to send forth thoughts for the Good. Worthless is the sophistry that is satisfied in uttering, "My small thoughts are useless." Every thought is needed, if it is a thought.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 383:
383. It is difficult to dissociate within oneself the three fundamental principles. Of course, the fiery fragments can be disconnected. Should this be so? Only submergence into the darkness of chaos pushes aside the entire Fiery Image. Thought about the three principles can enrich one's conception of the three vehicles, but it is one thing to begin to think and quite another to continue and to develop one's thinking. The cosmic aspect of Being would seem a simple thought, yet what assiduous and consecutive effort must be applied to give it beauty. In connection with guidance you can notice one and the same condition in every case. It is not sufficient to direct the pupil, one must lead him to an attainment. Even within a household can one be certain that an errand will be executed thoroughly? How often a man goes to make a purchase and returns with his pockets unexpectedly empty! You already have seen many who, after starting out judiciously, turn away from the path and set fire to all their acquisitions. The harm of such burnings is great, not only for oneself but for those linked to one by karma. One can imagine how dreadful it is to renounce an already assimilated grain of Truth! Such a destructive rending results usually from chaotic thinking. Such co-workers are useless even for market errands - setting out to buy a turban they surprisingly can buy a single slipper. Therefore, only right and unwavering thinking can overpower the darkness of chaos.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 508:
508. Yes, yes, yes, the seeds of good remain in the spirit, but not sufficient attention is given to them. People remember about accumulations; but, not having preserved their spiritual understanding, they strive to accumulate earthly objects. In the depths of their spirits men know about flights into the Infinite, but, having forgotten the significance of the far-off worlds, they wander aimlessly about on the earthly crust. One should not speak against earthly objects, which are products of creation; one should not speak against travels, which can be the highest schooling - the entire earthly existence must be comprehended from the level of the Higher World. Can one perform only useful actions in earthly life? Of course one can. It is easy to imagine an entire life as a continuous stream of usefulness to others. Santana is not a meaningless rolling of stones. It is like a stream feeding the adjoining fields like a brook bringing cleanliness to the hearth, like rain making the sown seeds come up. Thus, one need not be a special sage to imagine a life useful in all domains. When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. In consternation they will try to gather crumbs of positive thinking. What is the use of offering advices not to dissipate precious energy! One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty, nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel quests for salvation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 643:
643. Verily, one must have discrimination to ascertain true significances. Many are the illusions and phantoms that obscure an evaluation of the real advance of the spirit. Many appearances of the dark forces attempt to seduce or terrorize one. Such attacks are especially preponderant in the vicinity of obsessed or mentally diseased persons, who are like open gates, not only attracting entities to themselves but creating a kind of channel for all surrounding people. The border lines of psychic illnesses are quite imperceptible, therefore I advise great caution. I consider it useless to expend one's strength in all experiments with obsession when one's own ill health disturbs the equilibrium. Whisperers can attach themselves to the ear that is ailing. and only a firm consciousness can shake off these asps without delay. You already know that no sickness should be neglected. One must immediately inoculate oneself with vigor and not forget about Agni.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 17:
17. Rhythm is the progenitor of cooperation. From hoary antiquity people have understood the significance of rhythmic choirs, of musical movements; thus has the consciousness accumulated knowledge about the impelling force of collective labor. People knew long ago that rhythm kindled collective fires and helped in avoiding irritation and disunity. It affirmed identical aspirations, therefore music is the sign of unity before collective work. It is a pity that modern music is so often lacking in rhythm. Perhaps it serves as the beginning of many spiritual ulcers, but the question of harmony is unusually complicated. Lack of rhythm is disunity, but crude rhythm is stupor. Thus only a fiery consciousness will prompt the refinement of rhythm. One may ponder over many things, but we shall always return to the fiery understanding. The abode of Agni is opened not by reasoning but by the harmony of rhythm. Precisely as a vessel sometimes is opened not by force but by rhythm. Only the true rhythm carries us forward and preserves us from delay. Yet we know all the detrimental result of delay, as in movement, so also in spirit. It is inadmissible to have a broken rhythm, at times retarded and at other times accelerated. Thus an enormous and useless expenditure of energy takes place. He will not retreat who has begun to advance in fiery rhythm. Precisely this rhythm saves one from sorrowful ponderings and leads one forward in spirit; therefore let us not limit the effectiveness of the rhythm by external motion only, let us introduce it into spiritual life.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 19:
19. The great heat is not only from physical causes but from a chemical condensation which has gathered over the planet - the forerunner of the fiery Epoch. People pay no attention to such signs, but it is primarily people themselves who can improve the situation. Malice is a condenser of heavy chemism. People do not want to believe that their inner laboratory has a cosmic significance. People ponder over various useless things, but they do not wish to reflect about their own importance and responsibility. Of course the chemical heat is as yet only temporary, and will be replaced by cold. One may imagine what people are preparing for themselves a quarter of a century hence! There is still time to think and to render the atmosphere wholesome.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 48:
Many have read how David interrogated the Highest Powers. He took recourse in this Source in order to avoid unnecessary errors. There are many such instances in the history of different nations. Everyone knows about them. It is not necessary to delve into the ancient times; these signs of Communion and Great Service are apparent in recent events. But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 99:
99. If it is difficult sometimes to concentrate thought, also it is not easy sometimes to get rid of thought. However, this quality also must be attained. Physicians have noticed haunting thoughts. Such a state can be the result not only of obsession, but also of inertia of the brain centers. One must know how to set aside, as it were, a useless intrusive thought. To this end one may perform little exercises, forcing oneself to consciously put aside a thought, as if massaging the brain. Many people fail to understand at all what We are talking about, but such immobility of the brain must be routed by different tasks, so that a preceding thought in no way colors the following one. Such a coloring usually deprives the new formations of preciseness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 112:
112. One can intensify one's will by the most mechanical expedients. Many examples and prescriptions can testify to this, but We advise to gather the strengthening of the will from Communion with Hierarchy. It may even be said that in general this is the sole means of the ascent of the spirit. Even the path of mechanics leads to the same thing, but through useless expenditures of time and effort. The communion with Hierarchy through the heart releases one from tantras and magic. Naturally, small alien hindrances can harm the communion, but let us not forget to what dangers the magician or the tantrik are exposed. But, in any case, he is not wise who dreams about his own separate will; it grows and vibrates in the Higher Treasuries. And he who is concerned as about his individual will, without the communion with the Higher Worlds, is not on the true path.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 177:
177. During the crossing into the Subtle World there flash out all the aspects of the feeling of possession, which troubles even people who are not at all bad. One should assiduously keep in mind this circumstance, and be affirmed upon the realization that earthly possession does not exist. A great deal has been said about personal possession, but only the fiery state can prove the illusion of such sense of possession. Only when our consciousness remains our sole possession do we feel the freedom of ascent. It is very difficult to balance the ascent which goes beyond the middle strata of the Subtle World. Therein people do not even think of parting with various kinds of property; indeed, they exist just be means of these attractions. But if a higher manifestation raises their consciousness a bit, there begins an incredible conflict. Therefore, here in the earthly state one must apprehend where lies the useless burden. This should be done not in the name of the Subtle World but in the name of the one higher.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 214:
214. It is necessary to learn not to require elucidations when I speak in symbols. If the language of the symbol was needed it means that just now the ordinary means of communication would be useless. Then I say - Make a note of the symbol and keep it in memory, against the hour of its application. Likewise, observe the indication toward certain countries, which means that Our attention has been turned to them. Such guideposts are of assistance on the path. Thus, a frightful time is being filled with salutary fires, but Karma will not be overburdened. It is not good when the Guide has to press upon the Karma of the disciple. One must grow to love the salutary milestones which flash out in the heart at the approach of events.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217:
217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 229:
A man often puts a saddle on a cow and later is amazed when others, on horseback, outrun him. One may but smile bitterly at useless expenditures.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240:
240. The consciousness directed to Us is continually being refined. The process of refinement becomes a code of every day. Could it be admissible that the subtlest energy be turned into chaos? Everywhere it has been said, "Whoever comes unto Me shall also abide in Me." This must be understood literally. The subtlest energy cannot be turned into amorphousness; therefore I am so concerned about refinement of consciousness. Complication by grossness only demonstrates that the heart energy has not reached a level where it is no longer threatened with drowning in the waves of chaos. One must hasten with the refining process. Each ulcer begins with the smallest decomposition of tissue. A drop of resin can make healthy the ailing tissue, but for a neglected ulcer not even a pot of resin can be of help. Create a manifestation of refinement in the very midst of life. Why only in words, or in glances, when heart energy is multiplied precisely in thoughts. The collecting of the most precious is only for the purpose of returning it. Who, indeed, would not wish to give something of the best quality? Only a cheat will try to offer something unfit or useless. One must keep watch over one's thoughts, in order to send those of the best quality. I am not speaking in the abstract.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 366:
366. A particular confusion has gathered around the problem of offering sacrifices. People at one time arrived at such a state of madness that human sacrifices became customary. But can imagination conceive of a God who would be in need of the shedding of blood? Sacrifices have been mentioned in basic laws, but only later errors and spiritual downfalls have brought mankind to blood offerings. Sacrifice has always been mentioned, but what can be a worthy offering to the Highest Spirit? Verily, only the most purified spiritual striving. Such a basic link serves as the best guarantee of sincere reverence. Such sacrifice is a vital necessity of bringing the best blossom of the heart to the Altar of The Supreme. But people to this day assume that a chip from a small, useless stone can be more precious than the beautiful flower of the heart. Meditation on this question is very useful on the pathways to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 135:
135. The Living Ethics discerns all the concepts which are the Fundamentals of Life. In order to apply the Living Ethics to life it is first of all needful to find in oneself the quality of true Service to Hierarchy. Precisely all bigots are the first to depart from the Living Ethics. No standing before an Object, symbolizing the Loftiest of Images, can help, if there is no true reverence. We know bigots who can pray with words but are silent in heart. Indeed, these bigots love to talk about a sacred Image hanging near them in a corner or standing close by on a table. The Living Ethics must first of all be expressed in ethics of daily actions. The Living Ethics helps to preserve the image of man. These fiery laws will give the spirit understanding of Hierarchy. Service can be a miraculous bridge between Worlds, for the Subtle World cannot help a spirit to become surrounded with subtle energies if infections of the spirit are not outlived on the Earth. Useless are all assurances of devotion, useless are professed understandings of the Teacher, useless are honors to the Lord where there is no understanding of the Living Ethics. In the Subtle World one does not depart from one's experiences. As one's own light illumines the surroundings, so too does one's own darkness choke all space. On the path to the Fiery World one must ponder about the threatening consequences if the Living Ethics has not been applied in life.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 450:
450. People inquire about the causes of infection, about the properties of blood and sperm, but they completely forget that at the base of these lies psychic energy. It preserves against infection; it is found in the properties of secretions. It is useless to take into consideration a mechanical summary of collected information if attention is not given to the participation of psychic energy. People call a certain immunity an influx of faith, but not without reason is a state of ecstasy called the radiance of the Fiery World. And such a radiance protects man against infection. It purifies the secretions, it is as a shield. Therefore a state of joy and exaltation is the best prophylaxis. Whoever knows rapture of spirit has already been cleansed against many dangers. Even ordinary physicians know how changeable is the condition of the blood and secretions. But few connect this with the spiritual condition.

AUM (1936) - 234:
234. You undoubtedly will encounter this objection. "Why are the higher worlds and science spoken of on the same page?" Those who speak thus, fail to understand the Higher World and belittle science. People of such limited intelligence are very widely scattered, and because of their heartlessness are extremely malicious. They occupy various public posts and therefore are able to whisper in many places. To contradict them would be useless. Every man of heart will rejoice at each proper understanding of the Higher World. Each wise man esteems a word in the defense of science.

AUM (1936) - 234:
Of all earthly themes, love and creativeness are most closely combined with the concept of the Higher World. When mentioning the Higher World the worthy man will rejoice. In a discussion about science he will be heartily delighted. If both concepts provoke only condemnation, it will be the sign of a dead heart. Be not distressed at encountering deniers and condemners, this is just as unavoidable as is the fact of the existence of Light and darkness. Straight-knowledge will whisper where the degree of darkness makes further persuasion useless; sowing is advisable only on good soil. You already know that understanding friends arrive irrespective of earthly considerations. It happens that even the jinns build temples, but the Higher World and knowledge are inaccessible to them. Sooner or later they rebel and return into darkness. Shall one name examples!

AUM (1936) - 314:
314. Everyone may observe evidences of psychic energy in any place and at any time. One needs to concentrate attention and, however briefly, to note the observed manifestations. Certainly among these notes some may be useless, but this should not disturb one. Written notes have an enormous significance, because manifestations of psychic energy are forgotten with extraordinary speed. Each day something unusual takes place. It should not be considered that only striking manifestations have significance, sometimes the grasping of a thought or the discovery of some needed pages may offer a very significant example of the working of psychic energy. Besides the path of attention also produces patience, an indispensable quality for the investigator.

AUM (1936) - 410:
410. It is possible to observe precipitations of energy on mountain snows and on dew. In ancient times people understood the medicinal quality of dew. It was mentioned in legends that in order to become prophetic one had to walk through the dew for seventy days. And recently hospitals were opened where walking barefoot through the dew was prescribed; plain water was useless because the particular quality of dew was required.

AUM (1936) - 433:
If what has been said has no effect, it will be useless to say that unity is harmony with Hierarchy. If this indication is not adopted, a concept about Hierarchy can hardly be assimilated. But this will denote a house without a foundation. Each whirlwind will overthrow such a shaky structure. Whence will strength be drawn to withstand the first hurricane?

AUM (1936) - 539:
539. One can compare slumberers with deniers. Verily, it is useless to speak to a sound sleeper!

Brotherhood (1937) - 35:
Let us be attentive to each small circumstance. In the earthly way of life it is difficult to distinguish where is the small and where the great, where the useless and where the useful. Many pearls have been swept away with the dust. If you notice that your companion is only partially assimilating vital principles, help him. In such patient assistance there is expressed a very important quality for brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 104:
104. Though the harm of lower psychism has been spoken about often, still the ignorant cannot distinguish this state from the natural growth of the primary energy. If we hear about a confusing of lower psychism with psychic energy, we shall know that it would be useless, when encountering such ignorance, to try to persuade to the contrary. One should sense where the Source is which saturates our store of energy. One must esteem this Treasure.

Brotherhood (1937) - 131:
131. Through what means can Brothers be in contact? If in the earthly body, then such connection will be a fleeting one. If in the subtle body, then, too, such unity may be frail. Only the bodies of Light can be mutually affirmed. Only under the one ray of the focal point is it possible to find mutual understanding. Thus, let us not consider the concept of Brotherhood superficially, as then it will remain within earthly bounds and will be useless. The guiding magnet is encompassed not in the earthly body, nor in the subtle, but in the seed of the spirit, in the given Light which surpasses imagination. He who does not understand the higher mystery of Brotherhood had better not belittle this concept. Let him plunge once again into the Subtle World and learn about the radiance of the Higher World. Perhaps the wayfarer will carry along a spark of Light in his new ascent?

Brotherhood (1937) - 157:
157. Even under hypnosis people rarely speak about the Subtle World. An earthly will cannot force one to say anything about the Subtle World. What is the reason for this? It is to be found in Hierarchy, which guards against the useless spreading of information. There exists a popular supposition that in the Subtle World the individual principle predominates, whereas the higher the sphere the more is the principle of Hierarchy manifested. Dominating control by means of thought becomes feasible when the tight corporeal obstacles are discarded. Thus, when I speak about Hierarchy, I am only preparing you for the conscious acceptance of future advances.

Brotherhood (1937) - 237:
237. Not only is one to be called a wayfarer who is already found upon the way but also one who has been making ready for the path. It is just the same with a world event: it has already been formulated, it already exists, even though the ship has not yet pulled up the anchor. It is needful to distinguish outer movement from inner readiness. Certain people attach no significance to inner readiness. For them, if something is not in motion before the eyes of everyone it means that it does not exist. Let us return again to medical examples. Many sicknesses may be in process inwardly, presenting no external symptoms. Only in the last stage are they manifested, when treatment is already useless. Let us not consider the process only when in its fatal stage. So it is too in human relations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 80:
Thus many who consider themselves to be occultists shut themselves off from their natural feelings. Too many books confuse them by prescribing practices that were once intended for other purposes. We prefer to meet new people, who are unencumbered by useless formulas. The music of the spheres and the hymns of nature are more easily heard by those whose hearts are full of love. Those who insist upon formulas for the heart, for love, for compassion, will not open their ears to higher harmonies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235:
One can be drowning in astronomical calculations, yet be no nearer to the far-off worlds. Even spectrum analysis depends for accuracy on many conditions, and mechanical apparatuses are useless in communication with the far-off worlds. Of the billions of heavenly bodies, only thousands can be located, and even the most powerful telescope will be as naught when confronted with Infinity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 284:
It is very difficult to help people so afflicted since each state of mind requires a particular technique of suggestion. Sometimes the duality is of such a contradictory nature, and the fluctuations occur so frequently, that it is impossible to apply suggestion, which can be quite useless or even harmful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289:
289. Urusvati knows that the understanding of the fundamental principles and agreement about them among co-workers is the main guarantee of success. What can be worse than a mob of people who understand the rhythmic power of words and numbers, but cannot agree about life's fundamental principles? We put particular stress upon the understanding of these foundations, for without it knowledge itself is not only useless, but even harmful.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 348:
People fear the dead because they do not believe in eternal life. When this truth is broadly accepted, the world will be transformed. It is useless to speak of purification or sublimation before the continuity of life is understood. I affirm that at present people are far from an understanding of the structure of the three worlds. Nor will it help to simplify the scheme by division into two worlds; people will only become confused. Remember that in ancient times, too, very few accepted calmly the existence of invisible worlds. The majority feared these realms just as they do today.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 384:
The ancient people acted far more sensibly. In times of danger they turned instantly to Heaven, and in silence and without thoughts opened their hearts in receptivity to the Higher Forces. They understood that earthly words are useless in such circumstances and could not express their need, and they allowed the Higher Force to flow unimpeded into their consciousness. They were certain that in time of need benevolent help would come. They knew that space is fully inhabited, and that the Good Ones are always ready to provide help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 389:
In the Subtle World negative feelings such as malice, revenge, and general harmfulness will exhaust themselves because they are useless. The spirit ultimately awakens to the fact that no gates are opened by such keys. Likewise on Earth, people who are ardently absorbed in their work have no time to dwell on petty offenses or injustices. Work demands their complete attention. In the higher spheres evil thoughts do not exist, for evil is of chaos, and in harmonious spheres there are no conditions for discord. Thus an attraction is created, and the Magnet is brought into operation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 414:
Many of today's psychological notions are inapplicable to life, and in the present state of the planet man cannot waste time with such theories. We must agree that everything that does not lead to the transformation of life should be regarded as useless, and in this there must be no difference of opinion. One can move forward or backward, but to go back among forgotten fossils would be unendurable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 415:
The Teacher will say that it is useless to regret the past, and He will be right, for regrets are fetters. But one should examine why the advice was not applied, and among the reasons we will find fear and selfishness. These vipers can turn the most attentive listener into an unbridled opponent! In his negation he will develop a peculiar bravado, and will cheat in order to justify himself and his deviations. The Teacher knows these human traits, and He will not regret the spilled seeds, for the earth may produce an unexpected yield. We have observed over and over how different listening is from actual application. We look into the future, and in this aspiration We find steadfastness and courage.


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