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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UR > URGES (3)

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 48:
48. A great Oneness reigns in Cosmos as a powerful law. Only those who adhere to this law can verily take part in cosmic cooperation. The Oneness of substance in everything urges humanity to creativity. When the consciousness draws from the treasury of Space, the Cosmic Magnet is under tension. The manifested treasury contains the expression of the energy imbued by the Oneness. Therefore each seed of the spirit must feel this Oneness. Each seed of the spirit belongs to the Cosmic Oneness in which all cosmic creativeness is comprised, Humanity deprives itself in departing from this truth by setting up a law of separateness. Immutable is the law of the Oneness in infinite diversity!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 443:
443. The experienced physician advises the convalescent not to think about his past illness, and urges him to think about the future and about favorable circumstances. Thus, any reminder about the past illness is cast out, not only physically but spiritually. One should apply the same simple method in all the situations of life. Particularly during fiery actions, when fire is palpitating because of darkness, one should not think about darkness and its reaction on fire. A manifestation referring to the future will kindle the heart. The most oppressive thing can be dispelled only because of the future. Fools clamor about finite life. Can eternal life possible be terminated? So many terrible things have to be preformed in order to violate life! Even wild beasts do not dare to return to the dust of the abyss.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 395:
The outflow of psychic energy can be of two kinds, intentional or spontaneous. The first is easily understood, for it is thought that sends out the waves. However, the second kind is not always understood: it is the result of the uniting of the power of directed psychic energy with the main magnetic current. The Teacher urges the disciples to turn to Him, and because of this a connection with a powerful current of energy takes place. The Teacher expends a great deal of energy. You can imagine what effort is needed to exert an influence upon many countries, and to unify so many diverse free wills.


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