Hierarchy (1931) - 192: 192. Striving toward constant abiding with Hierarchy can provide the necessary steps. How can a tree stand powerfully if one tries to uproot it? Only contact with the pure current gives balance to the forces. Hence, only the roots of Hierarchy can uphold a structure. Each digression brings harm to the mighty growth. One should be consciously affirmed in the understanding of the Power of Hierarchy. Through the clefts caused by disrespect to the Hierarchy, black forces creep in. Hence, one must understand unity with the power expressed by the Higher Might. Thus can one attain. Heart (1932) - 117: 117. Intolerance is a sign of ignobility of spirit. Intolerance contains embryos of the most evil acts. There is no place for the manifestation of the growth of the spirit where intolerance breeds. The heart is unlimited, which indicates how poor a heart must be in order to deprive itself of Infinity! It is necessary to uproot every means that can lead to the idol of intolerance. Mankind has invented various obstacles to ascent. The dark forces are trying by all means to restrain evolution. Of course, as the first assault there is an action against Hierarchy. Everyone has heard about the power of Blessing, but because of ignorance they have transformed this beneficent action into superstition. And yet the power of the Magnet exists in strengthening through Blessing. Much is spoken about cooperation, but at each creative act it is necessary to affirm the consciousness. And what strengthens the power more directly than the Ray of Hierarchy! Brotherhood (1937) - 447: 447. Among one's customs one must retain all those that contribute to the elevation of the spirit. Let us not uproot feelings which can yield most precious branches. Let us not cut away healthy shoots, for it is impossible to create in an instant something new and more beautiful.