Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 390: 390. Many times have We pointed to the loss of equilibrium in the conditions of Earth. If people do not pay attention to these alternations of increasingly unprecedented cold and heat, then very likely they will soon be obliged to experience fiery uprisings. AUM (1936) - 57: 57. Prayer is a purifier. This definition should not be understood abstractly. Spiritual health is the primary basis of bodily health. Precisely prayer as a real link with the higher Source will be the best purifier of the organism against all diseases. Infection appears when the body permits the entrance of manifested messengers of evil. Each body is predisposed to many diseases, but spiritual strength is on guard to quell such uprisings. When the spirit can be properly nourished by the higher energies, it also protects the body against dangers. Brotherhood (1937) - 190: 190. The stupid are capable of affirming that Our Brothers sow sedition and uprisings, whereas actually They are applying all efforts to conciliate the peoples. They are ready to carry on the heavy service of forewarning in time the persons upon whom the national destiny depends. They do not spare their forces in hastening to bring tidings. At the cost of disagreeable methods, They bear the Light, which the forces of darkness are trying to extinguish. Yet the sown seeds of good will not dry up, and in the ordained days the seeds will flourish. But what should those people be called who harm the good? They are capable not only of impeding Advice but of interpreting as failure the most natural consequences. By what measure will the stupid appraise effects? Why do they take it upon themselves to judge where success or failure has appeared? What could happen without the assistance of the Brotherhood? It is hard to imagine the evil interpretation that accompanies each Great Service!