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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UP > UPRAISED (2)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 394:
394. He who is safe and sound remembers with gratitude what has happened. The strong one looks into the future with sword upraised. The wise one perceives the coming task. The beautiful in spirit thrill at the harmony of the World. Seek the explanation of the rises and plunges of the spirit in the shuddering of the planets. The world is one in the consonance of spirit. The wondrous gift of receptivity is natural to all rational beings. But knowing these currents We do not call them oppressive - We seek new work beyond their range. The moon by night, the sun by day. Even the stupid dispose of life according to these luminaries. Boundless is the World, countless the colors of the Light. Immersed in its harmony, the spirit sings the song of all hearts. Therefore, rejoice if you can sense it. Devoid of effectiveness is the slumbering spirit.

Heart (1932) - 176:
176. Armageddon has already begun - the end of the year 1931 revealed the Great Battle, which I did not hide from you; therefore the end of the Battle cannot now take place until the victorious decision. Of course, all the sensations of the Battle react upon the heart, when the flaming pentagram must be upraised like a shield. You should not be astonished that the events pile up, for the earthly battle follows a heavenly one. Much has been said about the Heavenly Host, about Michael the Archistrategus, about the appearance of an affirmed Leader and about all calamities. Therefore I say - Caution!


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