New Era Community (1926) - 10: 10. A lofty quality will enter into pure labor through love of a favorite craft. A beautiful quality will be affirmed throughout life. Nothing will remain in darkness. Ignorance will be a shameful offence. Darkness is infectious but Light is attractive. Hence, let us affirm the love of a favorite craft, which uplifts the life. New Era Community (1926) - 60: 60. Much can be forgiven him who even in darkness has preserved the concept of the Teacher. The Teacher uplifts the dignity of the spirit. We liken the concept of the Teacher to a lamp in the darkness. Therefore, the Teacher may be called a beacon of responsibility. The bonds of the Teaching are like a saving rope in the mountains. The Teacher is revealed from the moment of kindling of the spirit. From that moment on the Teacher is inseparable from the disciples. Agni Yoga (1929) - 8: The slander of the old world is of no consequence. Each true achievement is needed for Cosmos. The creativity of podvig is the same in every process of creation. In augmenting the profundity of the form we create an ageless crystal. The sense of perfection uplifts the spirit of creative manifestations. Christ, being a realist, desired that the phenomenon of transformation should be preceded by a podvig in complete consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 103: 103. In the relation between Teacher and disciple, the Teacher can instruct only within the boundaries of what is permitted. He uplifts the disciple, cleansing him of outworn habits. He warns him against all kinds of treason, superstition, and hypocrisy. He tests the disciple, openly and in secret. The Teacher unbars the gates to the next step with the words, "Rejoice, brother." He may also bar them with the words, "Farewell, passer-by." Agni Yoga (1929) - 471: Of course, one cannot force oneself to direct one's thought upward. This direction of thought becomes natural, but only after long experience. Alternately, the psychic energy uplifts us, and the next level of consciousness created by it in turn refines the quality of energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 532: Thus should we always give preference to all that uplifts the cultivation of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 645: 645. Some ask how one should regard daily routine. Most people are quite afraid of it. It is considered to be the death of creativity, and the demeaning of dignity. But We say that you should learn to see in each day's labor the pranayama that uplifts your consciousness. Prana descends from the higher spheres; but any labor produces energy, which in its essence is similar to the spatial energy. Thus, the one who knows the common essence of energies can sew shoes, or beat rhythms on a drum, or gather fruit. In all these the higher energy is generated, since it is born out of the rhythm of Cosmos. Only a low consciousness dreads the rhythm of labor and thus builds its own prison. It is difficult for humanity to understand that a king and a shoemaker are comparable in every respect. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 239: The fire of the life process is revealed as the impeller of humanity. It is therefore that We so greatly value the self-sacrifice of the Mother of Agni Yoga. The impulsion of the transmuting force in the tensity of pure Fire carries with it all creative means and thereby uplifts the surrounding sphere. Thus does the tension of the fires manifest the affirmation of the new steps. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 346: 346. When humanity lost all the sensitive threads of receptivity, fiery means had to be employed; the fiery sword of purification, the fiery sword of construction, the fiery sword of striving, the fiery sword of new energy. All the fiery tensions will give to humanity the creativeness of fiery saturation. Thus, the fiery sword brings to humanity when there is cooperation the ordained cosmic possibilities. And when the cosmic creativeness will be fierily affirmed all energies will approach. It is a decisive moment, and one which uplifts the human consciousness. Thus is human thought limitlessly saturated. Hierarchy (1931) - 55: 55. The filling of the Chalice determines the quality of action. Each thought leading to the mighty understanding of Hierarchy uplifts the spirit. Therefore, as striving grows, the broadening of consciousness leads the spirit to the understanding of the Origins. Creativeness of the spirit can build a bridge to higher understanding only through the subtlest energies. Therefore, the accumulation in the Chalice gives the best possibilities and attainments. Man must strive to fill the Chalice and expand the consciousness. Thus, the subtlest energies are within reach of only the subtlest receptivity, and limitless striving opens the Gates to Beauty. Hierarchy (1931) - 100: 100. The spark of the spirit kindles the heart, hence Our Teaching is in need of spreading through the fire of the heart. How can one kindle the torches of spirit without the fire of the heart? Only fire uplifts creativeness and imbues each action. The energy that impels to the vital impulse must possess vital fire. Hence, in this law are contained creative powers. The tension of each energy calls to life the surrounding energies. Thus all materializations take place, gathering around them all energies. Therefore, the kernel of the spirit is a mighty accumulator. Heart (1932) - 332: 332. The Subtle World has many varied confirmations of the earthly world. Even a prototype of the seasons of the year passes in accordance with the consciousness of the Subtle World. Therefore, the images of plants or mountains, or the surface of waters are not foreign to the Subtle World, of course in a transformed condition. The heart that knows the Subtle World knows flowers and mountains, and snows, and the seas. Flowers thrive in a richness of forms, and their colors are indescribably more complex than the colors of Earth; the snows are whiter and more crystalline and richer than those of Earth. One can begin to discern a complete structure of the Higher World, thus, the man who has stored up a clear and benevolent consciousness on Earth will also be a good builder in the Subtle World. Instead of monstrosities, he will bring with him beautiful proportions and the rhythm which correspond to the magnificence of the Infinite. Is the duty of the spirit so excessive if the spirit has perfected the heart? Only the light-bearing consciousness of the heart will carry the subtle body into the higher realms. Thus, everyone who prepares his heart and uplifts the hearts of his near ones already creates the will of Him who sent him! When it is asked if the heart is not a balloon since it can rise aloft, say that the jest is not far from the truth. Verily, the energy of the heart is so remarkably like helium and other of the finest gasses, that it is not far from the spiritual truth to imagine the ascension of the heart. Heart (1932) - 450: 450. A Rishi sent small pieces of linen or palm leaf or birch bark to the needy and sick. Those who received these ridiculed them and said, "Is it not ridiculous to waste one's forces in sending blank fragments?" They paid regard only to words. But those who were wise applied what had been sent to the affected part or the heart, receiving relief. They understood that the Rishi had placed his hand upon it and suffused what had been sent with his psychic energy. There are also known miraculously transmitted images or imprints of hands which become apparent under heat or light. Naturally, any physician will have faith in the crudest plaster or salve, but he will admit to no belief in the significance of the magnetism of objects. Perhaps one may even pacify the physician by pointing out to him the fatty precipitations, but in all higher matters a dog shows himself to be more understanding. Thus, it is unprecedentedly difficult to instill into the human brain all that uplifts man's dignity. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 54: 54. Let Us explain how to understand tolerance. When we speak about a higher tolerance, We mean that Hierarchy can show leniency because the heart of the Hierarch is all-containing; it feels everything and knows all impulses and intentions, and weighs all the good and the bad. In His leniency the Higher Spirit descends into the sphere of the consciousness of the disciple, and by His indulgence and tolerance uplifts the disciple. But not thus must the co-worker accept the indications about tolerance. For the disciple who is intolerant toward his surroundings, the needed quality cannot be called leniency. When the development of this wonderful quality, tolerance, is indicated to him, it means that first of all he must exclude censure. The indication about tolerance does not mean to have always command over one's fellow-worker; it does not mean that the spirit is on such a level that it can condemn those who surround him. The indication about tolerance first of all must awaken in the disciple the understanding of the fact that the spirit must be freed from egoism, because selfhood carries the most frightful monstrosities. Hence, only the spirit of a disciple freed from selfhood can manifest leniency. On the path to the Fiery World one should understand the true significance of tolerance. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 241: 241. Hence it is so indispensable to affirm in the spirit the Feminine Principle. For the Banner of the great Equilibrium of the World has been given to woman to uplift. Thus the time has come when woman must fight for the right that was taken away from her and that she did voluntarily give up. How many powerful records fill space with the attainments of the Feminine Principle! As the Teacher creates through the disciples, so does woman create through the masculine principle. Therefore woman flamingly uplifts man. Hence also degeneration, because without true knighthood the spirit cannot rise. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 367: 367. The condition of the planet is becoming worse because of the consciousness of humanity. The forces of the spirit are expended on the affirmation of destruction. A faint-hearted cowardice toward all concepts which do not correspond to the present consciousness, is leading humanity to the borderland of destruction. The forces of the spirit can bring mankind out of the rut if mankind will purify its thinking. Each great principle is that prime mover which uplifts the spirit. A search for the higher principles is the primary task. The Existence of the World is affirmed by fiery principles. Therefore, aspiring to the Highest should be a most essential task. Humanity must ponder upon a reformation in its actions. The Karma of atonement draws near. Each striving must be directed toward the Source of Light. On the path to the Fiery World let us manifest in action the achievement of great realization. AUM (1936) - 140: 140. Thought is the true friend of the seeker. Thought rules everything. Thought is inherent in each movement of the muscles. Thought leads and affirms. Thought finds the paths to the Covenants and the Decrees. Thought, if not scorned, teaches discrimination between the higher and the lower. Thought lives on perpetually and infinitely. It affirms movement and the realization of rhythm. Thought does not forsake one by day nor by night. Thought uplifts the consciousness when the process of thinking becomes cherished. Brotherhood (1937) - 595: 595. The thought about cognizing the manifestations from below or from above is correct. Usually cognition is acquired along with the growth of consciousness. Man raises himself with difficulty, as if climbing toward a mountain top. That which he observes hanging above his consciousness oppresses him. Many concepts appear to be difficult, and he begins to avoid them. But there may be another means of cognition - man heroically uplifts his consciousness and then observes manifestations from above. Thus, the most complex manifestation will appear to be below his consciousness and will be easily apprehended. The second means of perception is the path of Brotherhood. By austere and inspired measures it awakens the consciousness and leads it upward, in order the more easily to perceive the most complex manifestations. This means of uplifting the consciousness is especially needed in a time of pressure and cumulations. It can be applied in each sagacious school of thought, but it should be known as the path of Brotherhood.