New Era Community (1926) - 70: 70. My Hands know not repose. My Head upholds the weight of the works. My Mind searches out the solidity of solutions. The power of experience defeats alien infirmity. At the point of loss do I pour in the new possibilities. On the line of retreat I build strongholds. In the eyes of the enemy I wave the banner. I call the day of fatigue a day of repose. I recognize a manifestation of non-understanding as rubbish on the threshold. I can conceal the sacred in the folds of a working garment. A miracle means for Me only the mark of a horseshoe. Courage means for Me only the arrow in the quiver. Resoluteness for Me is only the daily bread. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 243: 243. When the date approaches, forms which have not been accepted are propelled into other spheres or are manifested as so-called accidental spatial bodies. The creativeness which molds these accidental combinations upholds the principle of correspondence. But there also exists a very high lawful densification which leads to the chain of better forms, and these chains are made out of the awaiting energies. Creativeness is manifested in all that exists, and the awaiting energies find application in other cycles or in other worlds and forms. Hierarchy (1931) - 282: 282. The foundation upon which everything is built must be protected from disintegration. The foundation that upholds everything must be enhanced by all the best strivings; for upon the stones of the foundation stands the structure; for upon the foundation stands each affirmation. How, then, shall people treat the foundations, without realizing that the main thing is the cornerstone? So much has been destroyed by man, because of his failure to appreciate his treasures, and by his exposing the most essential to the hail storm! Thus, humanity must understand the great significance of the power of the foundation and must accept Hierarchy with its whole spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 211: 211. Precisely as Ur. has said - the fulfillment of one's own duty. Precisely the distribution of assignments in the Cosmos upholds the foundations, and the Hierarchic Chain maintains equilibrium. There is in the Cosmos one great action which admits of a unified Karma, but inasmuch as this is held secret in the Cosmos, the confluence of Karma is a solution of Higher Forces. The fiery consciousness and heart can coalesce and bear that Burden of the World, and this will be consecration for the new construction which has been ordained in the Cosmos. The manifestation of the Cosmic Magnet must be saturated with the creativeness of spirit and heart. Thus is affirmed a joint Karma. This must be understood as a Higher Token. But when the law of higher significance is applied to daily conditions, this is contrary to Cosmic Ordination. Therefore, on the path to the Fiery World let us be imbued with the significance of the higher uniting of Karma.