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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNUSUALNESS (18)

New Era Community (1926) - 209:
You must exclude all questions about former family life. By one such question it is possible to sink into commonplaceness, whereas it is necessary by all means to preserve the unusualness of reality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 21:
By calling Our messengers charlatans, people are acknowledging their unusualness. Coarse are the caresses of the lower animals. And the coarseness of the remainder of the departing race has surpassed even that of the dark ages. It is not baseness so much as coarseness of receptivity that makes the mass of humanity unfit material. It is precisely coarseness that gives rise to light-mindedness and to its consequence - treason.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 180:
180. A sorcerer veils in unusualness the most commonplace action. But the yogi brings even the most unusual manifestation within the boundaries of the ordinary, for he knows the goal-fitness of nature.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 446:
446. In order to be able to perceive the broadening of consciousness as a success in life, one must already possess a tested spirit. People are so accustomed to basing their lives upon things of material value that even foundations of existence cannot be understood as long as humanity remains bound to customary ways. This means that new conditions of life have to be shaped by unusual means. There is no rule for this unusualness, in which the life of the spirit will shape everyday circumstances. The main cause of unhappiness in families is that the life of the spirit is not a part of their daily existence. By introducing improvements, life can be adorned and the flow of spirit uplifted. There does exist a certain manner of living that becomes like a beast's lair.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 450:
Man must transform his consciousness, including himself in the unbreakable chain of consciousnesses. The path of expanding the consciousness provides a higher level of understanding of each step of life. This creates the unusualness of which We already have spoken. This unusualness is truth!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 84:
84. The search for new ways is the most imperative problem. Due to the unusualness of conditions of the future, it will be impossible to proceed by the old ways. All new ones must remember this. It is the worst thing when men do not know how to escape from the old rut. It is dreadful when people approach new conditions with their old habits. Just as it is impossible to open a present-day lock with a mediaeval key, likewise it is impossible for men with old habits to unlock the door to the future.

Hierarchy (1931) - 222:
222. Unusualness is a happy quality of each decision. Let us take the instance of an illness. The physician may give his best diagnoses and all his medicines, but this usual way may not lead to improvement. But a Yogi gives advice, and this unusual decision creates a strengthening condition. The medicine of a Yogi is not from an apothecary and avoids narcotics, but it contains the secretions of glands which, like food, strengthen the substance of the nerves. The same property is possessed by the secretions of trees, the resins of which can carry through the pores of the skin the same fortification for the nearest nerves. Certainly, purified resin can be taken internally. The best purification will be through the solar ray, but this requires a long time, because the process of sedimentation is very slow. Each oil may be purified just as slowly, but this purification is not to be compared with any chemical process. Thus the unusualness of the Yogi's advice has an advantage over the usualness of that of physicians. Thus act.

Heart (1932) - 36:
36. If you notice signs of the Elect, do not hinder the actions of this Emissary. One can know the signs of Agni Yoga and according to them recognize the path of the Chosen One. Thus, the manifestation of an Envoy consists not in externals but in unusualness of actions. It is natural that actions of special significance must startle people's consciousness; both sides, in their own way, manifest their understanding of these actions. But we cannot name one Envoy around whom there did not occur wondrous intensification of energy. Clouds precede the tempest, therefore clouds always precede the affirmation of Truth. But you already know the significance of these spiritual phenomena. You can establish how during centuries the benign Tidings are repeated and how they spread among the multitude. From the spiritual Summit one can perceive the rhythm that carries the echoes of the Teaching.

Heart (1932) - 40:
40. The Invisible World participates in earthly life much more than is supposed. Advise that attention be directed to many small manifestations, which are usually not even noticed. Not striking and blinding manifestations, but those which the limited mind calls coincidence or accident, these construct unforgettable results. If we take all the inexplicable manifestations of the heart, even unprepared minds will notice unusualness which contradicts the deductions of medicine. Let us take for instance the so-called double pulse, when an external influence seemingly creates two focal points for the organism. Yet, the manifestation of cosmic energy explains with perfect simplicity how closely we are united with the external forces, and the external fires and lights will remind us of the same thing, if our minds will permit them to be seen.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 57:
57. Not only about Fire must we ponder. Events are driving onward like an ocean wave. You understand correctly that the dark force surrounds each benevolent inception. We observe how every ordinary action is instantly turned into evil. Thus, one should get rid of all yesterday's gnats, and replace everything usual with the most unusual. Even an award, as it were, should be granted for unusualness. One should not expect unusualness from the old world. Over and above the usual conditions, one should touch the most unexpected angles. Therefore I rejoice when new elements are dealt with.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 409:
409. Record all unusual events. Only by such records can one preserve many remarkable manifestations; otherwise they vanish in the dusk of indifference. What if your most precious biographies had not been set down? Now you would not know them, and many inspirations would not have been kindled in your hearts. Thus, do not be ashamed to write down, however briefly, that which seems to you of special significance. Do not weigh whether it is small or big, but judge it by its unusualness. Indeed, unusualness will yield many observations of the Fiery World. Each spark of it is in itself significant.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 340:
340. With all attentiveness each one must banish from his thinking all that which can bind him to ordinary daily mode of life. Means and opportunities should not be sought in everyday routine. It has been observed to what an extent We do construct in an unusual manner. But right now one must strike still more with unusualness. Look upon this as a means for success. People have entered a narrow place; one should not follow their prejudices. These must be subdued from an unexpected quarter.

AUM (1936) - 239:
239. Everything in the world is unrepeatable. Hence it is possible to realize how much of the unusual there is. Without such understanding people will not discover their own earthly position. It is impossible to think about evolution if the impelling causes and the unattainable goal are unknown. Earthly existence has no meaning without understanding of cause and effect. Yet if people would even partially realize the unusualness of their surroundings, they could more easily focus their thoughts upon the Higher World. It is impossible to persuade people to turn without a transitional step to so different a sphere as the Higher World. But if the eye gradually learns to distinguish the multiformity of its surroundings, it will more easily become accustomed to the discernment of subtle manifestations. Verily, everything must be cultivated.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106:
However, the unusualness of the events does not impress humanity, whose mental confusion was also predicted ages ago. The onset of this important period intensifies the general rhythm of Our Abode.


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