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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNTRUE (5)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 587:
587. If I say that everything is good, it will be untrue. If I say that everything is bad, it will also be untrue. It would be better to say, "Battle, and victory." But how can one be taught the joy of battle?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 252:
252. A folk saying is a light in the window. There have been no untrue proverbs. Precious are the precipitations of wisdom. But just now there is before you a greatly confused time. One must summon all courage and find the right word for everybody. Manifested is the time of the awakening of the peoples.

AUM (1936) - 209:
209. One need not be disturbed if the word physiology is applied to the Higher World. Truly, any conscious man could select a far better word, but for the average understanding neither matter nor physiology are untrue determinants. Matter is spirit, physiology is the law of Existence. No one can say that the spirit does not contain all. Physiology is only the conventional definitive of many operative laws.

Brotherhood (1937) - 474:
474. It is advisable to observe the methods of the invasion of chaos. Many suppose that the very concept of chaos excludes any system. A representation of chaos as completely formless will be untrue. Even in each life it can be observed how subtly chaos creeps in. It intrudes as an actual decomposing force. "The Invasion of Chaos" could be the title of an extremely instructive book of observations.


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