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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNREVEALED (2)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 234:
234. If we enumerate all the heavenly luminaries, if we measure the whole unrevealed Depth, we will not thereby ameliorate the present hour. With courageous heart one must cognize the painful darkness that draws near when the fires are extinguished. In the opinion of many, unity is an unnecessary anachronism. They presume that individuality is safeguarded by disunity; such is the logic of darkness. Yet sometimes amidst dangerous epidemics, by remembering simple expedients, people find salvation. Thus simple are the means of unification. They unequivocally smite the darkness. Thus, let the spear not slumber over the dragon.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182:
He taught, "Thought is like lightning, and not knowing where a thought originates, you are unable to transform it into words. A thought may strike your consciousness, but without the process of thinking, it will remain unrevealed and lie ungerminated, like a seed in infertile soil. Such dried up thoughts sadden the Teacher, who sends these salutary signs through space. Centuries may be needed for the proper growth of a seed of thought.


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