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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNRELATED (5)

New Era Community (1926) - 150:
A moment approaches when the eyes of the listener darken and across the physical radiation there run sparks of unrelated color - this color pertains to the radiation of the sender. Indeed, light has succeeded in flashing out most rapidly, affecting the light of the listener's consciousness. It means that the field has been occupied and is prepared for further reception.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 170:
170. During the development of the centers one feels incomprehensible symptoms, which science, in its ignorance, will attribute to quite unrelated ailments. Therefore the time has come to write the book of observations of the fires of life. I advise not to delay, because it is necessary to explain now to the world the manifestations of the reality and unity of existence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 557:
Some will say that the Teaching is too general, or too tiresome, but the Teaching, unseen, spreads in its own unexpected ways. Drops of the Teaching radiate in the words of people, both famous and unknown, in scientific laboratories, and in the glorious deeds of unforgettable heroes. Not recognizing each other, these seemingly unrelated co-workers carry the fragments of timely knowledge. Who will censure them?

Heart (1932) - 210:
210. "Are there not traits of egoism in the state of ecstasy, the state of Samadhi?" The ignoramus will ask this question. How could he know that this supreme state is not only unrelated to selfhood but antithetical to it! How could one who has never experienced the highest tension apprehend that that, precisely, carries the highest Bliss for the General Welfare! Nothing gives birth to such pure abnegation of self as that induced by the exultation of the brimming heart. Which of the human energies can compare with the energy of the heart, and which of the energies can act at long distances? The worlds have no boundaries for it and consciousness knows no limitations. Thus, a window can be cut through into the Invisible. But, as was said, the Invisible will become visible and we shall be ready to apply the Fiery Baptism in life. Therefore, let us give due regard to the significance of the experiment performed by the Mother of Agni Yoga here, without abandoning life. From the first spatial sparks, through all fires up to Samadhi, she will leave writings which will become the threshold of the New World. Therefore, I speak not only of tension but also of great caution. Armageddon does not lighten the conditions of ascent; what was achieved is therefore the more valuable.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 233:
233. The distribution of different manifestations depends upon Equilibrium, on which life is built. For example, a spirit which is athirst for certain external affirmations can attract them (by its will and depending upon its strivings), and the law of Equilibrium either saturates the spirit with or deprives it of some quality or another. The law of Equilibrium anticipates each unrelated manifestation. The World is suffering from these imbalances. The spirit of man has so turned away from the desires which are favorable to Equilibrium that each human manifestation produces a force of destruction. On the path to the Fiery World one must remember these laws which saturate Cosmic Equilibrium.


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