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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNLIKE (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 565:
It is not difficult to accumulate the energy of Teros or to evoke it. And it is not advisable to lose consciousness at the decisive moment, for that would produce a condition not unlike that of the so-called deadly eye. A yogi does not kill an animal by his own will; it is the evil will that smashes itself against the shield of Teros. One has to understand that not a coercive will, but the accumulation of the Chalice, will provide protection and permit action.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 75:
75. When the development of a variety of forms is predestined by Cosmos, how is it possible not to apply this law to the higher spheres? The beauty of life is in the affirmation of multiformity. Cosmos does not favor uniformity. Cosmos is diffused in the consciousness of billions of forms. Eject from life the fear of acquiring varied currents. The law of manifoldness provides for all forms of Be-ness. Do not create for yourself the karma which results from repelling the joy of multiformity from the existing life. Accepting in consciousness the principle of multiformity, humanity will be enabled to accept new forms in the comprehension of the far-off worlds. New worlds are built with new forms. Renovate the concept of the new worlds, realizing that they will be unlike yourself and your issue. Construct a new stronghold upon better principles.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 170:
The ecstasy of Saint Catherine could be made manifest because the Saints lived in a world apart. The pattern of life when such forms were being manifested is so unlike Armageddon! Never before have such spatial battles raged. The tension of all spheres is fiery. On the path to the Fiery World one must be especially conscious of the bond between spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 113:
113. In her flights to far-off worlds, Urusvati sensed their differences. It may seem strange that in spite of their foundation of Oneness there are so many differences, even in manifestations that seem to resemble earthly conditions. In addition, the inner atmosphere of those worlds is wondrous! The colors at times may remind one of earthly colors, but their substance is entirely different. The colors of the oceans of Earth cannot compare to the depth and transparency of the waters of the Subtle World. The atmosphere of the Subtle World resembles a rainbow, but its subtle colors are totally unlike the colors of earthly rainbows. The fish can fly, but their coloring has no equivalent in fish of Earth, and the most luxurious feathers of earthly birds cannot compare to the plumage of the Subtle World. The people resemble earthly people, but amaze one by the subtlety of their features and tissues. Their voices remind one of the finest singing on Earth, yet the meaning is entirely different. Such differences are striking to the human consciousness, and one must become accustomed to them.


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