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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNFAILING (8)

New Era Community (1926) - 135:
Verily, when something can be simplified and adorned, it is our duty to do so. Blindly to be attached to something borne by the current would be like being in a shipwreck. One must comprehend the significance of the current. The indicated mobility is only a preparation for the realization of the great current. As an unfailing spiral fed by the forces of matter does the eternal current rush along. Thought can overtake the light that follows the current.

New Era Community (1926) - 258:
You will perceive all mirages and will know the unfailing reality of the approach of World cooperation. The force of reciprocal action must be great. The glare of the lightning's hammer must be blinding and the thunder must be deafening. Each evidence must serve unfailing reality.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
201. There exists the false impression that a yogi possesses unfailing health, as it is usually understood. But can a sensitive instrument be made from a sturdy log? Does not the value of the strings of the vina lie in their ability to resonate to the finest intervals of tone? Equally resonant is the sensitive apparatus of the yogi. Indeed, to him alone are known the indescribable fleeting pains, which, like the tuning of the strings of the vina, transform his being.

Hierarchy (1931) - 352:
352. Which path is the most affirmative one on the way to Us? The most unfailing way is the path of self-sacrificing achievement. The most wondrous fire is the flame of the heart saturated with love for Hierarchy. The achievement of such a subtle heart is affirmed by Service to the Highest Hierarchy. Hence, so wondrous is the self-sacrifice of the subtle heart. The spirit-creativeness and independent action of a sensitive server fierily imbue space. Thus the subtle heart responds to all cosmic occurrences. Thus, verily, the visible reverberates with the invisible, the present with the future, and the predestined takes place. Thus the self-sacrifice of the subtle heart imbues the world with flame.

Heart (1932) - 194:
194. Antennas can be adjusted for various waves, but their character is not disturbed because of that. Likewise hearts can catch various currents, yet their essence will be one. This can be observed especially about presentiments. Comparisons can disclose a remarkable scale of human hearts. It can be observed how one event may evoke unfailing effects, but how diverse they will be as to time and quality! One event can provide an entire volume of observations. One heart will grasp the cliche of the Subtle World, another will demand a physical current, and a third will respond only after the event itself. It is one thing to evaluate an event according to its merit, another to exaggerate it, and it is something else to unconsciously reflect it the rhythm of the pulse. No doubt the response of the heart is much more vital than one thinks. Presentiment is not superstition or imagination, but a physical fact. By a slight observation one can foretell an event, for the background of the event is not important; it is its potentiality that counts. Thus, the heart reverberates according to the most varied waves. Is it not instructive to ponder upon these manifestations?

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407:
407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire.

Brotherhood (1937) - 610:
610. Travelers may knock for admittance. Travelers could tell about the Great Souls who dwell in unfailing service beyond the far-off deserts, beyond the mountains, beyond the snows.


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