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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNDETECTED (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 20:
A free mind has the privilege of searching out new designs based upon unusual combinations. These hitherto undetected threads will lead it to more exalted layers of matter. Beholding play that is timid and limited, the free mind is right to point out new and better combinations.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 441:
You could have observed already that Our Indications relate to the very heart of events. I often speak of trust, not because I doubt it, but because what is obvious hinders one from seeing the inner currents. Everyone can recall having mistaken the incidental for the fundamental, and thus having forged mistaken notions about physical nature. But this also can be said of ideas about the element of fire. Someone may narrow-mindedly muse, "Our ancestors lived without fire, yet journeyed to the grave as honored citizens. What have I to do with fire? Let it be the concern of my cook!" But the wise one thinks, "Whence come the unexplainable epidemics, withering the lungs, the throat, and the heart? Beyond all the apparent causes there is something undetected by the physicians. It is not the circumstances of life, but other conditions that wipe out so many lives." This way of unprejudiced observation leads to right conclusions.

AUM (1936) - 282:
282. The liar is always convinced that his lie will remain undetected. The murderer believes that his crime will remain secret. Sometimes one may hear that suggestion and psychic energy are utilized in the law court, but such attempts remain isolated, and no realization is aroused of the natural possibilities of the struggle with evil.


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