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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNDESIRED (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68:
One can observe many anomalies when communing with Us. For example, some of Our replies are instantaneous, anticipating a question that has not yet been fully formulated, whereas others are often slow in coming. This can be explained either by atmospheric conditions, or because We are occupied with special work. There may be many different conditions, and they should all be observed. Let us also remember that frequently a delay in responding to a question is caused by care being taken to protect the information from undesired eavesdroppers. The sendings of thought can be intercepted, and that is why We advise you to be very careful both in word and thought. A whole new science can be developed that will study the dissemination of the energy of word and thought. The confirmation of the influence of word and thought on vegetation and on planetary conditions will depend upon this. We experiment with vibrations, and Our Brother Vaughan is also occupied with them. Many scientists should thank Him for his help.


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