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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNDERTAKE (10)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 176:
Observe how the frail spirit bows before the wind, how his stomach growls for food, and how his lips violate the most sacred principles. But see how he then can go forward, poor, self-sacrificing, smiling at cold and hunger, trusting in the power of the Cosmic Principles in his ascent; eternally young, ready to undertake the achievement of realization.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 256:
Thus, as regards the consciousness of people, we shall know that those who cannot understand or harken will be fit to undertake only the menial work. Let the one who has understood be firm as a hundred thousand sages. And the signs, like inscriptions, will unfold before him.

Heart (1932) - 453:
453. Verily, nothing is duplicated in the Universe. But the heart of man still remains most individual. And who can measure this abyss? And who will undertake the task of explaining and reiterating to all peoples about the heart? Not lawyers, nor physicians, nor warriors, nor priests, but the Sisters of the Great Mountain will undertake the solemn duty of laying a hand upon the aching heart, designating with the other hand unlimited Benefaction. Who, then, will know how to understand the solemnity of love, which unites the silver thread with the citadel of the Highest Heart? Therefore We send the Sisters to an achievement of the heart. It is impossible to manifest the infinitude of the Highest Heart in accordance with the comprehension of an unawakened consciousness. But you must already be successful in the assimilation of solemnity. You must build up solicitude not to dishonor solemnity by anything petty and lacking in co-measurement. In this way shall the Sisters of the Mountain progress in service. Thus, they will protect the hearts of people from infamy and the stench that is engendered by darkness.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 263:
263. An experienced householder finds a use for all discards. The contemporary builder must undertake this achievement. It is an especially hard one, for it is not easy to make use of robots when the basic requirement is cognizance of the foundation.

AUM (1936) - 240:
240. It may be asked why people do not, in the material world, remember their subtle sojourns. One of the reasons why it is impossible to recall everything of the Subtle World is the impossibility of its being assimilated by our physical envelope. Indeed, the spirit could not undertake physical evolution if it could preserve within itself a recollection of the expanses of the Subtle World. Of course, it is sometimes possible to catch from the Subtle World a glimpse of the fiery grandeur which the world of flesh can realize only in the rarest cases. Only at times can even the best spirits recall their earthly existence, and extremely rarely do they remember their conditions in the Subtle World. Sometimes the projection of the subtle body brings back a certain realization of life in the Subtle World. But to remember subtle existences is very difficult and it is incompatible with earthly conditions.

AUM (1936) - 311:
With equal precision should observations upon the manifestations of psychic energy in different countries be coordinated. It may be observed that at times in the most remote lands simultaneous surgings of spirit flash out like reflections of some higher causes. Similarly, simultaneous depressions of spirit may be expressed among the most diverse people. Such mass manifestations must be studied. But there are no institutes to undertake such an important task. Perhaps individual observers may be found who realize the importance of such comparisons, but their efforts, being uncoordinated, generally founder in confusion and doubt. There appear to exist societies consecrated to the higher wisdom, but they have no scientific sections.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32:
A particular physical condition can be observed in people when they unknowingly contact the Subtle World. Indeed, it is remarkable that such people often know nothing about the different worlds; however, somewhere in the depths of their consciousness lies an idea that cannot be formulated. In such cases, We often use Tactica Adversa to arouse the consciousness. It becomes necessary to undertake actions to the point of absurdity, otherwise the slumberers will not be awakened. The same tactic is necessary in dealing with world events.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 245:
245. Urusvati knows what harm is done by a little knowledge in the wrong hands. Imagine an ignorant person who takes certain statements from the Teaching at random and begins to fill space with words he does not understand, because he never cared to undertake the preliminary purification necessary for the broadening of his consciousness. Unfortunately, even a fool can strike a certain rhythm whose resonance can create disharmony, and destruction may follow. But people usually do not think about the possibility of such consequences, nor do they realize that the first priority of the student should to emphasize the betterment of his consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 420:
We know that striving must not be abandoned by the dwellers of the Subtle World, for it is needed for the sake of perfectment. How then should one strive toward the brighter strata? One could undertake the far from easy task of approaching the earthly strata for the purpose of doing good. But people on Earth cannot imagine how painful it is to approach their sphere. They think that these approaches are rare, because they do not notice the profusion of evidence that surrounds them. For instance, people readily believe that each sound or color can produce certain sensations. This is true, but many of the sounds and colors of the Subtle World have an even more powerful effect, although the earthly senses cannot normally perceive them. Therefore mankind must train itself to observe these subtle sensations, which training will prove useful in the Subtle World.


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