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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > UN > UNDELAYINGLY (1)

Heart (1932) - 495:
495. At times people are ready to admit the power of thought, but they do not apply this admission to themselves. They dream of great thoughts but will not discipline the small ones. They will ask how to transmute thought into action. One must begin by disciplining the smallest thoughts and then, only, create a thought that moves mountains. The advice about disciplining small thoughts is the inception of bringing health to the heart. Do not rely upon a variety of outer pranayamas. The path of Agni Yoga is through the heart, but the heart must be aided by disciplining thoughts. Disorderly thoughts are like vermin, they injure the subtle substance. Often they carry deadly poison. Precisely the smallest thoughts are like madness, and they form the chief obstacle to the rapport of the subtle and dense worlds. How to persuade friends that they should undelayingly accept and execute that which is said about small thoughts? After all, this demands only slight attention and the realization of responsibility.


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