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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TY > TYRANTS (3)

New Era Community (1926) - 99:
The manifestation of the community is like a chemical combination; therefore be pure, be penetrating, and forget the chains of negation. Through forbiddance and denial do not emulate tyrants and fanatics. Through ignorance and self-conceit do not become comparable to gilded fools.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 190:
"O, knowledge, when wilt thou come to humanity? You can hear the crowd roar, whether for a wedding or for a calamity. In both cases the crowd displays its ignorance. Verily, there should be more schools in which people are taught the meaning of life, and in which teachers act not as sycophants of truth, but as representatives of Truth. People must learn to protect their teachers when they are abused by tyrants. The teachers should renounce riches, but their fellow-citizens should provide them with an environment conducive to knowledge. Do not assume that the significance of the teacher will soon be understood. Thousands of years will pass, and still the teacher will not be fully accepted."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244:
Heartless thinking is the plague of humanity. Ancient philosophers did not include heartless people in their concepts of government. Plato in his Republic and Aristotle in his Politics had in mind organized societies of intelligent co-workers, and did not tolerate tyrants, hypocrites, or swindlers. It is impossible to imagine a strong state consisting of hypocrites and swindlers. Hypocrisy is incompatible with the highest beliefs and knowledge, and a false foundation will serve only a false structure. We do not approve of the slightest manifestation of hypocrisy, and believe that this vice begets all other corrupt feelings.


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