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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TU > TURTLE (1)

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
200. Urusvati knows that in the remote past people knew about the far-off worlds. This should not surprise you, for people possessed true knowledge even in ancient times. However, the vast majority had peculiar notions, thinking, for example, that Earth was built on the back of a cow, a turtle, or some monster. Even today, along with true knowledge and a vast range of information one can find similarly ridiculous superstitions. One might ask how knowledge was transmitted in ancient times, or how people of different nations could exchange information without a written language or other means of communication. Those who are aware of clairvoyance and astral flights can answer this question easily, but it would be difficult to explain such things to a narrow-minded person!


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