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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TU > TUNING (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 361:
361. I will teach you to apply your sensitivity to life; Therefore, observe all happenings around you. One must know how to distinguish between accidental signs and Our Indications. New possibilities will grow in understanding what has been sent to you. Thus is the building erected - without losing the given stones. Not hope but work directs the builders. The purity of the tuning fork will overcome the disharmonious coarseness produced by human weakness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
201. There exists the false impression that a yogi possesses unfailing health, as it is usually understood. But can a sensitive instrument be made from a sturdy log? Does not the value of the strings of the vina lie in their ability to resonate to the finest intervals of tone? Equally resonant is the sensitive apparatus of the yogi. Indeed, to him alone are known the indescribable fleeting pains, which, like the tuning of the strings of the vina, transform his being.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 201:
You know by now that what is said here is not abstract symbolism. All the usual names given to these pains are useless, so long as science does not hasten to understand the significance of psychic energy or spirituality. The farther people are from an understanding of the dangers of Yoga, the farther they are from unity with the Highest Consciousness. Random flights of consciousness are of no value. What is needed is an incessant song of soaring. The vina may not always be sounding, but its tuning is kept harmonious.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 652:
652. Harmonious sendings bring much usefulness, especially when one dominant tone can be followed, as for a musical key. A primary note may even be struck with a tuning fork. A magnet, a tuning fork, a ring, and many common devices easily enter into the daily life of the young yogis. The clearing away of accumulations of debris requires the use of shovel and broom. One should not fear everyday objects - as below, so above.

Hierarchy (1931) - 50:
50. United sendings bring much usefulness when one tone can be maintained, as in a musical key. One may even sound a leading note with a tuning fork. A magnet, a tuning fork, a ring, and many other common adaptations easily enter into the daily life of young yogis. The clearing away of accumulations of dust requires a shovel and broom. One should not avoid common objects - as above, so below! It is wise to become accustomed to there being no rest or end. But a single realization of Our Brotherhood and of Hierarchy, already directs the traveler along the shortest path to Infinity.

Hierarchy (1931) - 226:
226. The foci of life should be gathered. Thus is accumulated that quality which is called culture. Culture cannot be created instantaneously. Nor can the foci of life make their appearance like cannon balls. Thus, the manifestations of life demand tuning like the instruments of an orchestra. It would seem that I speak of various subjects, yet they are all nothing but Fire, Energy, Hierarchy!

AUM (1936) - 561:
561. Aum, as the higher vibration, can resound for the tuning of psychic energy. Each harp must be tuned; so, even more must psychic energy, which is exposed to all the cosmic vibrations, be brought into a tranquil state. In ancient discourses about thefundamental energy, often precisely Aum contained the epitome of such counsels.


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