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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TU > TUBE (4)

Hierarchy (1931) - 71:
71. One may prosecute ignorance, but one should especially chastise superstition and hypocrisy. Like a leprous film, superstition covers weak brains. We are not against laboratories and Western methods, but We ask that honesty, efficiency, and the courage of impartiality be added to them. How can one think of cooperation when birdlike brains impede each experiment? One can produce the most stupendous manifestation if the horns of the devil do not impede in the test tube. People believe more in devils than in saints!

Hierarchy (1931) - 448:
448. Hierarchy is cooperation. But with cooperation, the intensification of energies results in a continuous circuit of sparks, from above downward and from below upward. The dynamo producing this flaming torrent is the heart. It means that above all else, Hierarchy is the Teaching of the Heart. One should be accustomed to understanding the heart as the central motive power. One cannot understand the flame without understanding the significance of the heart. I spoke to you of many centers, but just now I especially stress the Chalice and the heart. The Chalice is the past, the heart is the future. Now, certainly, we comprehend that the ascent is accomplished only along the single silver thread! Therefore, let us be especially cautious with the predestined structure. The chemist values a rare reaction in a certain test tube, and nothing in the world will repeat this reaction if the test tube is broken. So it is with Our construction.

Brotherhood (1937) - 419:
419. Among things overlooked we also find neglect of the quality of thinking. Not enough has been said about this power. For example, man does not pay attention to the fact that during amplified thinking he involuntarily sends his thought abroad. Verily, strong thinkers must be very careful. Their thought can be more easily seized in space. You already know about currents which, as in a tube, preserve a sent thought, but even such a special measure cannot always be effective.


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