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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TREATISES (5)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.3:
2.3.3. Not treatises, not logic, but the channel of spirit brings the perception of Cosmos. The tenor of contemporary life has severed from humanity all understanding of the universal power. The perspicacity to penetrate the superterranean spheres is manifested only at the boundary line of sleep. He who can appreciate this sacred moment has already begun to lift the veil. Not visions but consciousness is important. Not what is compelled by training but what results from voluntary revelation is valuable.

New Era Community (1926) - 202:
Let us cite the example of Our Community. Our Friend, the chemist V., wishes to occupy himself with a new analysis of rays - no one prevents him. Our Friend K. wishes to improve the radio by applying new light waves - no one hinders him. Our Sister P. is occupied with the social problem of a neighboring country - no one interferes with her. Our Sister U. is occupied with agriculture and introduces many adaptations - no one hinders her. Sister O. loves medicinal plants and problems of education - no one hampers her. Brother H. has devised a remarkable loom, and also works on the reorganization of communities. Brother M. is occupied with historical researches. Our shoemaker writes remarkable philosophical treatises. Each one decisively finds work to suit Himself and can change it at will. Thus, necessary is both the desire to work and the open consciousness through which each labor becomes attractive. For the labor is performed for the future, and each one carries his best stone. Here and now before the face of the mountains, We are speaking for the future. And you shall transmit these words to the valley dwellers, and once again they will remember about the possibility of the existence of the Community.

Brotherhood (1937) - 105:
105. In ancient treatises can be found the expression "crippled souls." And it is explained that such crippling can be done only by oneself. As soon as a man imagines that no further path remains for him, he shackles his own primary energy. In such fetters there can be no advance. By cutting short the path, the man takes upon himself a grave responsibility. This cannot be justified by despair, for of course this dark phantom is engendered by one's own weak will. Having lodged in the spirit, this specter actually injures the health. The phantom has nothing in it of reality. If people will investigate the true causes of despair, the invalidity of these causes will become amazingly clear. If the concept of Brotherhood were near to people, how many such groundless despairs would be dispelled! Yet people would rather cut short their own progress than reflect about the healing fundamentals. The writers of the ancient treatises about crippled souls had good grounds for this expression.

Brotherhood (1937) - 120:
120. Independence of action is an indispensable quality. It is likewise not easily acquired. It may slip into arbitrariness or weaken to the point of dissolution. Every Teacher exerts his efforts to instill effective independent activity in the disciple, but how is one to reconcile this with Hierarchy? There are many misinterpretations impeding the encompassing of this concept. Whole treatises can be written about the contradiction between independent action and Hierarchy. There will be found very cunning whisperers who will try to prove that in this manner the immutability of Hierarchy is being shaken. The whisperers will try to conceal the fact that the independent action must be accompanied by attunement, or, as is said, by harmony, with all the degrees of consciousness.


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