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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TREATED (22)

New Era Community (1926) - 130:
130. Who, then, should be treated especially austerely? Definitely oneself. How should one carry the Teaching? Within oneself alone. How to pass between hypocrisy and insolence? Not by rows of witnesses but only in self judgment! Each one respects his own dignity, and each one appraises the pearl of his consciousness. The Teaching of life is appraised by the pearl of consciousness. Are we likely to cast out the treasure of existence?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 377:
We send Our wish that the Teaching be treated with reverence.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 383:
Only in the most urgent cases may one impose oneself upon other living beings. It must be understood that the growth of the spirit affects the body, and by overburdening the spirit of another we cause adverse bodily reactions. Therefore, one who is ascending in spirit should be treated with solicitude. But others show little discrimination in this. They are ready to burden the one who is growing in spirit with their most petty requests, not realizing the harm of their lightmindedness. Those who are ascending in spirit are often not in very good health.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 106:
The most subtle energies should be treated with great caution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 190:
190. It is necessary to understand it literally when I say that a considerable number of sicknesses should be treated with psychic energy. Infection of the nerve substance will always be the primary cause of various diseases. In the infection of the nerve substance the Higher World unites with the lower; through a gap in the nerve substance any intruder can penetrate, beginning with obsession and ending with cancer. Yet the nerve substance can be protected only by psychic energy. This training of psychic energy will be the true prophylaxis of humanity. At least a pure thought can be applied, thereby protecting the entrances to the nerve spheres. Even such a simple measure will be useful. Also, psychic energy will be the best purification during the period of a hidden disease. But terrible is the decomposition of the nerve substance under the influence of drunkenness and all kinds of vices. Ponder upon the state of the subtle body, when the subtlest nerves assume the significance of a skeleton! Bones belong to Earth, nerves to the Subtle World, Light to the Spirit.

Hierarchy (1931) - 285:
285. Cancer can be treated by psychic energy, since lack of psychic energy in the blood generates the disease. Often psychic energy is exhausted as a result of spiritual outpouring, as was the case with Ramakrishna and other spiritual Teachers. Certainly, they possessed an enormous amount of it, but, dispatching it to far-off distances, they could remain for a while without its protection. Precisely closeness to Hierarchy is needed in such cases, because even great Spiritual Toilers, in their self-abnegation sometimes expend their forces beyond a legitimate extent. Thus, for evolution We reiterate about Hierarchy, in order to affirm a goal-fitting application of one's forces to the Chain of the Highest Ones. Therefore, I say, Guard your health, in order to adhere to the Hierarchy even by this means.

Heart (1932) - 539:
539. You already know why the magnet was placed above the crown of the head. But one should not forget the ancient treatment of the heart by a magnet, also the strengthening of the nerves and the knowledge of magnetizing them according to the flow of nerve substance. These old remedies should be closely examined; above all, they correspond to the gradual realization of rays and currents. Of course, not only do the magnetic properties of metals effect powerful reactions but many other properties as well respond to the mineral basis of our organism. The laying of metals themselves upon the body produces a strong reaction. Naturally, the special properties of different skins should be taken into consideration. Fatty skin precipitations can greatly prevent subtle reactions; therefore, in antiquity efforts were made to destroy the fatty precipitations. Actually, the vegetable oils for massaging have nothing in common with the fatty precipitations of the body. On the contrary, the vegetable oil dissolves the fat together with its poisons. Thus it can be observed that in antiquity the hygiene of the body at times was at a higher level than in contemporary days. The ancients distinguished the mineral properties of water for their ablutions, but at present one scarcely pays attention to them. One would probably laugh now if it were recalled that entirely different fragrances were applied to the crown of the head, the region of the heart, and even to the extremities. A refined understanding of the needs of the body safeguarded many generations. For instance, it can be recalled how solicitously the Egyptians treated the condition of pregnancy. Now people rarely study the tastes or the strange demands of pregnant women. But formerly, at the inception of pregnancy the temple physicians defined the necessary mineral and vegetable reactions according to astrological data. Thus the labor itself was eased considerably. But now, instead of wise preliminary measures people apply coarse narcotics, not desiring to understand that the bond has not yet been severed with the child. The heart of the mother is at times very strained, and each narcotic reacts upon the milk - thus, nature is in need of corresponding reactions.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 124:
124. The world suffers from a dismemberment which engulfs all the great beginnings. In place of unity, dismemberment is preached everywhere. There has remained not one principle which people do not destroy at its core. Each beginning is affirmed first of all as a part of a great Whole. How could this matter fail to be treated in human searches? The invisible is isolated from the visible World. The Higher is isolated from Earth. Only a striving for unity of concepts of magnitudes can establish the necessary link between the Worlds. Without saturation of the heart it is impossible to embrace all the Worlds, for how to affirm a cosmic bond without the acceptance of the Unity of the whole Cosmos? In the small and the great let us manifest understanding of this Great Law. The dismemberment of Worlds leads to a state of savagery. On the path to the Fiery World let us remember about the unity of Worlds.

AUM (1936) - 528:
528. Dejection is nothing but dissoluteness. Put a melancholy man in a sufficient extremity of danger, and he will be obliged to take courage; but the degree of shock must be great in order to force the man to alter his frame of mind. Certain illnesses are even treated by means of shock. Fear of death appears to exceed all human weaknesses, but even such a degree can find something which surpasses it. There are many tales of how the mortally sick received help, thanks to danger alone; how, many times, a paralyzed person has rushed out of a burning house; how, many times, internal affections have been cured, because the center of attention was turned in another direction.

Brotherhood (1937) - 141:
141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required.

Brotherhood (1937) - 178:
178. True, the quantity of insane people is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the cause of the increase in number must be discovered. The weak-minded also need surveillance. Madness is contagious. Weak-mindedness in childhood indicates subsequent abnormality through the entire life. People are agreed that the conditions of life are unhealthy; yet, in spite of this, every advice about improving conditions for health will meet with hostility. In this is contained the fear of any unsettling of the foundations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 184:
184. Unbelief is the crystal of doubt. Therefore, one should distinguish the two. Doubt, as a form of unsteadiness, can be treated with psychic energy; but unbelief is almost incurable. The unbeliever plunges into an obscure abyss, to remain there shuddering until he receives a purifying shock.

Brotherhood (1937) - 231:
The time will come when clairvoyance, scientifically treated, will help to piece together the fragments of shattered vessels of ancient knowledge. Let the ability to decipher patiently the effaced signs be the distinction of a true scholar. He will apprehend too the meaning of containment.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 172:
The Great Pilgrim loved to open the memory of children. He brought them close to Him, questioned them, and touched them with His hand to intensify the clarity of their recollection. He treated children as equals, for when the remote past is recalled the mind becomes more mature. Children will never forget the one who treats them as equals, and will preserve such recollections all their lives. Perhaps children remembered the Great Pilgrim better than did those whom He healed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202:
"Every hero whose heart is pure is a dispeller of evil, and the biographies of such heroes should be studied in schools. Students should also learn what was done to Pericles and how people have treated their heroes. Thus should human history be written.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248:
248. Urusvati knows how diverse are Our messages, which sometimes come as short commands, and at others times as faint reminders. Sometimes they are stored in the Chalice, to be applied at the appointed hour. In such cases, people begin to recall something heard somewhere, and the recollection becomes more and more persistent as the indicated date approaches. These recollections from the very bottom of the Chalice must be treated with great care. In them are many events which by karmic law can only be revealed through the consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 248:
It is of paramount importance to observe children when they receive such guidance. They often declare that other children visit and play with them, and that during their games they have conversations on interesting topics. They sometimes invite adults to join them in the games, but the grown-ups do not see their little friends and regard their statements as fabrications. Such accounts originate in all nations, however, and should not be treated as childish inventions. One should pay great attention to the statements of children.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 274:
There is a story about a physician in ancient times who treated people of different castes with equal attention, and because of this noble attitude the people wanted to stone him. When asked if he would also apply the same care to people of other nations, he answered that everyone should be treated alike, and he was forbidden to practice medicine at all.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 282:
Understand that this is a general inflammation and should be treated accordingly. Very light food should be eaten, nothing raw or irritating. Avoid catching cold, tiring the eyes, and succumbing to irritation. Medicines will be of little help, and alcohol should not be taken. Nothing should be taken too hot or too cold, and laxatives should be used only in small doses and preferably not every day.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
Truly, slavery flourishes even more in enlightened capitals than in barbaric marketplaces. People have not freed themselves from the idea of slavery, and in order to satisfy modern standards of behavior they invent new pompous, hypocritical justifications. Behind these disguises is concealed a most hateful rapaciousness, and individuals are given less sympathy than dogs. Indeed, dogs are often treated better than humans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
During the lifetime of Our Sister of Siena the idea of telepathy was suppressed. Today much is said about telepathy, but its signs are still treated with skepticism. It is astonishing that even in progressive scientific societies there is doubt about it; this attitude only hinders research.


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