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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSPORTING (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 563:
563. Independence of action is encouraged. But should one be criticized if sometimes the desire arises to reach out to the Teacher for advice and to merge one's aura with His? It was always said: "First the storm, then the thunder, then silence." In this absence of sound comes the so-called Voice of the Silence. But higher than this voice is communion. You know how the voice of the Teacher is transmitted; but there can be a coming together in consciousness, not using words but transporting one's consciousness instantaneously into the consciousness of the Teacher. One almost ceases to be aware of oneself; but the Chalice is filled to the brim with straight-knowledge. Such union surpasses words, for it nurtures one with straight-knowledge. Of course it is not easy to attain such a state; but with expansion of consciousness it comes by itself, if not hindered by ignorance. All forms of communion are made possible by such a consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 28:
You are right in asserting that the Lord Buddha had to give the concept of Nirvana to the world because there are few who are willing to labor eternally for the creation of new forms. Nirvana is only a step in the endless cosmic periods. Our disciples, accumulating the earthly inheritance, can rejoice, transporting themselves with striving consciousness toward the higher worlds. Is it not better to serve the manifestation of the great eternal reworking and transformation from the lower to the higher than to be slave to stagnation?

Heart (1932) - 378:
378. Pranayama of all kinds is directed essentially to the kindling of the fires of the heart. Indeed, of the multitudes who practice pranayama only very few receive positive results. Wherein lies the cause? Of course, in an indifferent attitude toward the heart. A complex exercise is devised, and the consciousness strives toward the calculation or alternation of bodily movements, in other words towards superficial methods. Yet no earthly calculations will kindle the talisman of the heart. Solar energy is non-existent without the sun; thus, also, the heart will not be kindled without striving toward the focal point. Hence, it is easier to kindle the heart through transporting oneself to the focal point than by relying on material calculations. Of course, pranayama has been wisely established as an auxiliary means for hastening results. But as soon as the mantram of the heart lost its significance, pranayama also turned into a mechanical remedy against the common cold. Therefore, let us remember about the sacred heart as the path to the focal point.


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