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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > TR > TRANSMISSION (128)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 181:
181. Pure music helps the transmission of the current. We pray by sounds and by symbols of Beauty. The heart and mind do not conflict when they sail the Ocean of Creative Labor. And the wings of the bird of the spirit, atremble, will soar upon the breeze of harmony. And the steel of the word flashes in the furnace of Truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.9:
The manifestation of the Mother of the World will create the unity of women. The task now is to create a spiritually sovereign position for the woman. And the transmission to woman of direct communication with the Highest Forces is necessary as a psychological impetus. Of course, through the new religion will come the necessary respect.

New Era Community (1926) - 150:
The experiment of transmission of thought is no longer unusual, but the quality of the sending and receiving is insufficiently investigated. Observed least of all is the moment of establishing the circuit of understanding, after which formal words become superfluous. The stability of this current depends least of all upon tension of the brain-muscles. People would rather burst their blood vessels with tension than manifest a new understanding.

New Era Community (1926) - 150:
During experiments of transmission of thoughts it is important to question the entire district in order to determine how the field of effectiveness of the sending spreads. Thus, it is possible to establish a spirality of movement. From this it may be understood that sendings into space will not be successful in the sense of a definite date. Picturing an immediate goal, one may encompass a larger space beyond it in any given direction.

New Era Community (1926) - 151:
Indeed, a spark of light is the first to hit the target. The knowledge of how to sway the crowd lies not in eloquence but in the understanding of the nodes of the crowd and in the timely sending thither of a light-bearing thought. The lack of understanding as to how to address oneself into space and the fixation on a single listener are equally harmful. Likewise We advise making use of the phonograph for scientific data. But one cannot expect to kindle emotions by means of mechanical transmission.

New Era Community (1926) - 156:
Here he, the lonely one, crossed, swam, flew through the prescribed spaces, and he already communicates and transmits his message. Who has received him? First, distrust - does the Community exist? Second - can the Community be active and take part in distant matters? Third - is not the appearance of the messenger and the need for the indicated action simply a coincidence? I recall that one such messenger, indignant at the mediocrity of the last remark, replied "You who talk about coincidence, do not forget that you yourselves are a coincidence of particles of matter. But if your coincidence has been unsuccessful, the laws of matter provide a reason for it." However, when monetary matters are turned to, and those dealing with the transmission of objects, thoughts begin to coincide propitiously. Facts and warnings are listened to attentively. The city dweller is not averse to squeezing out a useful information, even though it be from the Community. Thus, outside of a few co-workers, the messenger encounters about him an abyss of greed. Give money, give advice for the morrow, do away with the enemy - then vanish quickly and do not disturb our digestion with thoughts about world fellowship.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
173. It is noted that certain people, as it were, carry success with them. Superstition calls them lucky. Science attributes their success to strength of will. We shall add that usually these people have an assimilated consciousness. They become representatives of the collective, consequently drawing in a force intensified by many participants, who at the time do not even suspect the outflow of energy. It is not at all required that the whole collective know each other. Through the nodes of transmission a wave of energy is transmitted instantaneously; therefore the presence of the international collective is much needed for actions. Hence, a wave of internationalism is needed, because the diversity of dynamics will then produce greater tension.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
Not long ago you conversed about the significance of rays in wireless transmission. Rays do contribute to the unifying of the collective over far distances. Indeed, these rays, which until recently were denied, actually are weaving a new cover for the planet. The rays have a preeminence over other waves in that they pass through more readily, without disturbing the gravity and the atmosphere. Sound, indeed, attracted the earlier attention of humanity. Light and color have not attracted as much study, but, as the sound is only are action of light, the enhanced cognition will be directed toward the significance of light and highest energy - luminous matter. "Materia Lucida" has attracted all the best minds, and even if they did not find its conscious application, yet they have considered recognition of its significance inevitable in the forthcoming evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 222:
For convincing by means of application of psychic energy, one should make use of the language of the one who is being persuaded. Many times you could have noticed that the language of the Teacher conformed to the expressions of the disciples. From this there have been derived absurd suspicions about counterfeitings, for to some it has seemed strange that the characteristic expressions of the disciple were passed on by the speech of the Teacher. But a few have reflected that in such manner assimilation was made easier. It is also necessary to understand that during joint labor the modes of expression are generalized - the hieroglyph of understanding is deepened. But the ignorant continue to slander about counterfeiting, and do not wish to look at themselves and remember the difference in their expressions when dealing with different people. We merely broaden that very same principle. We propose to adopt the language of the listener in all its characteristics. It is no concern of Ours if the average-minded accuse Us; all We need is a good result. Even if you have to use the strangest expression in order to save from danger, you do not tarry in doing so. This condition is indispensable for perfectionment in thought transmission.

New Era Community (1926) - 223:
223. The methods of West and East in thought transmission differ. For suggestion the West has tried to apply direct aggressive action touch, fixation with the eye, loud murmuring of a command, which in their primitiveness remind one of the lower conjurers of southern India. At best such a command is distinguished by temporal brevity, and usually involves the consciousness in only one definite action. The East, first of all, seeks an inner contact with the state of consciousness, which allows the consciousness to be filled more firmly and lastingly. The Westerner tries to pierce one with his gaze, but the Easterner, in sending a thought, will actually not look at one, because the effect of a glance would be to diminish the sharpness of the command. Indeed, the eyes of the sender will be open but he will form a picture of his correspondent, and in that mental image he can more fully encompass his essence. No tension will strengthen the effect, but only immutability of consciousness and trueness of tone of the psychic sounding. A rock splits from a detonation, not only from a blow. It is easy to achieve the most difficult if the consciousness is adequate and tranquility is not disturbed. The trouble is in the fact that people regard tranquility as inaction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 63:
In remote times a sick body was surrounded by healthy ones in order to nurture its strength. But this is a kind of vampirism that should not even be suggested. It is quite a different matter when there is a conscious transmission, voluntary and benevolent. This can be not only to one person, but even to several at once if one understands how to apportion the transmissions judiciously. It is an important reality that material benefit can be transmitted by means of psychic energy. Weighty substance is transmitted by weightless energy. This is not just suggestion but a real phenomenon.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 101:
101. I am witnessing an experiment involving the transmission of human force over a distance. By this one can move any object; for example, one can move the bolt of a door by applying the energy of one's thought to the corresponding energy of the object. This experiment has been known since the distant past. But one should remember that with the establishment of general cooperation among all that exists, the energy of thought unites all spheres of being. Not by using a hammer, but by penetrating objects with our thought, shall we unite them.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 233:
The magic formulas that have been given out to the public are intentional distortions. In them some things are missing that were reserved for oral transmission. Certainly a yogi is the very opposite of a magician. A magician stands on petrified formulas. A yogi constantly inhales the fresh new breath of Cosmos. The one is old at birth; the other is always young, throughout all changes in his life. The one attempts to strike with words not of his own making; the other smites with his free thought. The one defends himself with pitiful pinpricks; the other is shielded just by the armor of his glance. Yoga has nothing in common with magic.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
254. The striving of most people has little to do with psychic energy. Certain properties of this energy have been completely lost to their consciousness. It is most difficult for humanity to realize the infiniteness of energy and its ability to act independently. People easily sense energy in relation to physical actions, but they little realize something much more remarkable - that psychic energy can act independently at great distances. Like a cannon ball that speeds from the cannon producing its individual effect, so our energy can create results completely independent and long-lasting. Of course the durability of the results depends on the reserve of energy. One can project energy consciously, but one can also project it subconsciously if it is directed frequently in the same way. When the cannonball of energy has been propelled afar, then one may feel a temporary exhaustion of energy. But he who knows this can happen will not be concerned. On the contrary, he will reinforce the act of transmission with his own consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
Under circumstances that admit of no delay, the separated energy acts. Of course, any new structure attracts the consciousnesses most akin to it. The dispatches are sped as help, bringing courage, alertness, and resourcefulness. And often neither the one who receives nor the one who has sent suspects what has occurred. The divisibility of the spirit makes possible the dispatch of energy. The energy acts through the accomplished transmission, and the one who has sent it becomes inactive, as though fatigued and resting. How many such sendings are speeding through space! Will not some of them lay the foundations of new worlds?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 350:
Think about why, for any physical effort, a deep inhalation is needed. Is there not in this a connection to the transmission of energy, of which we have spoken today? Among physical manifestations how can there be anything supernatural?

Agni Yoga (1929) - 396:
396. In the West much is said about the transmission of thought to a distance, but the application of this action is absolutely unknown. For instance, in order to prove it, two stations are established that must work simultaneously; and the distance between them is calculated, as if the power of thought could be affected by miles! The most essential part of the experiment is overlooked, namely, the effect of the thought.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 397:
397. In studying thought transmission, humanity will pay attention to all attendant manifestations, both beneficial and negative. Then people will see that the effects of thought spread beyond imagining. They will understand how much harm they can cause, weakening and overburdening one another's forces. One of the purposes of going into a hermitage was to hide, in order to preserve one's psychic energy. One of Our good co-workers had himself reported dead, in order to escape the attention of others. As though unburdened, he used to say, with relief, "It seems that I have been forgotten."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 421:
421. During the rituals of saturating the teraph, as you know, chants were intoned, combinations of strange words often devoid of meaning. However, it is not the spoken form, but the rhythm that is important. The music of the spheres consists not of melodies but of rhythms. When the developed spirit knows the sounds of the spheres, it will understand the power of rhythm. So, while saturating the teraph the will and rhythm are the most important. It matters not with what words the mission is entrusted to the teraph. Important are the succession of the layers of meaning, the sincerity of the direct transmission, and the rhythm, which corresponds to Mahavan. Only the lesser consciousness needs ready-made commands. The developed consciousness can improvise words in accordance with the flow of psychic energy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 431:
Our own Leaders have entrusted to Us the vessel to quench the conflagrations of evil, and We relay this mission to chosen emissaries, entrusting to them the task of further transmission. Recognition of Hierarchy facilitates movement into the Infinite.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
500. You may have noticed that often telepathic transmissions are quickly forgotten. This is because of the method of transmission, which touches special centers not involved in the usual processes of hearing. One can train oneself to retain these communications in the memory, but the ability to transmit in this way is not so easily acquired. The sending of communications does not depend on a forced tension of the will but on clarity of consciousness in combination with the light of Abhidharma. Thus, the quality of transmission depends on the purity of the consciousness and on the presence of oxygen attracted by the Fire of Space.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 500:
One should observe the different chemical natures of human transmissions of thought. Customary experiments in thought transmission are useless. In these the sender mentally repeats, "I am sending," and the recipient, by thinking, "I am receiving," actually obscures his consciousness.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 5:
5. Have you thought about the spirit-creativeness on the future planets? Is it possible that all began with you and will end with you? Does any process cease? The chain of worlds is endless; where one planet crumbles another one is born. Truth wrestles with death, and when skeptics say, "It is the end," We say, "It is the beginning!" Understanding of the manifested evolution will reveal the triumph of Truth. Shall we not share in the triumph? Shall we seal our vessels still empty? Shall we reject the transmission of the power of consciousness? When I say utilize the manifested rays, when I say fill the chalice of knowledge, when I say design the best creations through straight-knowledge, when I say strength lies in the limitlessness of knowledge - it means lend an open ear to the cosmic whirls, it means search the radiance of Fohat, it means manifest understanding of the music of the spheres.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 81:
81. The transmission of thought is also a manifestation of Silence. We often use it. Before the consummation of the thought manifestation, We send the ray of Silence. The rays of Silence call forth those sacred pains in the Chalice.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 237:
There exists a so-called transmission through the envelopes of departed spirits, but one must always recognize that a lower manifestation attracts the lower. For this reason, We assert that Fire is most lofty and the transmutation occurs at the highest point. Thus, She who carries the Chalice of the Sacred Fire will give to the planet a fiery purification. Thus the creativeness of psycho-spirituality is implanted into the new step. When the force of the Cosmic Magnet will assert the manifestation of the fires, then will it be possible to say that the New Time draws near. I so affirm!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 34:
34. Cosmic blending is tensed by the Fire of Space. The fusion of sparks is precipitated by the Cosmic Magnet. Fiery seeds live in each atom, and the power of cohesion rests in these fiery seeds. When the intensified force of the creative Magnet is acting, the fire of the seed fuses with the impulsion of the Magnet. The manifested fire breathes the impulse of life into each atom. The spirit creativeness is strained by the manifestation of Fire. When thoughts create spiritually at a distance, such action is analogous to the creativity of the Fire of Space. The reception and the transmission are under the same law. The action of Fire is comprised in the impulsion of the Magnet. Hence, the magnet of the spirit reflects all cosmic manifestations. These potential forces are established by the Reason as the life force. The magnet of the spirit combines all vital impulses. Indeed, the magnet of the spirit fuses matter even physically. Of course, the treasury of the spirit is the Chalice, and that treasury also guards matter, because the powerful impulse of sacred Fire is laid in it. Thus, a wise power flows from the seed of the Fire of Space. Thus, the seed of the spirit intensifies the striving toward the higher spheres.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 141:
141. If it is possible to confirm the segment of the cosmic fires which is already accepted by humanity, then why not admit the growth of those manifested fires? Since the spirit is subject to changes under the influence of various physical manifestations, why not acknowledge those which take place under the influence of the spirit? I affirm that the spirit transmutes all qualities and harmonizes all tensions. The transmutation of the centers is tensified by the fire of the spirit, and the creativeness of the centers is focused on the assimilation of the higher fires. As the manifested vessel, the heart admits the currents of all the most subtle energies. Thus, the harmonized currents are absorbed by the all-containing Chalice. Hence, the currents absorbed by the center of the Chalice correspond to the higher energies; and the transmission of the psychic energy are accompanied by reverberations. The higher tension corresponds to the higher fires. Thus, the spirit creates unceasingly.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 421:
421. Each manifestation of the invisible must be accepted by humanity as that of a principle leading to creativeness. In the entire Cosmos the manifestations of the invisible alternate with the visible. Therefore, when the space is saturated by a live interchange of Fire, a demarcation line does not exist. If the spheres were separated, transmission of cosmic power would be impossible. The vital threads cannot be separated. The All-Existent is in all and we are in it. Limitless is the vital potentiality, and the particles assimilated by humanity can conform to a cosmic striving only when consciously assimilated. Thus, in the cognizance of Cosmos one can strive to evolution.

Hierarchy (1931) - 137:
137. The purple star is the sign of the highest tension, for tension and the continuous transmission of energy is the manifestation of co-creation.

Heart (1932) - 74:
74. The concepts about the will must be firmly realized and distinguished. The will of the brain has become the citadel of the West, whereas the East has maintained its stronghold in the heart. In suggestion, the Western hypnotist uses the will, straining the centers of the extremities and eyes; yet this emanation is not only rapidly depleted but brings fatigue and, primarily, acts only over very inconsequential distances. In transmissions of the will spatial attainment is impossible; but the heart of the East does not need any tension of the extremities, does not needlessly exert the energy, but sends out its thoughts without any limits of place. The suggestion from the heart, as a natural channel for communication, does not bring harm to the one who suggests or to the receiver. The Western method is always apparent externally, but the Eastern act has nothing external about it; quite the contrary, the transmitter does not look upon the receiver, for he has the image of the destination in his heart. There are many numerous advantages in the heart activity, but to encompass it it is necessary primarily to realize the significance of the heart. The power of the heart conquers absolutely everything. The heart may know the significance of far-off happenings. The heart can soar, fortifying the needed links. The heart can unite itself with the far-off worlds. Test it by the transmission of the will alone and you will realize the difference in the will of the heart. Maitreya's is the Age of the Heart! Only with the heart can one evaluate the treasures of Maitreya! Only with the heart can one understand how greatly all acquisitions, all straight-knowledge are needed for the future.

Heart (1932) - 124:
The speed of an unbroken transmission is equal to the speed of light. It is characteristic to coordinate all the domains of Fire; thus remarkable analogies can be discerned which can prove the oneness of the foundations. Where should one turn when the unified signs are pointed out from everywhere?

Heart (1932) - 135:
135. Thought-reading comes from straight knowledge. Not artificial magic, not glaring of the eyes, not the holding of hands, but the fire of the heart connects the subtlest apparatuses. There are two difficulties - the reader may be surrounded by several currents, and the one whose thoughts are being read may think so unclearly that he himself is unable to establish his basic thought. But the reading of thoughts is instructive not only as a phenomenon for the contemporary consciousness of humanity, but as a scientific physical experiment in the transmission of currents. There are so many significant experiments awaiting their turn! You all know of the luminous manifestations, but as yet no scientists have investigated the appearance of these lights. Are they optical manifestations, purely visual, or are they spatial chemical ones? Perhaps this condensation of energy may set the beginning of a new method of lighting. All these manifestations belong to the investigations of psychic energy. Why should one think that humanity is destined to limit itself solely to the one type of cosmic energy called electricity? There may be many channels for the manifestation of this energy. But, of course, it is easier for people first to pay attention to their own microcosm - the heart - in which slumber all the energies of the world.

Heart (1932) - 143:
143. The spark between the poles of the magnet illustrates how thought is transformed into a physical transmission. Untiringly We send the details of the heartfelt flaming experiment. Moreover, much that concerns the superusual plan becomes more physical, thus following evolution.

Heart (1932) - 300:
300. If thought in itself contains creative energy, then how useful it is to direct good thought into space. When mankind shall agree to send forth good thought simultaneously, then the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will at once clear. Hence, it is necessary to take care, even a few times daily, to send out thought not about oneself, but about the world. Thus the thinking will accustom itself to disinterested strivings. As the Savior of mankind thinks only of the entire world, so in emulation of him we can apply our thoughts for the manifestation of creative energy. It is not necessary to look upon the transmission of thought as a supernatural act. Let it provide nurture for the spirit, just as does fuel for the bonfire during the night. Thus, also, it is necessary simply to follow the highest example. The heart will be like a trusty chronometer when it calls to thought about all. It is not necessary to have tiring meditations; thought about the world is short and reflects so simply the renunciation of self. Let good befall the world!

Heart (1932) - 365:
365. If you encounter a bigot, know that he is not of the heart. If you meet one who is superstitious, know he is not of the heart. If you meet one affrighted, know he is not of the heart. Nevertheless, these uninvited guests will mention the word heart. It is high time to segregate all mountebanks of the heart, so that they should not play with human hearts. The heart should be studied when obscured by self-love and cruelty. Thus, through observation of the pulse, one can approach the treasures of the heart. One can similarly sense when the heart is silent and the calls do not reach it. A great deal of work has been done on the transmission of thought at a distance - the pulse is also useful for this. In its most sensitive capacity the pulse can detect a thought-sending, even before its realization. In this way one can again prove the extent to which the subtlest possibilities are contained in the organism, of which people have formed only an obtuse, physical image. This coarsening has already accumulated for many thousands of years, and the light of the body goes further from the Fire.

Heart (1932) - 381:
381. The transmission of thoughts at a distance and healing through distant currents is sufficiently known to you. Yet it is necessary to repeat this persistently, because people are least desirous of admitting the indisputable. Of course, the transmission of thoughts must be accepted, because the admittance of sendings by the heart is essential. Even a telegraph clerk confuses the mechanical transmission; hence, how much more subtle must be the reception by the heart. Besides, you know how easily an outside thought speeds through the consciousness and is forgotten despite the clarity of transmission. The heart must accept the inexpressible words into its depths. So, it is also easy to overlook the most salutary currents if we resist them in consciousness. The very bed can be shaken by the currents, but this knocking may be rejected. It is also good if the heart understands in good will that in the midst of warmth freezing currents do not come without special cause. In order to accept these simple scientific manifestations, not blind faith is needed, only open good will.

Heart (1932) - 422:
422. People have apprehended with difficulty the idea that radio flashes simultaneously throughout the world; yet the velocity and infiniteness of thought are virtually beyond the reach of the consciousness. The simplest and most beneficial truths are accepted with especial diffidence. The very methods of investigation of such laws often merit pity. Indicators and operators, that are completely incapable of any receptivity, may be posted for observation in the experiments and transmission of thought. On the other hand, people with sensitive hearts will not be questioned. The present difficulty is that people who are not entitled to any confidence gather seemingly in the name of science. One should not be afraid of making mistakes, and the masses should be widely questioned. Naturally there will be contradictions, but the honest inquirer will nevertheless receive truly vast material. The social sciences must occupy themselves greatly with the dissemination of thought as the basis of human welfare. Thus, in the era of the discovery of energies investigations in the domain of thought are necessary.

Heart (1932) - 425:
425. On observing the activity of the heart, the average mind will encounter a multitude of perplexities. Thus, it will seem strange to it that even the most refined heart records the most powerful events very slightly, but reacts powerfully to comparatively insignificant actions. There are numerous causes - external and internal - for this, but one ought to distinguish between them wisely. One must take into consideration all counteractions of the currents, but, on the other hand, one must also understand all karmic circumstances, which may magnify or diminish the transmission. One should not be distressed if the law cannot be expressed by a dead letter. On the contrary, the diversity of intervening conditions enriches the possibilities of new observations. Thus, even in schools one should exercise the attention of the small ones, who are often much more honest and flexible than adults; one should only approach them with the attractive proposal that they pay attention to their own sensations.

Heart (1932) - 522:
522. The language of the Subtle World has no need of words, although it can possess them. It is expressed in straight-knowledge, in the transmission of the subtlest feelings. Thus, the Subtle World must not disturb the music of the spheres by disorderly tonalities. We must not be astonished at this, for even in the corporeal world harmonious hearts mutually transmit a great deal through the language of the heart. Let this language be a constant reminder of the possibility of the Subtle World.''

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 192:
192. Even if someone does good by accident, praise him. Commend each crumb of good. To him who cries out in the darkness it matters not who brings the Light. Widening the field of vision means the bringing of Light. This action is beneficial, both for the giving one and for him who receives the Light. Transmission of Light connotes the transmitter's expansion. There was one flame, now it has become two. It means good has been accomplished.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 226:
226. During the transmission of thoughts, the difficulty arises not so much from the sender, but in the reception. The sending takes place through tension of the heart and will, hence it depends entirely upon the sender himself. But the recipient is usually in other conditions. Not only may he be mentally overburdened but his thought and consciousness may be absent. Moreover, the most unexpected currents can intersect space and thus distort some portion of the sendings. In order to even partially avoid this impediment, We teach alertness and vigilance. When the consciousness becomes used to these conditions, the receiver remains tensed and open. This method of continuous vigil is not Ours alone, it was already employed in remote antiquity. Each initiation into the Mysteries contained the question, "Is thy ear open?" Such opening signified primarily the ability to maintain keen vigilance. The condition of intersecting currents was avoided by striving toward the Hierarch, with whom a contact was established. True, harmful attempts can be made with intent to break off or to fasten upon the currents. Besides the already indicated aerial conduits, it is possible to avoid eavesdropping by means of mutual striving - this is like galvanizing the conduit. Thus, it is possible by degrees to achieve many useful things. Moreover, let us not forget that these achievements are ineradicable.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 228:
228. During the investigation of loss of weight, the laying on of hands is used, just as during increase of weight; this means that the hands transmit certain fiery energy. But this will be only a certain fiery step, the next one will be transmission of the same energy by means of the glance, in which the question of distance will be secondary. Thus it is possible to increase or diminish the weight of an object at a distance. In truth, would it not be a pleasing occupation for a merchant! Therefore it is well that the manifestation of such energies is not common in the present state of humanity. It is possible to point out many experiments that can alleviate everyday earthly life; but, actually, people would make use of them for increasing the number of killings. Meanwhile the fiery energies are knocking at their prison doors. The date is coming when they will either be applied intelligently or they will pour forth as fiery sicknesses or cosmic cataclysms. Three alternatives lie before humanity. It remains for it to choose one according to the state of its consciousness. Freedom of choice is always given. No one can deny that before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority. This manifestation was before the eyes of the living generations, yet their circumspection was not increased. Ten million victims crowded the strata of the Subtle World. People prayed for killing but did not think about atonement for the violation of the law of Existence! Instead of intelligent understanding, people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature. Thus, in the "Fiery Book" it is necessary to write for those few who are willing to think about the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 250:
250. If for a moment we imagine space as consisting of layers of paper, and we subject it to the action of radio or television, then on each layer we shall find a perforated outline; entire portraits will be impressed on the spatial layers. Impressions remain on the strata of Akasha in exactly this manner. Sometimes we are ready to complain that for a long time we do not see what we would wish, but we do not consider that for various reasons an image need not be impressed in space. Images not made by human hand are carried like sheets of paper in a whirlwind; that is why one must become accustomed to the thought that everything is ineradicable. Only thus is it possible to become truly cautious and solicitous about one's surroundings. One must not think that it is possible to escape the law, which is expressed even in simple physical devices. It can easily be imagined how a portrait, spatially transmitted, may be intercepted at any point of its transmission. You know enough about physical teraphim; this means, then that there can also be subtle teraphim. Therefore one must guard everything valuable, not only in the home but also in space. Protective aerial conduits can be created, but they swallow up a mass of energy. Thus, let us learn to really guard the precious concept.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 406:
406. Magnetization of water has now been virtually abandoned, yet not so long ago it was used for purposes of both light and darkness. The significance of such magnetization is apparent, and indicates once again the fieriness of such a process. As a precautionary measure a goblet containing an unknown beverage was covered with the hand, in the belief that the skin would reflect symptoms of poisonous ingredients. Also, for magnetization, iron and lithium waters were used, but all sulphuric admixtures were avoided. In the most ancient writings there are references to the transmission of thought through water and chrism. Milk was not used for magnetization because of its organic constituents. This was an error, for the milk of healthy cows is well suited for this purpose. But in ancient times people feared rabies and preferred to avoid magnetizing milk.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 547:
547. It can be sensed how at times the fiery sendings collide against a wall of darkness. Only in particular cases of the attack of the dark forces does this impediment become possible. During such an attack should one exhaust the reserves of Fire or should one choose another direction? You already know that the swelling of darkness is of short duration; therefore it is better to choose immediately a different direction for the transmission. The stronghold of darkness is like a cardboard bull; one has only to know its character.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 550:
550. Petty thoughts not only clog space, they especially impede the transmission of thought to far-off distances. Every participant in thought-transmission knows how at times parts of the transmission are, as it were, corroded, as if a dark cloud obscures the precision of expression. In fact, these small, slimy, ugly creatures intercept the path of transmission. Singly, these little monsters are ineffectual because of their feebleness, but they form a slime sufficient to thicken space and thus intercept the currents. Therefore, to effect speedier thought-transmission humanity must be urged to desist from petty thoughts. Even a little carefulness in thinking will produce beneficial results. Moreover, the slime of petty thinking can be a source of epidemics.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 603:
603. It is astonishing that even recently the transmission of pictures was considered unrealizable. But now images are already transmitted over great distances; the word thunders through many spheres, even further than people imagine. The Fiery Worlds likewise have no impediments in transmission and communication. One should not be astonished at such fiery potencies when even the material world has already mastered the crude forms of the same possibilities. And how many achievements are knocking upon the doors of the human heart!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 27:
27. One may influence plants, as has been shown, but one must exercise great patience, because every atmospheric current can affect the transmission of the fiery energy. But who can imagine that the cosmic chemism does not influence the human organism! But it is correctly observed that even the fragrance of flowers can change under the pressure of cosmic currents. Be not astonished that all Nature responds to that which man does not wish to notice. The refinement of consciousness primarily depends on attention to the surroundings.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 94:
94. The heart in its full significance is a transmuter and a condenser. Often these processes happen to be so strong that human strength cannot suffice to contain and endure the tension. From antiquity has come the prayer about resigning one's spirit to God. One should understand truly this surrender of the spirit. If you feel an unbearable anguish of the heart, transfer it mentally to the Lord. Thus you may join your heart with the Inexhaustible Source - Hierarchy. Such action may be particularly needed when the tension of the entire planet is great. One must be prepared for the most diversified influences, both cosmic and human. The adherence of the heart to Hierarchy is a continuous action, but at present We are pointing out particular instances when it becomes necessary to strengthen the heart with the manifestation of Hierarchy with especial clarity of consciousness. Many will not understand how one can strengthen the heart by thought, because for them the heart is but a physical organ. But whoever has felt Our currents will understand the meaning of this bond. The World is living through such a tension that it is timely to remind about the necessity of readiness for such communions. The Fiery World must be evoked in full consciousness. In case of need one may even orally address the Lord. Upon all steps of Hierarchy there is the same transmission and communion. And how majestic is this Ladder of Immeasurable Help.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 181:
181. New circles of disciples must be attracted through the heart. We regard as an attainment not only the direct transmission of the Teaching, but also the indirect saturation of space with It. The Teaching should not be pushed there where there are no doors.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 385:
385. During transmission of thought at a distance a very indicative manifestation is observed. Thought is sent in one language and received in another. Does not this prove that psychic energy acts not verbally, by means of cerebral processes, but precisely by the fiery energy of the heart? Furthermore, it must be observed that not only is thought given utterance in another tongue, but also the expressions issuing from the consciousness are found to be the most customary ones. Such a difference of words may often impede recognition of thought transmission on the part of inexperienced observers. But notice that the passage of thoughts acts in accordance with the meaning, not the words.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 73:
73. The seed which transmits life to a strong spirit is verily that heritage which is passed on by the Hierarchic Principle. All those who desire to be affirmed in the conception of attainment must undeferrably adhere to the principle of Fiery Guidance. The seed is transmitted as a great fiery approach. The traveller who has realized the destiny of fiery achievement must recognize the law of the cosmic inheritance. Cosmic laws are affirmed in the basis of life, and nothing will be living whose basis is not palpitating with fire. Only he who can aspire to the fiery principle will comprehend the beauty of the fiery receptivity of Fire. Through a realization of unity with the Higher Forces it is possible to trace how the heart absorbs the Rays of Hierarchy. Only the most close ones can resound to the Rays, which affirm a fiery vibration. In transmission and reception one should remember the law that every vibration may be accepted by the spirit which stands on the most fiery step. On the path to the Fiery World one must keep in mind that one's self-manifestation as a transmitter connects one's energies with Hierarchy. Such understanding leads to the unity of spirit, which is one in its essential nature.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 276:
276. The sparks of Fohat line up into various extended threads and channels of transmission upon which subtle energies can be directed into space. Sparks of Fohat influenced by the fiery consciousness respond and collect together, for they are thus saturated with the fiery emanations of spirit and heart. These currents can resist all spatial assaults, for they are intensified by a fiery will. It has been said, "He who raises the sword perishes by the sword." Precisely, not the sword of the spirit, but the destructive sword whose name is the malign striving of selfhood. Truly, the sparks of Fohat can resist this sword. Where there is the crude physical sword, there is also disaster. But lofty and invincible is the sword of the spirit, for with it abide the Heavenly Forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 404:
404. Psychic energy also manifests in other forms, and it can be transmitted by means of a magnetic current. However, such transmission can take place only when currents and auras are harmonized, but when counteractions result psychic energy is swallowed up from without. These engulfments may take place as a result of anything from vampirism up to conscious destruction. Likewise, thoughts which saturate the atmosphere can either compress psychic energy or destroy it. Spatial Fire contains these crystals. Often the aura of places, where occur irritations or creative actions is saturated with corresponding crystals. The quality of energy conformably saturates space.

AUM (1936) - 144:
One should develop concentration in order to observe what a remarkable exchange takes place between the radiations of thinking beings and the external rays of Infinity - the spatial rays are stretched like silvery threads. Condensation of light can be seen in electrical manifestations. The hand of man evokes a miraculous fire from space. You know that from a single touch flashes out a flame that does not burn. Such manifestations are rare, yet they do occur, and they indicate how much significance the bond of higher spirituality has during a transmission of spatial current. But it is necessary to take such signs with complete calm. Light does not coalesce with irritation and fear.

AUM (1936) - 216:
216. There are people who can detect radio waves without an apparatus. Taken alone, such a faculty represents no special achievement, but it furnishes a useful comparison with transmission of thought; the basic energy is identical. If the far cruder transmission of radio waves can be received, the next step is entirely possible. People are continually receiving thoughts from space and translating them into their own language; yet even such a simple truth needs to be repeated.

AUM (1936) - 290:
290. Since transmission of thought at a distance exists, then the interception of such thoughts in space must also be possible. Indeed, one should carefully remember this circumstance. Besides the intrusion of extraneous thoughts, in both the earthly and Subtle Worlds, special circumstances are possible, which contribute to the interception of thoughts. Uniformity of auras can facilitate the admission of thoughts; when people have lived long together or have corresponded, they can be involved in a current. If such people become dangerous, it is necessary to break the bond of the auras. Such an action must not be instantaneous, otherwise it will react upon the health. Each such process must take place naturally.

AUM (1936) - 295:
295. The speed of thought transmission at a distance is incredible. But conditions exist which retard even this lightning-speed energy, namely an atmosphere poisoned by imperil. Observations upon thought can yield remarkable deductions pertaining to both the physical and the psychic. One can see how evil thought engenders imperil, a physical substance; the same substance is also involved in psychic transmission, and can even retard the speedy reception of the sending. Thus, imperil can progressively complicate the effects of thoughts. Pay attention to the fact that imperil is born of egoism, but that it acts beyond self upon broad masses. This means that egoism is criminal not only as regards the egoist himself but also in relation to people at large.

AUM (1936) - 360:
360. Observe what kind of manifestations are most difficult for people to accept. Among such lawful manifestations, which are especially difficult to perceive, is the timeless speed of thought transmission. Even observations upon the speed of transmission of radio waves do not convince people. They cannot accept the fact that thought does not require time. No one is willing to understand that a mental question can instantly receive a response.

AUM (1936) - 370:
370. During experiments with psychic energy, one may be amazed at the lightning speed of force during transmission over a distance. People suppose that a prolonged action is always required. When they say that someone has fallen into doubt, they usually presuppose an appreciable time element; but it would be more correct to say that doubt came in a flash. Precisely one such instant leaves an indelible mark.

AUM (1936) - 395:
395. One should study mental transmission upon the current of psychic energy. One may not perceive the sending in a verbal expression, but it may be reflected in the rhythm of psychic energy. This is not an interruption, as with a change of currents; nevertheless, the glyph of psychic energy is altered by it; perhaps an ellipse is evident instead of a circle, or the circle itself changes diameter, or oscillations may be evinced - thus one may observe the impacts of thought, if the thought be strong enough. The ancient observers had a name for this, such as "the touch of wings," because thought has always been represented as winged.

AUM (1936) - 436:
436. The mutual exchange of energies is a natural manifestation, but the draining of another's energy without the transmission of one's own is inadmissible. Such a manifestation is just as frequent as are infectious diseases. But to a certain extent it is possible to counteract such violent selfishness. If from childhood people will impress upon themselves the importance of exchange and cooperation, then they will also deal rationally with energy.

AUM (1936) - 487:
Let the transmission of thought at a distance be compared with the radio. Let us apply to visions the principles of television. Let us recall the newest discoveries, they will help in the question of psychic energy. Let us not be afraid to compare visions with scientific discoveries. Of course, not for the sake of sacrilege or self-conceit can one draw comparisons from all the domains of nature. Let physics confirm the very highest psychic manifestations.

AUM (1936) - 546:
546. Even the most experienced receiver of thought knows to what extent separate words are dislodged by extraneous intrusions. One can easily picture how many currents are intersected in space! A great number of instructive experiments can be carried out, not only in direct transmission of thought but also in investigating cross-current reactions.

AUM (1936) - 548:
Let scholars investigate thought transmission under the most diverse conditions. Apart from psychic states, conditions of temperature can also be studied. High temperature results in augmented receptivity.

AUM (1936) - 596:
596. The very same energy participates in the transmission of both earthly thoughts and those from the Subtle World. Coincidence of earthly and subtle communications has disturbed investigators exceedingly; they believed such a relation to be impossible. The principle reason for the misunderstandings is that no one has paid attention to the fact that both kinds of communication have been received under identical conditions and by means of the same energy. Such experimentation must be especially observed, it means the erasure of the boundary line between the worlds.

Brotherhood (1937) - 62:
62. It must not be forgotten that each discovery is followed by discovery of its antithesis. You have heard how radio transmission has been interrupted over wide expanses; this means that even such a great discovery is not untrammelled. Some rays make objects invisible, and others pass through solid bodies. Only thought and psychic energy are absolutely untrammelled.

Brotherhood (1937) - 67:
67. Sometimes a fixed silent gaze averts great dangers. Thought needs no words. Suggestion needs no words. Only unskillful hypnotists try to exert influence with a loud cry and to increase it with the hands, but neither one nor the other is needed in thought transmission. Rather can rhythmic breathing be useful, but this too is replaced by the rhythm of the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 127:
127. The explosions of stars have a significance for Earth, not at the moment of explosion, but when the photochemism produces its reactions. This example is also quite instructive for human relations. It is impossible to trace the beginning and ending of the boundary line of manifested correlations. Since there are heavenly bodies in the Universe which are far removed from each other yet have strong mutual reactions, then human fluids also can be active at remote distances. And between the dense world and the Subtle World one may thus perceive a most complex web of interaction. I am not speaking here about thought transmission, but about the emanation of fluids which, as a constant outflowing of primary energy, is impelled in accordance with the magnetic principle. This basis should be kept in mind during each cooperation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 139:
139. Let us compare the quantity of mental achievements with those accomplished in earthly action. It is surprising to compare the number of mental solutions with the small quantity of manifested actions. Indeed, each thought directed toward good represents an unquestionable value. However it is instructive to trace how difficult the transmission of thought into earthly action has been made. One may truly be amazed as to why thoughts have been so far removed from action!

Brotherhood (1937) - 188:
188. The Sacred Teaching cannot become congealed at one level. Truth is one, but each century, and even each decade, contacts it in its own way. New scrolls are unrolled and the human consciousness observes in a new way the manifestations of the Universe. Even in its wanderings, science discovers new combinations. Upon such discoveries are the previously proclaimed fundamentals affirmed. Each transmission of the Great Wisdom is indisputable, but it will have its own followers. Those who honor Hierarchy reverence also its Messengers. The world lives by motion, and the issuance of the Sacred Teaching is evoked by advancing. The mediocre call such advancing a violation of foundations, but the thinkers know that life is in motion.

Brotherhood (1937) - 219:
219. Let us tell him who strives for practical occultism to reflect about incarnations, about the mystery of birth and of change of existence. It is inadmissible to by-pass manifestations of great significance. Such manifestations, before the eyes of all, can inspire thought about the essence of Be-ness. It is impossible to disregard such remarkable manifestations as the transmission and reception of thoughts. Not for derision are the recountings about little children who appear with remembrance of former lives and who can perceive the thoughts of others.

Brotherhood (1937) - 232:
232. Telepathy was recognized long before the transmission of thought. Sendings of feeling are more accessible to man than sendings of thought. It may be noticed that even the word telepathy is uttered far more complacently than thought-sending, which is frightening for many. Even in psychiatric hospitals a physician will readily agree about a telepathic manifestation, but as for the possibility of recognition of a definite thought transmission, this would denote a dangerous condition. Mesmerism was condemned but hypnotism is recognized. There is much injustice, and yet justice has to be restored.

Brotherhood (1937) - 244:
244. "Friendship is in silence," an ancient Chinese once said. It can also be stated conversely. In such a higher state thought replaces many words. People can understand each other in different languages expressed mentally. The mystery of such thought transmission remains a great manifestation of the primary energy.

Brotherhood (1937) - 263:
Let those who propose to observe thought transmission keep in mind that there may be obstacles which appear insurmountable, but which are easily set aside by man himself. The quieting of irritation only seems difficult. Let us not forget to gaze at a column which represents space, and try to imagine where irritation could be marked on it - no place will be found for it, and it is the same with egoism in the face of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 302:
302. Again let us delve into the concept of mood. During transmission at a distance there is frequently noticed some impeding circumstance, which colors the thoughts and gives them another meaning. The human frame of mind tints all of life in unexpected colors. Our moods are called tacit thoughts. They are not put into words, but they can have an influence upon mental energy. It can be easily shown that both the sender and the receiver are in opposing moods, consequently the transmission of thoughts is not precise. From this it should not be concluded that thought transmission cannot be accomplished; for it can be truly precise when concomitant conditions have been provided against. Mood will be the most manifest of such conditions, but its regulation is entirely possible. Organisms fraternally attuned will resound without superimposed stratifications.

Brotherhood (1937) - 336:
336. Sometimes one may feel, as it were, vibratory contacts on the skin in various parts of the body, but most of all in the region of the spine; it should be understood that this manifestation is also connected with thought transmission, especially when thought of great tension is under way. Such sensations do not usually draw attention to themselves, but nowadays when thought-energy is under discussion, the physical sensations connected with it ought to be observed especially. A thought that is sent is not always transformed into verbal forms by the recipients, but nonetheless it is imbedded in the mental apparatus and reacts upon the mode of thinking. Such an understanding of thought reception should be noted. Up to this time only thought translated into words has been taken into consideration, but the deepest reaction, outside of words, has remained without attention.

Brotherhood (1937) - 381:
381. In studying thought transmission, people usually allow an error to enter which leads to disappointment. They try immediately to transmit a thought to a definite person at a definite hour, whereas it is necessary as a preliminary to test one's own receptivity independent of a definite person. One should learn to discriminate as to which thought is manifested from without, and which has been conceived within. Such discernment is familiar to each one who has been accustomed to watch his process of thinking. Such exercises upon oneself refine one's attentiveness.

Brotherhood (1937) - 410:
410. It has already been said that the science of thought transmission at a distance is ordained as an attainment of humanity. However, it must be an authentic science and must arouse a respect worthy of it. It is inadmissible that people should respect a primitive apparatus more than the great energy contained within themselves. Do not think that an understanding of the forces concealed in man has been sufficiently strongly established. There is far too little respect for such forces among illiterate people. They are ready to hurl themselves into the dark abyss of so-called spiritualism, but they do not wish to reflect about the power contained in thoughts. The science of thought cannot be developed if people do not pay attention to it.

Brotherhood (1937) - 475:
475. Spatial voices have been mentioned under various names in the Scriptures of all peoples. Let us not delve into why such voices have been attributed to the most diverse sources. Right now it merely needs to be kept in mind that knowledge of these voices goes back to remote antiquity. One should not assume that people of the most diverse cultures could be mistaken or be intentional liars. Science has already mastered wireless transmission, which is being continually improved. Moreover, thoughts are being studied, and remarkable observations are already resulting, but for all that, ignorance has so greatly increased that it is necessary to reiterate even the simplest truths.

Brotherhood (1937) - 508:
One must have an open and free eye on the path to Brotherhood. When, for some reason, a distant response does not arrive, one must always give thought to the many causes. Aside from the reasons that lie in the communicants themselves, there can be great spatial causes. Currents can be so intensified that it may be necessary to wait for a change so that the transmission can be accomplished.

Brotherhood (1937) - 512:
512. Conscious transmission of thought at a distance is still in an embryonic stage. Each undertaking in this direction is to be welcomed, but it will carry little weight for the broad masses. Therefore, together with experiments, lectures about thought-energy should be organized widely.

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
546. In the transmission of thought at a distance, certain methods are employed that are not without foundation. In two rooms, both painted in the same color, preferably green, a single note is sounded and the place is filled with one aroma. Such details undoubtedly have significance, but only of an auxiliary nature. The power of thought depends upon calmness and heart-striving. This should always be kept in mind, because people too often place the will in the brain. Such a brain-sending can be interrupted in space by a still stronger current. In general, the subtlest receptivity is needed around the will and sendings of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 7:
7. Urusvati knows Our Voices, both spoken and silent. One may wonder about the differences in transmission; there are many reasons, beyond earthly conditions, for these differences.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 93:
The different incarnations of the Founder can be observed in their amazing outward variety: at times the Master, or the suffering Spiritual Teacher, or the Hero; at times the Hermit, or the Leader of nations, or the wise Ruler; then the Monk, the Philosopher, and finally, in the Subtle World, the Healer of the people on Earth. It would be too much to enumerate all the former lives, but in all there was the same Service and the same persecution. In the Subtle World, Service was more peaceful, because it was possible to remain in a circle in which the energy was not aimlessly consumed. But on Earth more energy must be used for defense than for productive activity, and this is burdensome. It takes centuries to grow accustomed to directing energy where it will be useful. But you must remember that every transmission of energy with a benevolent purpose brings its good result.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 99:
How much more quickly would a broad knowledge of thought penetrate humanity if people realized Our existence! The most powerful currents of thought vibrate from Our Abode, and it is easier to decipher thought transmitted over a distance when it comes from such a powerful Source. But when people experiment with thought transmission they pay little or no attention to their own spiritual condition. Once again we are reminded of the old saying that one must wash one's hands before starting an experiment! Researchers should pay attention to harmonizing their own condition before experimenting, for a discordant mood will not permit positive results. The first stage of transmission can be reached easily, but it is desirable to press forward with the development of thought transmission over great distances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120:
We intensify and deepen these diamond moments through a clear understanding of their significance. Indeed, they are so brief that no effort is required. Prolonged communication with the Subtle World can be achieved, but simultaneous awareness of the two worlds is momentary. We are not referring to Our guiding powers and Our messages to the world. Our discourses, and My words, are not coming to you now from the Subtle World, but are the result of the transmission of thought from a distance. When Urusvati sees the events taking place in Our Tower it is a special function of telepathic vision, whereas discourse with Us corresponds to direct radio messages. That channel cannot be revealed to everybody, nor can everybody have access to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 122:
The forces of darkness attempt to destroy art, or at least divert the attention of people from it. It must be remembered that a work of art deprived of attention loses its power of transmission, and its benevolent energy is arrested. There is no living contact between a cold spectator or listener and art that is beyond his understanding.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
We have a number of teraphim which facilitate the sending of help to Our dear ones. It is important to understand that such accumulated energy can be a healing power by helping in the transmission of certain vibrations. All beneficial measures should be taken into consideration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 143:
143. Urusvati knows that psychic energy is subject to many physical influences. We have already mentioned that the currents of space affect the entire human organism, but in fact any physical manifestation of energy can heighten the tension of the centers. For instance, strong electrical energy can be most helpful in the transmission of thought at a distance. This is most evident in America, where electrification is presently more widespread, but people there are not usually aware of how this energy assists their experiments. In advanced stages of development psychic energy is not affected by outer influences, but beginners are greatly affected by them. Every intensification of energy further increases one's powers. One scientist declared that he could think with the greatest concentration in front of a blazing fireplace, and another discovered that he was influenced by the sound of boiling water. A third found that thunderstorms increased his mental faculties. Many examples illustrate that even the most ordinary concentration of such natural energies aids the power of thought. One must learn to observe what it is that particularly increases or decreases the thought energy.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 180:
When the Thinker was asked why He did not mention the power of thought in His writings, He answered, "The time will come when mankind will be ready to cognize this truth, but each premature transmission will only create obstacles. People must climb every rung of the ladder."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 184:
184. Urusvati knows how difficult it is at times to transmit thought to far-off distances. It is especially difficult to penetrate the layers between the spheres, which can prevent even the most clear-cut thought from entering, and cause it to merely glide over the surface. In certain examples one can observe that the thought is unable to penetrate the personal aura of the recipient. This evidence is overlooked by investigators who assume that thought transmission depends upon the power of the sender, ignoring the important factor of the individual quality of emanations of the recipient. One should consider not only the size of the aura, but learn its contents as well. The same thing is true of the pulse. Not only should its rapidity be observed, but also its quality.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
204. Urusvati knows about the enemies, visible and invisible. Those who conduct research in thought transmission should take note of the hostile conditions that accompany their experiments. Thoughts can be intercepted by spatial entities, and it is known that during experiments some people can hear thoughts.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 204:
The investigator should pay attention to the particular nature of an experimenting group, since it has been observed that harmony among those who are present assists the transmittance and prevents interception. Moreover, if nearby friends maintain a mood that is harmonious, they also help to protect the thought transmission. Those who are confused or irritated act unwittingly as collaborators with the spatial thieves. The auras of irritated people act as the strongest destroyers of the currents. They may deny their collaboration with the spatial thieves, but in fact are their accomplices in evil. At some time, when in the Subtle World, they will regret their lack of self-control.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 207:
207. Urusvati knows that many do not accept the idea of the energy of thought. Furthermore, there are some who believe that thought transmission is limited, using as evidence the fact that radio waves cannot penetrate certain strata of the atmosphere. That observation is correct, but is not applicable to directed human thought, which has a special energy not comparable to radio waves. The strata of space are subordinate to thought, which has no obstacles. When We discuss transmission of thought over great distances We specifically have in mind directed thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 228:
228. Urusvati knows that many remarkable events pass unnoticed because the consciousness is unable to register them. The same thing happens during scientific experiments. Observations of the transmission of thought to a distance will be limited and superficial if the nervous state of those who are present is not taken into consideration. It is not enough for people to come together in a certain place at the same time; it is also essential to maintain harmony and avoid irritability.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 235:
I dedicate many discourses to the Thinker because we must remember His tireless work. He devoted centuries of labor to the deepening of thought, for without such self-sacrifice it would be impossible to achieve the transmission of thought to such vast distances. Therefore, it is ridiculous to think that one can learn and achieve within a few years! Finally, it is not time that matters, but the degree of aspiration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 269:
We call these manifestations "the knocking of psychic energy," and although the nerve centers are the channels for this, it cannot be called a sickness. It can be observed that such swellings may occur during the transmission of thought over great distances.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 277:
We know that under present earthly conditions perfect equilibrium is unattainable. This is a danger that should be noted. When conditions on the planet become even more complicated, many will recall Our advice about treating psychic energy with care. During inharmonious times even a simple transmission of thought can be exhausting. This should be taken into consideration.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 292:
The Thinker never tired of reminding His disciples about the importance of paying attention to every step and to every mental transmission. He said, "It is not for us to judge what is important and what is unimportant. Therefore, let us be vigilant!"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 293:
People should remember that their undisciplined striving causes suffering to their Guides, who receive poisonous stings, so to speak. We must point out that a considerable degree of the burden comes not so much from direct hostility as from undisciplined striving. We especially stress harmony in thought transmission, and the need for each one to concentrate his entire consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 308:
Distrust disturbs the currents, and even if this disturbance is overcome by a special intensification of energy, the aftereffects of such a tension will be destructive. For a successful transmission of currents the recipient must be attuned to Us. It is not necessary for the recipient to send first; he must simply be receptive and not be surprised at the diversity of currents, which may feel pleasant or painful, depending on the condition of the various nerve centers.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 337:
Mark what I tell you. Often people come together for the purpose of united concentration of thought. Such an exercise is praiseworthy. Similarly, people gather together and send forth collective thoughts for the salvation of the world and the curing of illnesses. This too is praiseworthy. In these times there are many gatherings dedicated to the transmission of such benevolent thoughts. However, communion with Us is overlooked, even though it would help them in their good intentions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 351:
351. Urusvati knows the many reasons for the interruption of thought transmission. The main causes are the extraordinarily intense currents and the unexpected disturbances that must be immediately countered. But also undesirable entities may approach and try to obtain information that would cause harm if acquired prematurely, and that should not be revealed to them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365:
365. Urusvati knows that it is extremely difficult for materialized entities of the Subtle World to reproduce the sound of the voice. This is understandable, for an entity is more accustomed to transmission by thought, and reproducing the voice is difficult. Of course, in cases of special harmony this difficulty can be overcome, though such a degree of harmony is rare. People do not know how to approach subtle guests in order to determine their needs.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 398:
Much has been said about contemplation and concentration in the transmission of verbal messages. But now We speak about an act of mental transmission that is like a lightning bolt, so intense that it is beyond describing in words, when only the most penetrating straight-knowledge is acting. Such straight-knowledge derives its power from the accumulation of consciousness. No time is needed for such communications. They are at the threshold of ecstasy, and an active love is expressed in them. One can understand that words are inappropriate when the essence of thought is aflame. But one must be trained to master these lightning flashes of thought.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
399. Urusvati knows that metals can accelerate the transmission of thought at a distance. This phenomenon was known even in the remote past, and from this knowledge grew an entire science dealing with alloys. Different images could be cast with a proper fusion of metals. Even today such objects can be found, but the characteristics of the alloys cannot be analyzed without damage to the images themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 416:
It is astonishing that many experiments succeed in spite of this obstacle. I have in mind primarily the transmission of thought to a distance. True, the energy of thought is penetrative and not bound by distance, but even it is subject to disturbance by gases. People do not know what harm is inflicted upon evolution by their creation of destructive gases, and no one can estimate how far these gases spread and what compounds they form.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449:
449. Urusvati knows the apparatuses that We use for the concentration of currents that are to be transmitted. These apparatuses are used whenever possible to preserve psychic energy. Of course, transmission can be accomplished without instruments, but the principle of frugality should always be applied. Indeed, there can be moments of such tension that it is necessary to project a current of energy with urgency. People can sometimes sense such tension, but cannot often determine its source.


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